Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (2025)


Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1)[...]was born Sept. 28, John could be the one who died July 7, 1988 Vallejo,
1935 St. Ignati[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (2)[...]913. - Has 93, of Camas Prairie, who died Friday at the Mission Valley
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (3)[...]had come there to be with her sister, Clarabell, who was
June 22, 1944 - abstracted - W illiam[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (4)[...]living alone. Those who knew Mr. Ady best were his warmest friends.
BL[...]Addie married Claude W arner in 1925/26 who was
roadster and pure bred dog; Murno and her mot[...]buried May 10th in the Murray cemetery, Lonepine,
who worked for Zellerback in Oakland, Ca.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (5)[...]er came here in Potter, was a heavy drinker who deserted the family
1912 and made Lonepine her ho[...]Gennsee, Idaho to Peter S. Agrell. (parents who were born
The federal census 1930 notes[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (6)[...]s Pearson Mullis and Millie
Camas to Mrs. Ahrens, who has a ranch in Hog Heaven. She C. Sm[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (7)[...]day services for Albert Mitchell Alexander, who died in Ronan
May 2, 1913 - page 2 - Dixon Doings[...]rthouse, Missoula, Mt. - Fremont Sloan, who died here Monday. The Rev. Joseph Ashworth[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (8)[...]charivari parties. One was given by their
friends who came down on the boat with them, another by[...]years 10 months and 20 days old, white,
by those who enjoy his acquaintance. He is a good mixer[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (9)[...]Alexander, 3, of Hot Springs, who died Sunday, Feb. 5 as a
Thea had been p[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (10)[...]the roadway, hit an - Hot Springs News - Those who attended the Xmas eve
approach from a connecting[...]ractor;
Anderson and Bob Becker of Thompson Falls who were has a wife and one child; asked[...]in shock. After he looked over Thomas Alexander, who was parents born W isconsin: (wife) Millce[...]tery.
Hot Springs property to W illiam Alexander, who transferred
his automobile to Mr. Ervin.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (11)[...]na Alexander, all of News - Stuart Stobie, who returned this week from the
W illiamson, N.Y.; an[...]ciating. Military honors will be held Alford who sold their home recently and planned to lo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (12)[...]left W ednesday for Seattle to be with her mother who
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mont. Sept. 1922?[...]esterday morning. He
- Local News - M. L. Alford, who has a ranch six miles came to Montana w[...]2 col 3 - Predicts a Great Change - M. L. Alford, who home, much against the wishes of his physician, who told
has a homestead out toward Lonepine was in C[...]described by Sandy Cameron, an old time Montanan, who
Murphy and Martin Alford made final proof on thei[...]ago, and who is now in the Sisters’ hospital in this[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (13)[...]ago he married a daughter of Louis Brown, who was killed a
Allard last he said he would be home[...]daughter of Louis Courville, who resides on the Reservation.
Charles Allard, jr[...]guarding a band
little girls by his second wife, who resides at their home on on the Reservation an[...]s a year. He was possessed of many good
was a son who was christened Charles. As near as can be qualities and is spoken of in the highest terms by all who
learned the mother only lived a few years afterwa[...]ay,
1865 when Charles was a mere boy, his father, who was a promises to be one of the largest[...]from Missoula,
by Pat Dooley and later with a man who lived near New Frenchtown and Elsewher[...]tes and Indians from the reservation,
his father, who took a great interest in his son. In 1870-1871[...]e courtesy of the
his grave has been seen by many who have traversed the Sisters of Providence, who had charge of the Indian schools,
same rou[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (14)[...]feet he wore a Local News - Jack Lowe, who has a homestead at the head
plain pair of moccasi[...]hen the gathering had assembled Father D’Astes, who is guided six horses on one of Charley Alla[...]itting tribute Magpie Jones and Charles Allard, who is at the head of the
to the deceased for the act[...]the exemplary examples he had set for his friends who outlaw buffalo which Pablo and his riders[...]ist in getting some of the buffalo in to butcher.
who preceded the remains, which were followed by the[...]trail of the herd was taken up by Jim Grinder, who after a
read by the priest, the response being gi[...]ed up a handful of control by George Sloan who after getting them part way
earth and placed it i[...]k to the corral turned them over to W alter Sloan who
1880 federal census, condensed version, Frencht[...]Charles Allard (farmer) Charles Allard who soon had them in a corral. “Thats
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (15)[...]ad not been
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Spurgeon, who live north of previously married[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (16)[...], Allison - Local News - Miss Daisy Allen, who has a homestead in
Grant and Joelfre' Grant (both[...]colored eyes; brown colored hair.
one of the many who made proof on their claims.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (17)[...]1913
Monday. He was accompanied by Dr. Crutcher, who says he page 2 col 5 - Camas Prairie News[...]iday to have Dr. Crutcher examine his little son, who cattle with brand of PQ on right shou[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (18)[...]Mr. and Mrs. Alvord, who have been holding down a
Adelbert Allen sr[...]at he is a lawyer in general practice. He has not
who on Sept. 12, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02314[...]rked hard for the upkeep of the library and great
who has a claim on Dry creek. Mrs. Benton is presiden[...]nstrated W hat the Soil W ould Do - A. A. Alvord, who A. A. was a Democratic Senator fr[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (19)[...]of the
the state militia by Ex-Governor Roy Ayers who was also a bottles of liquor were d[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (20)[...]elle Anderson
- Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Andres, who have a homestead Belle was born about 1872[...]e of the Camas school.
- Local News - Roy Anders, who has a homestead above the Sanders C[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (21)[...]Frank Anderson
- Local News - C. W . Anderson, who has a homestead on Frank Anderson was[...]ray colored eyes.
- Local News - C. W . Anderson, who has a ranch near the Sanders County Sig[...]several who came to take the forest ranger examination[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (22)[...]- page 2 col 3 - Lonepine News - H. L. Andrews, who has
V. Mitchell; she had not been previous[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (23)[...]n. 31, 1918 - page eight - Plains - Tom Anderson, who is days a week with the Forest Servic[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (24)[...]ssoula, Mt. - Charles L.
daughters May and Velma, who have attended high school Andrew[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (25)[...]Bloom’ L. Irish and News - Mae Andrews, who had spent the winter with Mrs.
Dorothy Ven[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (26)[...]Ann Cullooyah was born August 8, 1918 Jocko,
not discovered until about 12:30 p.m the same day. No other[...]nan, Mt. Thurs. Sept. 21, 1944
naval air station, who had quit his job of jack hammer man page[...]ul Andrew of Dixon
He is survived by his mother who resides at Plains, were held on Sun[...]l Funeral Home in charge. The child died at
those who knew him, the embalming of the remains by[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (27)[...]- Local News - Jacob Angel, who has a homestead in the
Velma[...]Oct. 25, 1917 - page ten - Plains - Isaac Angdon, who Mary Belle married Sylvan Joh[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (28)[...]e Saturday, Believed
Local News - Erna C. Archer, who has a homestead down Murdered - On Satur[...]of fourteen, who was found dead Saturday with a bullet in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (29)[...]ge 3 - Camas Prairie News - Cecil Argo of
Those who knew W arren will always remember his love[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (30)[...]sday, where he took the teacher’s discovered. Mr. Argo was in Plains, but with the help of
exa[...]n employed to teach the Arthur; 2] Johnny (who stuttered).
Ross school in district No. 11, Camas[...]t was born June 10, 1903 Rose Creek, Mower
Cecil, who teaches the Ross School, was residing at t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (31)[...]nt on his
best friend and confident, Betty Meyer, who saw him homestead. He had a high num[...]unch-Toews Funeral Chapel, Plains. Cecil, who teaches the Ross School, was residing at t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (32)[...]. Ramsey, a special deputy United States Marshal, who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (33)[...]arah 64 years of age; widow; born Norway.
officer who fired the shot.[...]card
a warrant will be sworn out for the officer who did the gave the following: Benjamin Fra[...]Plains Thursday. Mr. Hoy, who is 78 years old came here to
Sanders County Sig[...]and relatives.
- Local News - Mrs. S. B. Arneson, who purchased the John
Morrison house last win[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (34)[...]nold daughters, Lois Marie who married Steve Smith of
David Eugene Arnold was[...]es Farmington, N. M., and Darlene Kay who married Terry
Clifford Arnold and Hilda Rosetta P[...]1, 1937 - Camas being built by N. M. Arnold, who will probably lease it to
News - Jim Arnol[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (35)[...]ie Margaret Telling was born about 1901
Athorn, who has been pastor for the Presbyterian churc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (36)[...], Mn. to Frank Emerson Ashton and Annie who is at present very low with pneumonia in a Missou[...]Florida for the burial and to be with her mother who is also
stout build; grey colored eyes; brown col[...]May 1966 W aterloo, Black Hawk Co., who take care of their Libby ranch came to Tho[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (37)[...]Greensfield, S. D. June 24, 1871, and who on May 12, 1910 made homestead entry No. 01916
cr[...]ersonally farmed 500 acres Camas, Montana who on May 3, 1910 made homestead
of land in Madison[...]Jessie
and Ready --) an old time scout and ----- who was taken Smith.
suddenly ill[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (38)[...]ifornia, where they will be joined by Mr.
Atkins, who has been in poor health recently.[...]noted that he served from Greenspring, Mt., who on May 23, 1910 made homestead
Lonepine, Montana.[...]uburn
death of her brother, Sergeant Dick Atkins, who was killed Ethel M. Higgins was born ca 188[...]a Camas Meat Market to R.P. Auclair who will continue the
Hallings of Missoula. He[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (39)[...]neas) Auld
Aug. 23, 1912 - page 3 - Pete Auclair, who recently sold his Peter Auld was born.
butch[...]Doings - Emil Molberg, who homesteaded in Valley Creek,[...]and Charles Austin who homesteaded in the Moese valley,[...]Tenas of Elmo, Local News - Mr. Austin, who has a ranch southeast of
Mont., 1/4 Indian[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (40)[...]sidence in this city, they made many warm friends who hikes, and served as a Precinct O[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (41)[...]ixon a life sentence, and contrary to most people who boilermaker for 36 years, the last 17 a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (42)[...]in Cemetery, Kalispell, Mt.
the hears of all who knew her. May God bless and keep her.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (43)[...]y given that George M. Bachmann of Camas
Bardson, who was in ill health died upon his return to his Prairie, Mt., who on May 21, 1910 filed on homestead entry
home the[...]about 1860 W isc. Bachmann, who owns a homestead one mile east of the
According[...]the institution. who has been visiting his brother George, for[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (44)[...].; 34 years old; born Dec. 14, 1883; laborer;
Mt, who on May 14, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02035[...]1936 Thurs. - Camas
the oldest daughter, Connie, who had beautiful blond hair, News - Mike Kennedy[...]nearth, Mo.; medium
Local News - Andrew Baertsch, who has a ranch on the height; medium build[...]hereby given that Barney Lavelle of Niarada, Mt. who on
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Feb[...]No. 02-26, - Peter
Local News - Andrew Baertsch, who has a homestead north Bornhorst, Ad[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (45)[...]y, a brother of Lonepine, Mt.
Thomas Bailey, who is visiting his brother.
The Sanders County Led[...]rtunities - Local News - Mr. N. E. Baird, who has a claim in Section
scarce. He will soon move[...]Camas , Mt., who on May , 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (46)[...]- Local News - Frank Baker who has a ranch three miles
He was born May 5, 1899[...]Local News - Frank Baker, who has a ranch about four miles[...]13 route Monday.
- Local News - Mrs. Baker, who has a homestead near The Sanders Cou[...]eed on a bond of
- Local News - Mrs. Clara Baker, who has a $1,000. The offense was[...]son Camas Prairie News - Geo. Baker, who has been working
Falls, Mt. Thurs. Nov. 28[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (47)[...]nlisted in the Army this week. He was among those who
Grissom A. Baker was born about 1890 Pomeray, G[...]ok, page 189, as being a homesteader on the flats who did Harvey Baker and son Jimmy spent Sa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (48)[...]last Monday afternoon when James W illiam Baker, who
1911 Plains Polk directory lists him.[...]y June 12, 1914 -
James Baker, son of Mrs. Baker, who lives on a homestead Local News - Mrs. Miranda Baker, who has a homestead
east of Camas, was drowned at Nox[...]k Hammons were her
Local News - Mrs. James Baker, who lost a son by witnesses.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (49)[...]ice is hereby given that Olaf Blixt of Camas, Mt. who on
4, 1914 Thompson Falls, Mt., by F. E. Dodds, M[...]Local News - Henry Baldridge, who has a homestead on
Sanders County Signal, Camas[...]Lonepine. Mr. Baldridge is one of the farmers who raised a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (50)[...]day - Feb. 18, 1937 -
Diane was a strong person who took great pleasure in Local News - Miss[...]Myrtle Baldwin, who taught school at Big Arm during the
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (51)[...]g and
it. He tried to reason with him. The people who told mother started for camp, too fa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (52)[...]day - About 8:00
him, he never waited to find out who it was. He just went o’clock Tuesday m[...]Baldwin is a half sister and her daughter who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (53)[...]) Noel W 5 years
Ronan - Harvey Dale Balison, 83, who lived most of his life old; Ethel 3 years old[...]S Reclamation project, Hot Springs, Mt.;
Dale, who was born in 1919, was preceded in death by his[...]t in to meet them. W elch, who preformed the ceremony. A wedding dinner w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (54)[...], 1912 Forks.
- Local News - Herbert E. Bard, who has a homestead out on
the Bitter Root, left this[...]Barlow
Collins, Missouri. J. H. Smith of Collins, who has been Earl Barlow was born.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (55)[...]Local News - Jerry Barnett and wife, who have a ranch on
(Sheila); 4] Keith (Cheryl[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (56)[...]27, 1956 Lonepine, Mt. with Prairie, Mt. who on May 16, 1910 made homestead entry No
burial in[...]W illiam Boberich, all of Camas Prairie.
rancher who died at his home Tuesday evening, will be[...]; 2] (Peterson); 3]
church for Julius (Joe) Barry who died at his ranch home on son; 4] John.
the[...]ean Sampson, Carl Hyre, Leo Mt., who on Dec. 6, 1910 made homestead entry No 03029
Mou[...]al. who lost his mind a short time ago after a vis[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (57)[...]mation being telephoned by Sheriff All. Ingraham, who age and it was a strain on her health to un[...]ile on land, and to
Deputy Sheriff J. E. Metcalf, who made the arrest, he stated T[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (58)[...]rch 20, 1937 Hot Springs for Franklin J. Bartlett who
doing well.[...]Florence,
has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. J. Raney, who will make their now Mrs. Fred Symes of Hot Sp[...]friends who will miss him.
He came to the Camas Prai[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (59)[...]in France.
homestead of Ralph Bartlett, who has a claim on the west
bank of the Little[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (60)[...]Feb. 22, 1917 - Local Items - Among those who enlisted in
and Cecelia Fretenburg; she ha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (61)[...]many. Local News - Miss Mable Batson, who is teaching in the
The June 5th, 1917 Sanders C[...]ell Bauer was born June 22, 1920
Florence Batson, who has been living at Livingston for the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (62)[...]. (In Bohnart Prec. Nuckolls
burial. His parents, who now live at Portland, are in Co., Ne[...]was accompanied by her brother, Mr. Duelos, who has been
Ben & M argaret Baune[...]everal weeks with his sister, Mrs. Tony Baune, in
who were married in Cottonwood, Idaho, arrived[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (63)[...]Andy Baxter Polson who died of natural causes May 10 at St. Joseph
And[...]ge 189, as being a homesteader on the ‘flats’ who burial was in the Murray Memorial Ce[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (64)[...]Now Be the Herald - After
Local News - John Bear, who has a homestead on the Bitter publishing th[...]third issue as the Dixon
Local News - John Bear, who has had charge of the barber Herald. It is[...]aking.
for Kalispell for a visit with his family, who has been there The Sanders County Ledger, Tho[...]Dec. 1, 1911 - page 3 - George H. Beasley, who recently
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Frid[...]Close, left for Drummond,
Local News - John Bear, who has a homestead down the Mont., last w[...]has shipped his printing
Little Bitter Root, but who has been conducting a barber plant[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (65)[...]avage of Ronan; a
- Local News - W illiam Beaton, who has a claim near the brother Earl[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (66)[...]Dan Beaudry.
Kalispell on a visit to her brother, who has a ranch four
miles east of Camas.[...]anders County Courthouse - Louis Beaugard 27
Mt., who on June 1, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02196[...]firm has built up a
Local News - E. T. Beaudreau, who has a claim three miles reputation for good w[...]ews Col 1 - Louis Beauregard came in from
family, who have resided near Camas during the summer,[...]915 - Local News - Rev. E. F. Beaudreau and wife, who Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday[...]Local News Notes Co. 3 - Louis Beauregard, who had been
W ednesday for Mayview, W ashingt[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (67)[...]Local News - Miss Laura Becker, who has a homestead
Beauregard of Camas; 35 years of[...]nes, about five miles south of Camas, who has been in Missoula
Canada; he had not been prev[...]a 1892 S. Dakota.
Local News - Miss Clara Becker, who has a homestead on Sanders County Sig[...]om Hot Springs.
- Local News - Miss Laura Becker, who has a homestead on The June 5th,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (68)[...]nt of his ore
Feb. 24, 1905 - K. W . F. Beeskove, who is better known as deposit. Colonel Bill sa[...]he old
miles from Missoula, by W illiam Beeskove, who has since prospector straightened up and[...]c was French-
shooting to attend the wounded man, who, it is thought, has Belgian, “I was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (69)[...]other and sister-in-law, David and Glenda
sheriff discovered the dead body of Beeskove lying in McK[...]page 4 col 3 - Lonepine News - J. A. Belden, who has spent
Lucille (James ‘Jim’ Lester Mascore[...]- Local News - James A. Belden, who has a homestead on
Bettie W ayne McKinne[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (70)[...]off their feet and just about anyone else who liked her good[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (71)[...]Mae 1874 Sweden to Charles Benson.
Benson, who preceded him in death last year.[...]rn about 1878 Sweden.
Barry was a true Montanan who loved to go camping, 1905 Plains Po[...]f Plains and Rozanne and Kelly Idaho, who are here to look after land interests. They were[...]- Local News - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Benson, who has a
Cemetery, followed by a dinner at the Vets[...]s
from Camp Lewis, where he went to visit his son who is in buried April 18, 1937 Plains Cemeter[...]Evelyn Benson Benson, who died Friday at his home in the Little Bitter
Ev[...]e church was filled with friends of the deceased, who was
children: 1] Ed; 2] Yvonne. held in great esteem by all who knew him. Interment was
After their marriage th[...]Morris and Ted Benson and one daughter, Evelyn, who is
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (72)[...]s, Mt. Thurs. Oct. 21, 1937 - Local Idaho, who are here to look after land interests. They were[...].
Community Methodist church for John Benson, 58, who Army during W orld W ar II. H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (73)[...]n in 1912 - Local News - C. H. Benston, who was unfortunate in
1960 Coeur d’Alene, I[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (74)[...]z
Sept. 27, 1917 - page ten - Camas - Miss Berge, who has Carl Bouzer Bernatz was born July 13,[...]ory
page 4 col 4 - Hot Springs News - Henry Berg, who has frame building 25x60 feet, which he w[...]cription: NW Sec. 15 township 19N; Range who has been a regular employe of the Herald will con[...]age 4 col 3 - Camas Prairie News - Albert Berger, who has W ar I, was working for the Northern Pacif[...]t Interest - Carl Bernatz, a Dixon boy who was drafted for
decipher) of Camas, Mt.; 43 years[...]land noted as Sec 10 of 21R 23. weeks ago, and who has since been stationed at Fort
Medium he[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (75)[...]c. 7, 1908 Missoula, Mt.,
Interest - Carl Bernatz who has been employed by the local with burial[...]re
years. He was the oldest son of Frank Bernatz, who has down today attending the mee[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (76)[...]1948, Lloyd became a teacher and taught rural who died Monday in Billings. The Rev. Gordon Stokke w[...]bald ca
Local News - Miss Berry and Miss McDonald who reside 1900 Mt.; 3] Axie (Charlie McDonald).
near Dixon, are visiting the family of A. E. Berry, who has a Ida Annie Gregg was born ca 1875 Kansas[...]ty Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Dec. 24, 1915 - who homesteaded in the vicinity of Oliver Gulch.
Loca[...]1895 in Kalispell, Doings - Joseph Bessinger, who has spent the winter in
Mt. to Charles W .[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (77)[...]County Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday
Ida Mae who died Feb. 28, 1943 buried in the Conrad[...]r, Ronan, Mt. March 31, 1932 - abstracted
Biddell who died in Kalispell W ednesday.[...]e, Mt.
was married in Cut Bank to Robert Biddell, who died in Survivors are his fat[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (78)[...]iday in a Missoula hospital. Mrs. Bigcrane, who was with her husband at the time of
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (79)[...], Utah and was passengers in the vehicle who were hospitalized.
buried April 1, 1973 in the St[...]ty Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Oct. 17, 1913 who on May 14, 1910 made homestead entry No. 020 54 f[...]½ NW 1/4, section 11, township 19 N, range
Flat, who has been employed at the Flathead State Ba[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (80)[...]right, especially the John Birch Society in who wrote to the Billings after a trip to Montana in[...]heeler as well as governors Sam C. Ford, John W .
who wrote to the Billings after a trip to Montana in[...]collected the papers of Colonel Jerome G. Locke who was
Rankin, a personal friend of the Billings. Th[...]4
collected the papers of Colonel Jerome G. Locke who was Through their work with The[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (81)[...]casts the children are W illiam T. Billings, who lives at Dayton, J. A.
Billings made in conjuncti[...]th the Billings, at Camas, Mary Charlotte, who lives at Napovine,
paper. The bulk of the letters[...]ement from The by Rev. Thomas Howland, who preached a most touching
People's Voice. Correspo[...]- Local News - The remains of Mrs. Billings, who died
28 - 33 - Hillman Award Correspondenc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (82)[...]Billings is one of the sons of Joseph M. Billings who lives in Helena, Mont., and was buried in the P[...]the enterprising young ladies Plains, Mt.
who have been brave enough to tackle the homestead[...]ar I draft Local News - Miss Dorothy Bird, who has a homestead two
card noted the followi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (83)[...]W indle.
They have two sons, Morris and Orville who are The bride was graduated from[...]clipping with date and name of paper clipped
82, who died in a local rest home Friday. Services[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (84)[...]Blackburn Principal.
while here made many friends who wish him success in his Sanders C[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (85)[...]direction of Bunch-Toews
(Large article of those who attended). Funeral Chape[...]on Falls, Mt. Thurs. Dec.
Glenn E. Blackburn, 63, who died Monday at his home in 15, 19[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (86)[...]n June 1917 Calif. Blanche Billmeyer, who also carried sweet peas.
The Sanders Cou[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (87)[...]Blackman, who lives on the other side of the river and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (88)[...]t before 1910 and
bottle of carbolic acid. It was discovered too late to save it. the building of the bridge[...]yond Camas Hot Springs where they lived until
but who now owns a fine ranch in Oliver Gulch on the 1934 when they moved to Oregon to be near Edna who had
reservation, was here on Monday to act as jur[...]th Dakota. To this union eight children were born who
W omens’ Club, paper held in Plains Libr[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (89)[...]St. Clair has received a letter from her husband who
killed during the Indian troubles down there.[...]following children:
Charlotte Dianthea Blackman, who died at her home in 1] Dorothy 1[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (90)[...]n
for Mrs. Martha Blackman, 60, 420 Franklin St., who died France. His papers listed him residin[...]- Oliver Gulch Items - W ayne Blackman, who recently
W arren died in July 1973 in Tucson, P[...]na. Blackman, who is now employed in Missoula, spent from[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (91)[...]hereby given that Haakon W idsteen of Camas, Mt. who on
- Ferris Blanchard - Hot Springs - Funeral ser[...]1/4 SW 1/4 and N ½ SE 1/4, section 25,
Springs, who died Tuesday of last week in the Plains[...]harleroix, Mich. Local News - Charles Blank, who has a claim out on the
At the age of four[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (92)[...]burial in the Murray cemetery,
Charles B. Blank, who lived two miles southeast of Valley[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (93)[...]e, a Salish-Kootenai tribal the people who have helped him over the years. Your love
member,[...]1940 Hot Springs, Local News - Olaf Blix, who has a farm a few miles east of
Mont., to Adolph J[...]: 1] Joe; 2] Tony Local News - Olaf Blixt, who has a claim north of town on
(Amy); 3] Debbie (Ro[...]ice is hereby given that Olaf Blixt of Camas, Mt. who on
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (94)[...]e Johnson Nov. 20, 1960 Greenspring, Mt., who on May 20, 1910 made homestead
Lonepine, M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (95)[...]b.; 2]
Greenspring Gleanings - Robert J. Bloomer, who has been Brownie; 3] Claire ca 18[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (96)[...]ly traded his business and ranch in
Prairie, Mt., who on Nov. 8, 1910 made homestead entry[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (97)[...]rsity of Montana Local News - P. J. Bonner, who has a ranch in Camas
where he earned an A.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (98)[...]he must be a
Missoula Friday to meet Mrs. Bonner who has been visiting mighty competent man to[...]P. J. Bonner, well known rancher of Camas Prairie
who died in California last week.[...]he reputation of being a good neighbor, and a man who Bonner and Katherine.
conducts his affa[...]el Healy and they had the following
Many people who are thoroughly acquainted with him say ch[...]. J. Bonner, pioneer residents of Sanders county, who
worked his way through law school. He taug[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (99)[...]ding the ranch to over 200 acres. Polson, who with his mother, Mrs. Tom Holland of Perma
Rich w[...]entertainer and telephone lineman.
storyteller who also enjoyed playing cards, the news of th[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (100)[...], 1943, in Italy. He had sister Mrs. Borders, who resides near Lonepine.
been in service 21[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (101)[...]ld W ar I draft card
the former Mrs. Harvey Burke who passed away about two of Atone Larson Gro[...]Feb. 1, 1917 - page 8 - Clipped - W m. J. Hughes, who Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Frid[...]ister, Nina Borders,
page 2 col 2 - I. E. Border, who lives near Lonepine, while of Lonepine,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (102)[...]e is hereby given that Tollef Hoye of Camas, Mt., who
She was preceded in death by her three brothers[...]hereby given that Barney Lavelle of Niarada, Mt. who on[...]rs left Local News - Ferdinand Marquardt, who has a homestead
Thursday morning for Kila[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (103)[...]Logan Bostic, Albert Eastlick and Fred Bostic
Mt. who on June 1, 1910 made homestead application[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (104)[...]ennis Bourke, former resident of
His remains were discovered by Dixie Smith, a papergirl. He Plains, were h[...]died.
W ednesday morning by Dixie Lou Smith, who was He was born in Tipperary Co[...]ch Mr.
Surviving are a brother, Louis Bourbeau, who lives in Bourke died.
Spokane, and a siste[...]Joseph O’Malley said
Several nieces and nephews who survive. Funeral funeral ma[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (105)[...]George Bowles
Camas Prairie News - Jack Bower, who was taken to W arm George had the follow[...]. Aug. 29, 1934 - Other students from out of town who[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (106)[...]Bertha Pelley, had Argo, a friend of Bowman’, who had not seen him for
operated the ranch.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (107)[...]who came last week to visit his mother, Mrs. Dave Boy[...]nder of husband, Mr. and Mrs. McAllister, who recently came here
Black Foot, Idaho; white; 30 y[...]Hearst; #2 - Local News - Edward Boyle who has a claim near
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (108)[...]2] Alfreda Rae; 3] Howard jr. who has been here visiting her mother Mrs. Mar[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (109)[...]rings. Mr. and Mrs.
Local News - Richard Bradley, who has a homestead on the Brannigan spent seve[...]and were so
Perma road near the Markle ranch, but who has been living favorably impressed w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (110)[...]on and Loretta Mullins. capable man who has won the sincere respect of a large[...]ice is hereby given that Ray Brant of Camas, Mt., who Barbara V. Bras
on J[...]rday afternoon at the Hot
Local News - Ray Brant, who has been spending the winter Sprin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (111)[...]lls, Mt. W ed. Sept. 11, 1935 - Miss Roberta Bras who mourn her death two small sons, Teeno an[...]n (Kalispell). keenly felt by all who knew her, for she was a general[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (112)[...]of his estate unless
by the illness of his mother who was much improved in she remarries, if[...]colored hair. Mrs. Lucile F. Bras, 63, who died Sunday at Portland, were
1920 fede[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (113)[...]eir marriage license # 1692 Sanders Braun, who has resided here for the past eighteen months,
Co[...]: Stewart Prather and Luvilla L. W . Braun, who resided in Plains for a long time, has rec[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (114)[...]day. Mrs. Brennan has a
Local News - Robert Braun who has a homestead in Garcon homestead on t[...]ill DeMers ranch. Mrs. Brennan’s father, who is visiting them
accept a position in the Indian[...]rt Local News - Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brennen, who have a ranch
Fredrick Braun of Pittsburg, Pa., no[...]ployed by Cuyahe Lumber company; tall; who has been visiting them the past few weeks.
slende[...]- Local News - Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brennen who have been[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (115)[...]ert Peter “Bud” Breuer Mr. Brewer, who has been ill all winter, is showing some
were mar[...]is hereby given that W illiam Fox of Camas, Mt., who
Melon days.[...]Sleightly Demented - Henry Brickhouse, who has a
Alberta; grandchildren Melody, Valer[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (116)[...]- page 2 col 4 - Lonepine News - Ben Brist, who has been
Brink, Mary, widowed; music teacher; gav[...]Local News - Benjamin H. Brist, who has a homestead west
Clairborne. W . mar[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (117)[...]According to reports, crewmen who had been burning
Ernest & M att[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (118)[...]Prairie, Mt.; single; tall of height; Brooks who have lived in this place for sometime and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (119)[...]7, 1915 - page 4 - I. Z. Brooks, of Oliver Gulch, who is
putting in considerable cane this year.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (120)[...]- Local News - Mrs. Mary S. Swain who is Mrs. Brown’s
Sanders County Indepen[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (121)[...]cal News - W ith the Forest Service - Jack Brown, who
daughter Christina, an employee of Deaconess Billings once resided in Camas, but who is now from Kalispell, was a
Clinic, moved to Bil[...]ice and
Allan was preceded in death by his wife who passed away has been stationed in t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (122)[...]1946 page 4 good many friends while here who hope to see her recover.
col 3 - Perma News - Mrs. Brown and her son, John, who is Later - Mrs. Brown had to stop at Gus W[...]te mail will be serviced by John and Lenora
Brown who were mail carriers from 1942 to 1953. (This was[...]e Feb. 5, 1946 Fort Douglas, Utah. Service
Brown, who now reside in national city, California. H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (123)[...]ing was born to Jacob Albert Browning and who has been employed at the ranch of Alfred Matt who
Mary Elizabeth Smith.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (124)[...]Oct.11, 1917 - page ten - Camas - James Bruan, who has
Missoula County Courthouse, Missoula,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (125)[...]page 2 col 3 - Dixon Herald - John Bryne, age 50, who The Plainsman, Plains, Mt. May[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (126)[...]he entered the Army Air
Local News - John Buchek, who has been spending the Force July 23,[...]995 Missoula, Mt., with
Local News - John Buchek, who has a claim on Oliver Memorial Servic[...]Jack
Beebe and her two sons, Ray and Kile Beebe, who are Hett, C. M. Peterson and Jay Trui[...]5 Hot Springs, Mt.,
his father and brother-in-law who arrived from Chicago and to John Geor[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (127)[...]storekeeper, he married a lovely school teacher, who 07 2006 - Hot Springs - Howard J. Buc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (128)[...]hand.
instead he started to attack the older man, who is a cripple, Peter married Thresa Andrew M[...]re Buckskin and Sustine
afternoon with the Indian who was placed in the county jail. Lefthand; he[...]O’Maley, Catholic
interpreter and the daughter, who was the only witness to the Priest. W[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (129)[...]ars of age born Missoula,
Burgess, 54, of Plains, who died Sunday in the Plains Montan[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (130)[...]ving the a load of furniture for the latter, who has a homestead in the
school bus for him.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (131)[...]Helena to attend the funeral of their son, Ralph, who passed Dixon, Montana; white; 56 years of a[...]arion had been previously married to ____ Porter, who
Camas Prairie as his home.[...]ery in Local News - C. A. Burke, of Tacoma, who has relatives
his ankle, working alone he crawled to where the others near Niarada, who has been here for his health, has not
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (132)[...]crippled knee.
Local News - Dennis Burke, who has a claim north of the Montana Stand[...]. 22, 1929 - Hot Springs
accompanied by his wife, who has just returned from a trip Notes, Dec. 21 - Mrs. Harvey Burke, who is teaching at
in the east.[...]bout 1891 Okanagan,
Local News - Harvey J. Burke, who has a claim on the head W ashington to Edw[...]See Louis Antelope.
Local News - Harvey Burke, who has a homestead on the
upper end of Camas Prairie[...]. 3, 1917 - Aug. 1917.
Local News - Harvey Burke, who has a ranch in the upper Kate Thompson[...]W e are glad to state the Mrs. Joseph Thompson, who will soon depart for Fort
Burke family wil[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (133)[...]Arlene had the following children who used her maiden
The W orld W ar I draft list no[...]er Co., Oregon to Charlie Eads and Mary who died in infancy. Shortly after his birth, his mot[...]Mont; ½ Indian; 23 years 6 Octave Morigeau, who raised him as their own. He attended
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (134)[...]e
page 4 col 4 - Camas Prairie News - Mr. Burnice who has until recently when he went into the[...]t of the Springs.
her son, and a man named Green, who was also implicated,
and took them all to[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (135)[...]ay and Friday.
Local News - J. Burton and family, who are ranchers near The Sanders County Ind[...]ere. visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. Buswell, who was formerly[...]2, 1917 - page 8 - Dixon Doings - Lee T. Butcher,
who on June 1, 1910 made homestead entry No. 0[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (136)[...]b. 15, 1917 - B. B. Butterfield of Camas Prairie, who
couple - (abstracted from article) - Bozeman - Ju[...]son of Rudolf Nelson of Belgrade, who was well known in Ronan and vicinity sudde[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (137)[...]emembered has this week from Frank Cadwell, who has a homestead east of
having a withered[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (138)[...]iday the reservation among the first and who died after a few
Oct. 4, 1912 - Teachers attendin[...]M r. Cagy
Michigan to Christina Alice Duby who was born April 27, Sanders Coun[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (139)[...]ond died April, 1923 due to a sister who was residing in Ore.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (140)[...], October 17, Local News - James Cameron, who has a ranch six miles
2005 at Sullivan Park Care[...]Local News - James Cameron, who went to Rochester,
Leona and Phil Camero[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (141)[...]July 28, 1911 - page 3 - W illiam Cameron, who has a ranch
W illiam W ilbur & Nellie Blanch[...]ge 200) - He had a short childhood, if Larson, who recently purchased a forty acre tract from[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (142)[...]Gulch.
1918 Oliver Gulch col 5 - Archie Camp who went to Seattle, Carl Clifford served i[...]Camp. - He was single; of medium height; slender
who is serving in the navy. Mr. Camp is located at[...]d Echoneal Camp
2 other men, who were in the front seat, did not know[...]Mr. Camp came to the reservation with his parents who Freeman P. & Dorothy G. (Olson[...]to Clifford Avery Camp and Bessie W hite.
who was Nellie W illiams of Oliver Gulch, and three[...]eph F.
children, his brother Carl and his mother, who lives in Los Sias and Edna Mae W oods Oct.[...]the Falls, Mt.
bereaved ones, all who are well known in this valley.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (143)[...]t,
Thomas Camp, a long time resident of the area, who died in Id. Book 7 page 611.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (144)[...]p Caledonia from the port of neighbors who had lost a member of the family - this in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (145)[...]f Hot June 4, 1915 - page 3 - W m. Campbell, who has been here
Springs, Mt. June 24, 1926.[...]brown colored eyes; black colored hair.
who has been teaching the Normal Training clas[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (146)[...]y. It was decided to
112, and an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting, fishing leave the new scho[...]nsin. Dixon and went to see my sister who owned a ranch north of
The Cantrell chil[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (147)[...]olks left here in Dixon from the old days are who will spend the summer here.
Mrs. Harry Cape, (fin[...]Sunday with his brother James, who departed for his home
W ynncer L. Caple was bor[...]Friday. His brother Jack, who has been here several weeks,
W ynncer died Oct.[...]ed to kill some of Local News - Victor Carlson, who has a homestead in this
the natives and fire the[...]the sheriff. Local News - Victor Carlson, who lives down the Little
Tallman and McPhee did the[...]encouraging to see our thrifty farmers, who know all about
Friday night.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (148)[...]- Local News - Arthur Parmeter and Andrew Carr, who have
Mt.; 24 years of age; Dec. 24, 1893 Lisbon,[...]fore he had gone far
Local News - W . E. Carlyle, who has a ranch on the Bitter he punctured a tir[...]pt. 15,
this week of the death of Maxine Couture, who was an old 1912, a daughter.
time resident[...]Presbyterian Church for Donald L. Carr, 50, who died May
The 1911 Plains Polk directory[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (149)[...]ded over by Miss Local News - Ranford Carson, who has a claim four miles
Carson, has an enrollment[...]is looking good.
Local News - Miss Mida Brennen, who has been teaching at Sanders County Signal[...]Miss Ada Carson, on her homestead on the who on May 28, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02161.
B[...]al News - Ransford Carson returned last week from
discovered a rattle snake on her way to town the other day[...]h 23, 1969 in the Riverside Cemetery,
Camas, Mt., who on Nov. 17, 1911 made homestead entry Cov[...]augh. Carver, who went down into the well after Sumner, were[...]1 - to the surface by R. B. Brown, a rancher, who chanced to be
Notice is hereby given that Adam C.[...]as, Mt., present at the time of the accident.
who on Nov. 17, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (150)[...]the mother of H. E. Roberts, of Camas Prairie, who comes
by Rev. Yorman T. Foote, Minister. W[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (151)[...]e of Publication - John J. Caswell of Camas, Mt., who W itnesses: W . H. Perrior and Fred Manson.[...]home here on April
Local News - John J. Caswell, who has a homestead in 8, 2005, fol[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (152)[...]arcio) Chalwain J. B. Chamberlin, who left here about a year ago for Seattle.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (153)[...]Champagne will spend all Chapman of Dixon, who was operated upon two weeks ago
his time o[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (154)[...]Prairie, Mt. who on June 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (155)[...]age 829 News - Mrs. Earl Charlton of Camas, who had been a patient
in the Missoula County Courtho[...]as born to Arthur Fuller Charlton and
his sister, who had been visiting here.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (156)[...]12 - Greensprings Gleanings - The Cheneys who formerly had a
Local News - W . J. Charnley, who has a homestead north of restaurant at Perm[...]cur, according to the statements of the sheepmen, who are
Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minn., to W illiam[...]born about July 1, 1894
was a farmer and cowboy, who helped round up the buffalo Marsha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (157)[...]ay; 2] Skyke; 3] Chuck; 4] Mary (Olson); 5] who passed away May 25, 26 years ago; a sister[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (158)[...]1893 Eugene, Oregon.
W olf of Belknap and who is in charge of an extra gang at Sanders[...]harges
week and it was taken by Olof Christensen, who will take which Mrs. Christenson cl[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (159)[...]m. at the Camas - Hot Springs Senior
Christensen, who are visiting here from Kalispell, have[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (160)[...]Col 2 - George Clark, who is working for the reclamation,
Pete married a[...]ough the carelessness of a transient, Bill Clark, who was hair.
camping between Freight trains[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (161)[...]1, 1915 Missoula,
Local News - Miss Nellie Clark, who has a homestead in Mt.
the Little Bitte[...]ons, Mrs. Nicholson and Miss Clark. Mrs. Gilbert, who Ethel W alker was born about 1893 Norr[...]y Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday March 15, who died.
1912 - Plains Items - C. C. Clark went to t[...]e fuel supply of his daughter, Miss
Nellie Clark, who is living on her claim with her little[...]ft 1913 - Local News - W illiam J. Clark, who has a homestead
card noted the following:[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (162)[...]of Big Gulch, Prairie - Miss Maurine Clasby, who recently passed the
was transacting busine[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (163)[...]ade a growth
1912 - Local News - Henry Claybaugh, who resides a couple of seven inches.
of mil[...]the pry slipped and Claybaugh, of Camas, Mt., who on May 18, 1910 made
he was thrown violently to t[...]912 west.
- Local News - Henry Claybaugh, who has a homestead Sanders[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (164)[...]ent from the general run of years.
homesteaders who landed on the south side of the river, and
everyt[...]ey Dec. 25, 1889 G. F. Clements, who has a ranch on the bench nine miles
Poweshiek Co.[...]Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cleucon, who have a nice
page 4 col 4 - Dixon Herald -[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (165)[...]orn Montana as were his
Local News - Jacob Cline, who has a claim out on the parent[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (166)[...]en previously married - married to
in these parts who will regret to learn of their going away Iris C. Mortensen of Moiese, Mont.; white; 18 years of age
and who wish them well in their new location. - Th[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (167)[...]hock to the sorrowing family and her many friends who will
The 1915 Dixon Polk directory lists Oscar[...]ecords note that he
Obituary - Mrs. Alfred Cluzen who has been ill since fall was from Lon[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (168)[...]picture of a United States marine corps officer, who Four other of his companions were hurt badl[...]nd all were brought to Hot Springs.
The marine who stands beside the plane is a Montanan, Jack Coup, who was driving the car at the time of the
Lieutenant[...]ix feet tall. Goldie at St. Ignatius, who is a bookkeeper at the Beckwith
Members of the[...]April 24, 1935 - The following men who were previously
Barney died Oct. 8, 1944 near[...]Mrs. Alfred Cluzen of Lonepine in Sanders county, who has Cluzen and Anna Johanson.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (169)[...]est of the 12 children of Alfred and Anna Cluzen.
who died Monday, will be at 10 a.m. Thursday i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (170)[...]Mt.
Survivors include his wife, Irene, who resides at the Hot Sanders County[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (171)[...]row of but my granddaughter Jolene Briggs who is a school teacher
currants in the peach[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (172)[...]oe
Resident Died At Mason City - Mrs. Ed Jeffries who lived in Cobeen was a Plains visitor[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (173)[...]lle, Indiana. He was a Mason. Helena, who has a homestead about 5 miles southeast of
Servic[...]- Local News - Miss Florence Coffin, who has been working
Sanders County Signal,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (174)[...]patriot. He will be truly missed by those who loved him.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (175)[...]d to Clement V. Rasnick of Collins,” who spent last winter here, returned yesterday to
She[...]- Local News - J. E. Collins, who has a place south of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (176)[...]liam M. Local News - W . E. Collyer, who has a ranch down on the
Collinsworth of Potwin (s[...]mpson - Local News - W . E. Collyer, who has a ranch near Sloan’s
Falls, Mt. Thurs. Marc[...]. Mr. Collyer is a veterinary
Geo. Collingsworth, who has a ranch south of town, returned su[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (177)[...]mpson Falls, Mt. Friday by Jerry W indle who was pastoring in Hot Springs at the
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (178)[...]part Indian. He married Louise Parker and
Conner (who she lived with for the last three years) of[...]Louise Joseph was born.
burial beside her husband who died in 1933. Anton died Ja[...]hospital Monday. on a visit to his son who has a homestead here.
Funeral services wer[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (179)[...]Plains Items - The son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Cook, who was shot on the W ellington ranch on the[...]license # 1323 page 163
Cook, the 12-year-old boy who was shot at Dixon last week in the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (180)[...]1915 - Local News - Chet Taylor and H. J. Cook, who live
Jane E. Cook; tall; medium build; blue color[...]s, Mt. - 14- 1915 - Local News - H. J. Cook, who has a ranch north of
14 - Cook, Hart H. 45[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (181)[...]ls, Mt. April 28, 1921 Thurs. - Miss Stella Cook, who
with her husband, W alt Cook, managed dry cleanin[...]W . Cook - W alter W . Cook, 51, who had resided on LaSalle
Coffelt-Bunch Fun[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (182)[...]He was sent to serve in Local News - Ed Cooper, who had the misfortune to have a
England. W illard wa[...]Springs, do not seem to heal very quickly.
who formerly attended school here, was in town Tuesda[...]and Harry See Isaac Van Riley.
Gregg, who were married at Plains last W ednseday, have
retu[...]riday May 19, 1911 - daughters, Mrs. Borders who is a teacher in our local school
Ed Cooper, the meat merchant, who is now located at and Mrs. I. V[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (183)[...]as Harry A. Cope.
devoted mother and grandmother who so unselfishly 1917 Dixon Polk[...]6, 1934 - front page col 4 - John Cope
the mother who had left behind her the cares of this worl[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (184)[...]s.
Matt. He is survived by his wife and a sister, who resided in The 1909 Plains Polk direct[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (185)[...]Miller has exchanged farms with Mr. Corbit, who will take
married - married July 7, 1908 M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (186)[...]w widowed; married to Anna L. Cotterman, who previously worked for the Missoula County[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (187)[...]0, 1995 Lancaster, Los
Local News - Miss Coulter, who has been visiting some time Angeles C[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (188)[...]for John W . Coup, 82, former Lonepine resident who died
was born at W arland on March 31, 192[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (189)[...]unty Signal, Camas, Mt. May 22, 1924 - Mrs.
Coup, who has lived near Lonepine for a number of years,[...]uneral here formerly of Oliver Gulch, but who has spent the past
services were held at Lonepine[...]ried and had the following child: 1] Myrtle
Coup, who died a year ago. They were married at[...]Montana - Local News - Thomas Courser, who has a claim on the
locating in Helena, which was[...]Missoula, Mt. Nov. 13, 1946 - Mrs. Courser, who has a ranch near Oliver Gulch, was a visitor in
A[...]Nov. 12 - Funeral services for Mrs. Amanda Coup, who died Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Fr[...]will be Local News - Thomas Courser, who has a homestead at the
conducted at the Lo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (190)[...]ouver, W ashington; two
Indians were not the ones who had committed the deed. The sisters, Mrs. J[...]new community center in St. Ignatius
took people who have had experience with oxen to be able w[...]nto a telephone pole off the road, dragging
Louis who is very old; brother, Louis of Polson. Bor[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (191)[...]as Prairie, Cemetery, St. Ignatius, Mt.
who was killed in a car accident on the Camas Prairie[...]t Pablo March 11, 1909. He had woodsman who viewed the proceedings with apparent calm,
been i[...]ace at Courville’s tiny
for Alphonse Courville, who died at the hospital at St. cab[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (192)[...]ouis were the hands of a little brother who carried the baby out.
Courville Jr., and Emily Fi[...]16, 1954, at St. Ignatius. The Fearon boy who was near the lamp. Both were burned badly, the
mo[...]burned on face, neck and body. An older boy who was in
Julian Courville[...]gard, and from there came to town for Dr. Resner, who
Nelson Ray.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (193)[...]ldering.
valley. He had a large circle of friends who will mourn his W ith the assistance o[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (194)[...]Mary J. Dupout. Missoula, who was quite ill. She accompanied home by Mrs.
A M[...]the Northern Pacific, stopped off between
parties who knew he had money, gave him whiskey, got him[...]ter,
some things brought out that will make those who have Mrs. Fred Grant, from San[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (195)[...]ngton, years old son. His nephew, who is about 25 years old, was
California, and severa[...]ssoula, Mt. Sat. Nov. 30, 1946 Courville who was seriously wounded in the brawl of early
page[...]Marvin Courville, who was killed in Vietnam, Sunday, May[...]said, and was pronounced dead by Phillips who arrived
dance hall.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (196)[...]life sentence, and contrary to most people who come before
Appolonia W ilhelm was born to Andr[...]nd Katherine Finley. David’s
Mrs. Couture, who was before her marriage Miss[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (197)[...]k 1 in the riding and packing for Jack DeMers, (who drove) 1100 head
Sanders County Courthouse, Thomp[...]h of son of the local postmaster, Nep Lynch, who had his home
Maxine Couture, who was an old time resident of Arlee. His and po[...]mas Prairie Cemetery, Camas Prairie, Mt.
Couture, who was 76 at the time of his death two weeks[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (198)[...]orn Montana as were her a good friend who drank deeply from the cup of life from the
parent[...], Leona Carrington of Portland,
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 12, 1910 made homestead Francis[...]6, in Polson, the son of Harris Geyer Cowgill who died in Bozeman and Glen the youngest
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (199)[...]he
Oct. 25, 1917 - page ten - Plains - C. S. Cox, who passed was refused a filing. He has expende[...]ge of 66 years Tuesday. He was a Camas, Mt., who on May , 1910 made homestead entry No.
farmer. Su[...]y can reside in town.
note a few of the Nez Perce who came to this locality in that Sanders County[...]. 21, 1913
long ago time. First there was Coyola, who established a - Local News - All the famil[...]this date to
or Oregon. There was one white woman who survived and wait on you. If you[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (200)[...], S. D., to Theodore Craft and Margaret Schooler.
who formerly lived here, but who now lives at Toppenish, Keith married Do[...]burial May
King, of Kalispell, are the gentlemen who are on the trade 11, 2002 in the Murray Memo[...]e married in 1966 and moved back to Hot
Crabtree, who has for the past week been trying out his[...]ailure. In order to have medical care
Camas, Mt., who on Nov. 7, 1910 made homestead entry a[...]gton, Murray Memorial Cemetery in Lonepine.
who formerly lived here was killed in action i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (201)[...]Springs - Jack Ass, who was born Robert Craft 45 years ago,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (202)[...]Reed Martin and two sons, Robert Lee Reed (who preceded
some clothes and other wearing ap[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (203)[...]house, Missoula, Mt. - Otha G.
and admired by all who saw it. C[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (204)[...], he married Dixie
News - Mrs. Clifford Cromwell, who lives near Rainbow Lee W oods at[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (205)[...]Falls, Mt. Friday where all the farmers who wish may see him. - Camas
Dec. 22, 1905 - Residen[...]- E. Nov. 3, 1911 - page 3 - E. C. Crosby, who has been in the
C. Crosby is on the sick list thi[...]ate holdings in the sunny south.
Hattie M. Smith, who formerly lived here. San[...]to be greeted by about 40 of the town’s ladies who
soon. Mr. Crosby has secured a position he[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (206)[...]a double ring ceremony at the Presbyterian Church
who is engaged in business at that place.[...]ege and
Oct. 13, 1911 - page 4 - Miss Mae Crosby, who is teaching is working at Duff Chevrolet in[...]Gordon Lee Cross, 48, of Perma, who died Tuesday at his
Kenneth W illiam Lym[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (207)[...]rked for 15 years all of his life. Everyone who knew him knew the great
at United Technolo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (208)[...]Local News - Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Crowther, who have a
Sophia died Aug. 2, 1938 Thompson Falls,[...]rs. Neal - Local News - C. K. Crowther, who has a claim on the
Melton of Camas; gave her birt[...]1
cemetery near her sister, Miss Margaret Crowley who died - Local News - Dr. Crutcher has[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (209)[...]brothers, Andrew of
- Local News - Chas Cubbage, who has been spending the Anchorage,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (210)[...]lowing child: 1] child
and take pride he is a man who grew up in this valley. He is 1937.
the son of[...]ration was
Falls. The couple have one son, Bruce, who is employed in about $7,000.
New Mexico.[...]r Local News - Robert F. Cummings, who formerly owned a
programming engineer for[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (211)[...]sent to W orley for burial.
Cunningham, who is in Africa. Mr. Cunningham is a timber[...]698.
received of the marriage of Pete Cunningham, who resided
here last year. His many friends here wis[...]ng: Curley,
- Local News - Mr. Thomas Cunningham, who has a Imanuel, 1870 full blood In[...]el 1907; 6] Isaac
father of Mrs. J. T. O’Brien, who lives on an adjoining 1909. All ch[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (212)[...]Dixon who was located at Missoula.[...]) next to Lee Morrison and must have arrived
Mt., who on Nov. 20, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (213)[...]- Local News - Nicholas Schmitz, who has a homestead in
Alphonse Lewis Cyr was born[...]lic schools.
Refern’s pool hall to Bud Darling, who will run it in the Alphonse died Nov. 19[...]1865 Canada to Michael Cyr
- Local News - Al Cyr, who has been seriously ill the past and Precill[...]to attend to - Local News - Dennis Cyr, who has been over in Camas
business for the pa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (214)[...]ers of Camas, Montana

- Local News - Denis Cyr, who has been doing the[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (215)[...]Prentice John Dale
who will secure work either under Mr. Hoyt or in the[...].’ L. E. Dale, who had been working as a civil engineer at on[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (216)[...]off, consequently it was witnessed by only a few, who discharged Oct. 4, 1945 Ft.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (217)[...]passed away
Refern’s pool hall to Bud Darling, who will run it in the Sunday at the home of hi[...]Montana for a number of
Local News - Mr. Darling, who has a homestead out on the years before mo[...]received a Melton.
letter from her son Budd, who is in Butte, that his company Clyde[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (218)[...]., by Gomer W . “Pete”; a son Floyd Jr., who was known as “Punky”, and a
Davis, Min[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (219)[...]ng dinner at home orders.
for her neighbors, who are alone, and a New Years eve party Chest[...]Mary E. W illiams.
project. She has many backers who have worked long and His sibling is Pea[...]tt) Daugherty Bend, Indiana, who come to visit here an indefinite period of
Sand[...]- Local News - J. C. Daugherty, agent at Plains, who has a 1913 Plains Polk directory lists Ha[...]Perma Saturday to visit
mother from W ashington, who is visiting there. her br[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (220)[...]ay. He will be here until the and Mrs. Davidson who have made their home here for the
first week in J[...]arl H. Davidson Mitchell, who came here a year ago.
Sanders County Signal, Ca[...]B. F. Davis
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 31, 1910 made homestead T[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (221)[...]o trace of the
Tillie Davis, former area resident who died Tuesday at Hot horses having been foun[...]g her home with a sister at bronco buster, who has been in this vicinity for some time. It
Thomp[...]Camas, Mt. Friday Sept. 15, 1911 ferryman who told him a man with his horse had crossed a
- Loc[...]1915 - front page col 1 - Davis Gets 18 Months -
who has fed a large number of cattle here the past two Charles Davis, who plead guilty to grand larceny last
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (222)[...]vices for Delbert D. Davis, 53, of Thompson Falls who
24, 1943 going to Hot Springs, Mt. His service re[...]ears. Survivors include his father, Earl
Delbert, who is a sergeant in the army, and has had three[...]efferson Davis
to E. H. Davis and Alice Hennessy; who had not been The Sanders County Le[...]as the brother knowledge of having the gun or who owned it, whereupon
of Mrs. Delbert Davis.[...]s
Del married the third time to Doris Turnbull who had a Sanders County Independent Ledger,[...]After their separation Doris had another son Joey who was daughter born May 3.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (223)[...]ie, John Day
Mt., who on June 7, 1910 made homestead entry No. 0[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (224)[...]onard Mr. Decker, who moved to the Jocko Valley 72 years ago
Joe Debonard born March 21, 1897 San George, Italy. and who was one of the last surviving riders of th[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (225)[...]d Dorothy was 16
Magpie Jones and Charles Allard, who is at the head of the years old.
outfit, hav[...]y.
trail of the herd was taken up by Jim Grinder, who after a Nancy was born ca 1856.
hard chase[...]ght under Indian.
control by George Sloan who after getting them part way 1920 federa[...]k to the corral turned them over to W alter Sloan who 52-53 - Haminsto, Alexander; 49 years of a[...]r; mother born W ashington: (wife)
Charles Allard who soon had them in a corral. “Thats’[...]e still at large. Local News - O. D. Deere, who has a homestead a few miles
At one time[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (226)[...]t Duncan Feb. 27, 1919
Local News - Oliver Deere, who has been working at Thompson Falls, M[...]t. - Henry
Local News - Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Deere, who have a E. DeKraay of Dixon, M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (227)[...]Sept 11th. to see her brother, Albert DeMers, who left last Saturday for
Ronan, Cath., burial in Mo[...]letter written in September by his son Albert, who is
Roy M. ‘Pat’ DeLong.[...]ement party - A York of his son, Albert, who has been in the service
retirement party w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (228)[...]ndiana, residing in News - Angelo De Mers, who is having a ten-day vacation
Thompson Falls, Mont[...]lso operated the
highly esteemed and loved by all who knew her, and her state liquor sto[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (229)[...]Unit as a Local News - Mrs. L. G. DeMers, who has been living here
Private.[...]nd was Local News - Miss Laura DeMers, who has been visiting
buried March 18, 1954 Plains Ho[...]T. G. DeMers, Local News - Mrs. Leona DeMers, who resides on the
and had been a resident of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (230)[...]of T. G., and Myrtle acquaintances who wish them both a long and prosperous
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (231)[...]le. who died in a train -truck accident August 14. (Denni[...]ank Destroyer) group, has been businessman, who died early Friday at his home on the west
awarded[...]a time in the United States Army who died in a train-truck accident Aug. 14.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (232)[...]] Stephen ca 1916 Hot Springs, “Bill,” who lives at the home of her grandfather, T. C.
Mt.;[...]on; he is a widow; York of his son, Albert, who has been in the service
born to T. J. DeMers, now[...]to the deal. Mr. DeMers married W alker Myler who did not live very long.
has about four million fe[...], Mt. Friday Jan. 17, 1913 - Springs mayor, who died Sunday at the home of a son,
Local Ne[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (233)[...]rch 3, at the Mrs. Elsie Kate Denny, 83, who died following an extended
Lonepine Commun[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (234)[...]irmount Memorial Anaconda for Jim Denny, who died May 5 of a heart attack.
Park, Ensign John M[...]work at the City
Denny, 62, formerly of Lonepine who died in the Spokane Drug Store i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (235)[...]1918 - page seven - Dixon
Doings - Emil DePhelps, who homesteaded across the river Arthur[...]ass of the Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Deteen, who have a homestead
Christian Burial will be held to[...]the winter. (Must be his parents)
67, of Polson, who died Sunday evening in the local[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (236)[...]brother, M.J. and E. W . Dewey and a brother who is in
Bech-Hald of Camas, Mont.; born Struer, Den[...]hite; 24 years of age born brother, who has a homestead west of Lonepine.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (237)[...], 1919 - Jan. 5, 1906 - Plains - Mr. Dibble, who had his arm rushed
Local News Col 2 - Clyde Dewey who has just received his while at work on the[...]week.
months in France has returned. Of the boys who went from The 1909 Plains Polk directory[...]Mr. Dickens and family, who have leased the bank building
Ray Dewey w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (238)[...]re married at the Sgt. Johnnie Diedrickson, who was reported missing in
home of the groom,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (239)[...]for the reservation to open to
Greensprings, Mt., who on June 9, 1910 made homestead homeste[...]charge Hot Springs News Col 3 - Raymond Dittes, who recently
and were fined $25 each and sente[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (240)[...]Halferty - Step-mother: Ara Herriott.
of 2,300 who received their academic titles at the Cow[...]913 Saturday evening in honor of Bert Dolson who left for Camp
- Local News - Miss M. Dodde[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (241)[...]gued
To this union six children were born. Pat, who is in Jack for these past couple years.[...]t. 20, 1933, to Bert and
here were: Ellen Aycock, who lives on the Dolson land, Bertha Dolson[...]junior year
formerly of Chula Vista, Calif., but who with her family has of high school, whe[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (242)[...]chool of Nursing in Missoula.
from his son, John, who was one of the soldiers on the ill In 194[...]s. Dolson and family came
Dolson, 91, of Missoula who died W ednesday in the from[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (243)[...]W . T. Dolson who has a farm five miles west of Plains has
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (244)[...]ge 2 col 4 - Oliver Gulch News - Ray Dondanville, who
has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Do[...]iday Feb. 20, 1914 -
D. Dondanville, of Lonepine, who has been visiting her Local News - Miss F[...]- page 2 - Lonepine News - the ranches of who has a position in the Orphans Home at Twin Bridge[...]DeBolt.
News - The funeral of Daniel Dondanville, who died last Sanders County Signal,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (245)[...]ty Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday
experience, who has a homestead near Lonepine, was in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (246)[...]The Sanders County Independent Ledger, Thompson
who are left to mourn the passing of a dear one whose[...]se.
womanhood. Her life was an inspiration to all who knew her The Sanders County Independent[...]lfa, some grain, and a small garden.
dear friends who are deeply grieved at their loss. In 1911[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (247)[...]iam Martin W hyte Feb. 20, 1905
of various people who’ve helped many years at the fair. Miss[...]Thomas S. & Nora (Burk) Donlan
husband Lavern, who passed away in 1972.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (248)[...]lls Polk directory states he lives in Mt., who on May 31, 1910 made homestead entry No.
Algers a[...]here will be occupied by the T. A.
Bruner family who expect to move in Sunday.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (249)[...]a Feb. 21, 1913 - page 3 - John M. Downs, who was recently
rifle.[...]mpson Falls, Mt. Friday
Dougherty of Plains, Mt., who on June 2, 1910 made May 2, 1913 -[...]nd Mary Tresse Frank.
mail route to W m. Douglas, who took charge last week. Maltine married[...]Nov. 6, 1914 - page 4 - W . W . Douglas of Perma, who is See Joseph Pierre.
engaged in buildin[...]who is showing his patrons all attention.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (250)[...]Albert Dreesen
Virginia City who held an option on it at $150,000. T[...]as a miner. Manager - Albert Dreesen, who was this week appointed
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (251)[...]Local News - A communication from F. W . Dumke, who is
Frank Duffy served in W orld W ar I with the[...]k Local News - A letter from F. M. Dumke, who is in W alla
from haying at Holt, Montana. He wil[...]14 - Local News - A letter from F. W . Dumke, who has been at
Local News - Calix Dugas made a trip[...], 1914 - Northwest.
Local News - Calix Dugas, who has been spending the past Sanders County[...]Kalispell the early Local News - F. W . Dumke, who has a homestead in this
part of the week and brought his wife back with him. valley, but who has been in St. Joe, Missouri, writes from[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (252)[...]cal News - Mrs. Duncan and her son C. H. W arren, who[...]v. 17, 1916 - News of Plains - Mrs. Agnes Duncan, who
Mrs. Frey was born in 1908 at Post Creek and at[...]Local News - H. C. Duncan and wife, who live just east of
Agnes was married a se[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (253)[...]on be a veritable Local News - Frank Dunham, who has a claim lying west of
Garden of Eden.[...]d, near Camas Local News - Frank Dunham, who left here a couple of
last Sunday. Arleigh[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (254)[...]Local News - F. J. Dunnigan, who has charge of the lumber
The Sanders County Ind[...]or
Local Interest - Mrs. W . W . Dunlap of Dixon, who has been lumber on short notice.
selected[...]in Local News - F. J. Dunnigan, who has a ranch in this valley,
Thompson Falls[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (255)[...]7, 1906 Polson, Lake
Local News - F. J. Dunnigan, who lives southeast of Camas, Co., Mt. (Victor Cl[...]C. Durgelo
Local News - John Dupont, who owns a homestead a few C. Durgelo mar[...]his time of Local News - E. Durham, of Plains, who has been holding
year. He has the sympathy[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (256)[...]ny, Montana, where interment was made. Mrs. Boyd, who M. Durkson, ____, Ill; medium height; mediu[...]in school house No. 1 and Miss
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 12, 1910 made homestead Du[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (257)[...]. Tunison.
1913 - Local News - Miss Grace Dutton, who has a
homestead here, and has been teaching in Mi[...]He was
Local News - W ord from Miss Grace Dutton who has been listed from Perma.
teaching sch[...]as pounds.
accompanied by a sister, who comes to Montana for the The Plainsm[...]Paragraphs - Jack Dwight who is in Uncle Sam’s Navy was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (258)[...]Local Interest
- Monday Prescott Dwight of Perma, who has been attending Col 3 - Prescott Dwig[...]e Sanders county boy
has joined the “Sammies” who are receiving the finishing[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (259)[...]g after
July 2, 1915 - page 3 - E. S. Kirpatrick, who has been property and visiting friends.[...]G. W aunita Dykeman
friends in this county who will regret to lose him. He is G. W aunit[...]n the Plains
succeeded by R. W . Graham of Butte, who will have his Cemetery, Plains,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (260)[...]919 - died Jan. 21,
Local News - Albert D. Eaton, who has a homestead on 1919, burial[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (261)[...]June 14, 1917 - page 8 - Camas - Mrs. Alice Ede, who[...]ice is hereby given that Dan Edgar of Camas, Mt., who
- Local News - W . H. Ede, who has been out in W ashington, on May 21[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (262)[...]2, 1913 Plains.
- Local News - Dan Edgar, who has a homestead near
Valleyview, departed Thursda[...]- Camas - Hot Springs -
- Local News - Dan Edgar, who has been working on the Mrs. E. Edmunds, who is now teaching near Sloan, was a
reclamation ser[...]t. Friday Jan. 23, 1914 -
Local News - Dan Edgar, who has a homestead near Valley[...]ng.
front page col 4 - Lonepine News - Dan Edgar, who spent (Un-identified newspaper May 199[...]daughter, Viola June
Lonepine to N. C. Rockhill, who owns a homestead Johnson. They la[...]ities. She loved
Local News - “Smoke” Harvey, who has been taking care of to bake an[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (263)[...]U.S. diplomat, John P. Egan, who was murdered Friday by
W innifred died from a c[...]was the son of a Minnesota couple who homesteaded in the
Joe Ed[...]Auto accident in Dixon. Egan’s body was discovered wrapped in a Montonero
Teenager.[...]rairie - Donald inducted Oct 1942.
Egan, who was over to attend the wedding of his brot[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (264)[...]rie, 1942. He was listed from Perma, Mont.
Mt., who on May 14, 1910 made homestead entry no 02052
for[...]. J. Egan, Freeman Eichert
who arrived from Minnesota a short time ago, went to[...]ster, Mrs. P. J. Egan and his brother, John Kent, who has Eisenhower
recent[...]Mrs. with their son and brother, Al Ekblad, who has been ill.
P. J. Egan had to make a tri[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (265)[...]h 14, 1985 - Irene
to her brother, Albert Demers, who is a member of the draft Ekblad - Hot Sprin[...]later to Hot Springs.
her brother Albert Demers, who left last Saturday for the Sept.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (266)[...]ings - In the matter of St. Mary’s, Idaho, who will remain here for some time.
guardianship of P[...]men born in Norway who came to Garcon Gulch to
Sanders County Signal,[...]e is well known here and he has a host of friends who Asmund died in 1943.
are sorry to see him[...]ily Kathryn (Kinney) Elder
Market to R.P. Auclair who will continue the business. Martin Pas[...]Arm.
Local News - Mrs. Martha Eklund, of Spokane, who has a Sanders County Signal, Ca[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (267)[...]. The bride wore a lovely white dress. The
Elder, who taught at Dayton, during the winter, has closed officiating minister was Reverend [sic] Elder, who was also
his school and is back again at his ranc[...]were a Miss Foley,
Elder Quits - Mr. M. P. Elder, who has been teaching the Helen Clark, and M.[...]The 'Letson
board is being criticised by patrons, who have known Mr. Trail' was the shortest ro[...]tay with their Local News - Amos Elderkin, who has a lease on a section
pupils pay or no pay.[...]Mary Catherine W inter.
Minister was M. P. Elder, who homesteaded near Lonepine. Charles marr[...]Mina were residing in Ekalaka when they
Perkins, who pioneered the raising of alfalfa seed. Roy[...]Lillian.
and Chet Taylor were some of the others who tried seed Mina died Jan 30, 1[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (268)[...]Prairie, Mt. who on Nov. 3, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (269)[...]Stanley, of Seattle, who comes to look the country over.
Sanders County[...]nd will settle on his homestead Elwell, 80, who died at his home here Saturday night. Deat[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (270)[...]Emerson of Garcon gulch. Her sons Ralph and Ben, who
Montana and homesteaded 15 miles west of Penroy,[...]a land office and the other in the Kalispell land
who died the previous Friday at the home of her siste[...]Franklin Emmerson (Buffalo, NY) and Mary
husband who died in August of 1960.[...]. M. Emerson, June 8, 1911, a a wife, who was in W hitefish at the time of his death[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (271)[...]eviously married - married Dixon - John Eplin, who holds a position with the Northern
April 19, 1931[...]amas Prairie News - Mr. Enoch, of Lewiston, Idaho who law - Sheriff J. L. Hartman received[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (272)[...]ended schools at Hot Springs school students who ride the Camas Prairie
Camas Prairie and H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (273)[...]eum for a brand new 1979 husband, Joe, who carefully transported children to Hot
Ford pickup[...]Albert Erickson
teacher.” Normally, a quiet man who talks little, Joe The Sanders[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (274)[...]ncle Sam’s Men - Axel Erickson and Albert Swan, who few years, six children graced[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (275)[...]Army Air Force Base Unit as a Private First Class
who is showing his patrons all attention.[...]Springs, military at Lake View cemetery.
who has been visiting here for some time, left[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (276)[...]so was a member of the
- Local News - Fred Ering, who has a ranch down the Little Retired Teachers[...]ervice March 25, 1941 and Camas Prairie, Mt. who on May 12, 1910 made homestead
was discharged Jan[...]Mary Local News - Miss Selah Ernsberger, who has a homestead
Erkkila at Hamilton. He mo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (277)[...]ty Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday May 26, 1911 - who had charge of the restaurant at this place for so[...]afternoons each week will be reserved for ladies who wish to following: Earl Elmer Evans of Camas,[...]lored
Hot Springs property to W illiam Alexander, who transferred eyes; light brown colored hair.
h[...]1 - Earl Ess of Camas Prairie, was among the
boys who returned home from France this week.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (278)[...]issoula last Saturday. Mr. Evans is the
Margaret, who had suffered a stroke, and his sister, Ada, and[...]y Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday
simply being who he was. May 21, 1915 - page 3 - Among the Camas ranchers who are
Memorial services will be held on Sa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (279)[...]nan, Mt. Aug. 28, 1947 - Clement, who has a homestead one mile north of the little
abst[...]randdaughters wedding has a host of friends who wish her all kinds of success in her
on page 8.[...]new surroundings. The groom is a young man who has a
W illiam died April 1948 with burial in[...]Dixon, Mt.; attended by her sister Madeline who acted as flower girl.
89 years of age; homesteade[...]sister Mrs. Julia Bentley of Stillwater, Ok. I who on May 1st 1910 made homestead entry No. 01885 fo[...]July 23, 1881. Local News - W ill Evers, who has a homestead just east of
She moved to[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (280)[...]airie News - Born to Mr. and Mrs.
upper Flathead, who has bought all the vacant land between Fall[...]. B. Fallis
Sullivan Creek is sold to a sheep man who will shortly move J. B. Fallis was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (281)[...]hat W illiam N. Farmer of Camas
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 16, 1910 made homestead Prairie, Mt., who on August 26th, 1910 made homestead
entry No. 020[...]. N.
Local News - Mrs. J. A. McGowan, of Plains, who will visit Farmer has closed the road throu[...]w days with - Local News - W . N. Farmer, who has a homestead on the
her son Ray Farmer.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (282)[...]- page 3 col 3 - Hot Springs News - B. Feldberg, who has
were flower girls.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (283)[...]Mary Ellen (Mowery) Tarr of Polson, Mt., white; who is of
Ernie H. Fellman Sr., St. Ignatius a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (284)[...]page 4 col 4 - Lonepine News - Mrs. Anna Fidgado, who
Ronan; a sister, Carrie Orr, St. Ignatius;[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (285)[...]Pluff and Theresa.
1913 - Local News - V. Fiman, who has a homestead north
of Camas, arrived yesterday[...]e Marine Corp., being stationed at Lake age 60, who died last week at the home of his son, Max[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (286)[...](Robert Finley Burkhead); 2]
Crutcher was called who fixed up the broken limb and he is Eva (Maran[...]. 23 in the Hot Springs
Evans also said doctors who examined the Indian woman’s Hospita[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (287)[...]anniversary of the birthday of Mr. John Fintel, who with his
Jennie ___ was born.[...]limate and water in this valley will do for those who are on
Information from their marriage license[...]rn Local News - John C. Fintel and wife, who for some time
Dayton, Lake Co., Mt., to An[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (288)[...]an Anthony B. ‘Tony’ Fisher as his uncle who raised him in
alien, that he was a teamster working for Sims W ickham of childhood, who resided in Hot Springs.
Dixon, Mt. single; medium[...]Fisher, Lucille and Virginia; and two sisters who died as
Dorothy died Sept. 24, 1998 Plai[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (289)[...]epmother, Sally Fisher, Great Falls; and an uncle who
step-children Steve Craft and Theresa Craft; brot[...]rangements.
Mr. Fisher was an avid out-doorsman who enjoyed
outdoor winter sports, along with[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (290)[...]357

Doreen Fisher, 13, who drowned in the Flathead River at Church w[...]ridge across the Jocko River near
drowning victim who fell in the river at Dixon was found at here.[...], all of Hot Springs;
Seattle to join Mr. Fisher, who is employed there. one sister[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (291)[...]Fisher, who has been in a Missoula hospital, was able[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (292)[...]at grandchildren and a lot of other grandchildren who ranching and farming operations in the Bi[...]Fred married Doris Mercer, who survives him.
Missoulian, Missoula, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (293)[...]Cora Gerry was born.
Another party, who is at present very sick is connected San[...]bonds, but Smith has expects his son Robert, who is stationed at Camp Lewis, to
been unable to giv[...]al News - Alex Rhoads and Miss Pearl Fitzpatrick, who
very energetic work on the part of some of the ca[...]ied in his home in expects his son Robert, who is stationed at Camp Lewis, to
Hot Springs[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (294)[...]spell, Mt. and they had three children.
Fladness, who was drafted in April and was sent almost[...]buried May 29th in Juneau, Alaska.
the same one who went from here as he had given his[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (295)[...]eiluie? (Smith);
W illard, and his wife, Margaret who passed away in October 7] Jim Flansburg[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (296)[...]im Leach and Perlina.
Local News - Harold Flower, who was suspended from the Lizzie had been[...]M. Jones made proof Tuesday before United States
who has always been popular where ever she was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (297)[...]from his naturalization papers - He arrived who has been in ill health for some time.
in the Unit[...]eb. 4, 1937 - Hot
- Local News - Thomas Fossness, who has a homestead near Springs News - Dr. J. V. Tillman, who recently returned
Lonepine, returned last week fr[...]age born Deer Lodge, Mt. to daughter, Doris, who arrived from Spokane for a visit.
John Geo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (298)[...]e Frank Richards.
Local News - Andrew J. Foucher, who has a homestead in
W ilks gulch, made proof on th[...]3, 1917 Hot Springs News Col 2 - Archie Fountain, who Laurine M. Luddington was born June 1[...]ried to Ruth M.
where they have a host of friends who wish them a long and Thomen of Olive[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (299)[...]. That Carl was Eunice Fox, 70, of Hot Springs, who died October 16 of
28 years of age born in Iowa;[...]principal.
1919 - Plains News Col 1 - Harold Fox, who has received
his honorable discharge from[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (300)[...]s (Fairbeak, Minn) and Anna Suetana
W illiam Fox, who has a homestead on Camas Prairie, has (M[...]is hereby given that W illiam Fox of Camas, Mt., who Angus John Frank
on Sep[...]ccidental discharge of
Local News - W illiam Fox, who has a homestead out on a gun.
Camas Pr[...]at the Smith hospital.
Local News - W illiam Fox, who has a homestead here,
returned this week. He stat[...]emetery, Lonepine, Mt.
Local News - W illiam Fox, who is well known here,
returned last week fro[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (301)[...]as, Mt. Friday Feb. 21, 1913 -
He had a companion who left, going towards Camas Prairie. Local N[...]s two sons, Ray
claimed by relatives and friends, who took it to the Mission Franklin, Lonepine, on[...]nal, Camas, Mt. Friday Jan. 18, 1918 -
Kalispell, who have been visiting the Springs for some ti[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (302)[...]rday, January 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin, who
where he resided until he moved to Kalispell five[...]at the family home. John Fransen of Missoula, who has a claim down the Bitter
He is also s[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (303)[...]akima,
Polson Monday to assist his brother Miles, who is making W ashington to Edward H. Freeman[...]Lake,
31, 1919 Lonepine News - Harry Fredenburg, who has a Minn. to Melbourn Freeman and Luc[...]ranite
Hot Springs News - Miss Marion Fredenburg, who has been Co., Mt. to Franklin A. Bradshaw[...]ake their home.
the week end. Marian Freckenberg, who has visited there for Sanders County[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (304)[...]rp, Belgium on the Friesland,
The young couple, who have our best wishes for a happy part of th[...]ates June 10, 1883 at Boston, Mass. new son who was born in Missoula last Saturday.
He w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (305)[...]arles Feb. 3, 1923 Gesham,
well dug by Mr. Davis, who has her ranch leased. W isc.
The[...]Missoula. Mr. Friauf is one of the city ranchers who is Leo served in W orld W ar II with the Ma[...]wounded in an invasion. He was inducted March 7,
who lives on a homestead on W ilks gulch, was taking[...]he Nyah Grange Hall honoring Leo and Betty Fritz, who
Local News - Mrs. Friauf and children, who has a homestead last week were married.
in W[...]he said his “I do’s” to pick a lovely lady, who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (306)[...]Cemetery in Lone Pine.
- Local News - Tom Frolin, who filed on a homestead near She died Dec.[...]theran church, Rev. Himle, of Santa Rosa, Calif., who is Thomas H. ‘Tom’ Frolin was born. T[...], 1918 - front page col 5 - District July 8th, who was drowned while swimming near his camp
Court -[...]] Agnes L. 10/12 conducted by J. W . Gladden, who also owns a fine ranch
Mt.; (sister-in-law[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (307)[...]2] Local News - Mr. T. R. Funk, who has a claim across the[...]s. Sept. 12, 1918 - page eight - News of who on May 24, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02253 fo[...]ccessfully, Local News - T. R. Funk, who has a homestead down the
however, and the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (308)[...]W ., ca 1913 Idaho.
Local News - Thomas R. Funk, who has a homestead near Katherine ____ wa[...]Creek, Idaho, where he is
Local News - Thos Funk, who went to work in Thompson employed as fo[...]a serious accident while
Local News - Thos Funk, who has a homestead near Dan riding by inju[...]Maries, Idaho who have been visiting Mrs. Mulrooney’s[...]resided in Dixon, Mt. Greenspring, Mt., who on May 23, 1910 made homestead[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (309)[...]xon this week. He is
- Local News - Louis Gagnon, who arrived several weeks connected wi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (310)[...]ht. medium; build for John Frederich Gangner, who passed at a St. Ignatius
medium; gray colored eye[...]. - John Frederick Gangner Joseph Gagnon, who lives at the mouth of the Big Draw, the
of Dixon,[...]were taken out of danger. W hile Pete was working
who later died.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (311)[...]eloped in Gagner and R. V. Harding, who are in the employ of John
flames. He opened the d[...]Kalispell,
years, and are highly esteemed by all who know them. The Mont. to John F. Gangner[...]Billings is one of the sons of Joseph M. Billings who lives in
Emerancienne.[...]ormation: Joseph was the first sheriff of who have been brave enough to tackle the homes[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (312)[...]e Rev. W illiam C. Stearns officiating.
Gannaway, who used her maiden name following death of[...]Matt Jan. 12, 1935 Polson, Mt.
newspaper history who performed all the tasks of publishing[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (313)[...]Local News - Joseph Garneau, who has a ranch in the Big
Fred married Hermina DeM[...]riday Oct. 20, 1911 - Spokane. W . T. Garrett, who formerly held this position but
Local News[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (314)[...]page 2 col 4 - Lonepine News - Lawrence Garriott, who has
May 17, 1917 - Local Items - A son was born S[...]et Egley and they
Local Interest - Arthur DeMers, who recently returned from had the following ch[...]garet Egley was born ca 1869 Ill. to Chris Egley, who[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (315)[...]inel Nov. 17th. Garrity, who has a homestead down the Little Bitter Root,
O. M., married the second time to Iola (Cochran) Calvert who is a brother of Mrs. Shapard.
Sept. 2, 1916 Misso[...]Flathead Co., Mt.
was held in held esteem by all who knew her. Sanders County Si[...]Dan Garity who has been spending the winter in Virginia[...]The Garitys’ have many friends and neighbors who will be
Minn., there is a Daniel M. Garrit[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (316)[...]her daughter, Miss Margaret Gates, who arrived from Los
John Garvey was born.[...], 1937
Monday by way of Perma to join her husband who has taken Spokane, W ash.
a claim near he[...]from the inter-net submitted
one daughter, Hazel, who teaches in the Butte schools. by Andre[...]were boatsmen who farried goods and people on the rivers[...]Ferdinant had a brother who immigrated either to the
Interlake, Kali[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (317)[...]age born Russia; immigrated to
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 23, 1910 made homestead[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (318)[...]Applicants who were granted their citizenship papers by
Mrs. G[...]eau’s great Local News - Fred Gedlich, who went to Rochester, some
grandsons, Carlin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (319)[...]come to the Dixon, in place of Miss Kemer, who was called from her
country to permanently[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (320)[...]Porter
Oct. 30, 1914 - page 3 - Professor Geiter, who had been Blossom (now deceased) and Ell[...]George Gephart and Harriett Moyer. Mt. who on June 2, 1910 made homestead entry No. 0[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (321)[...]ons, Mrs. Nicholson and Miss Clark. Mrs. Gilbert, who Perma, Mt.; 18 years old; born Feb. 6,[...]Local News - Theodore Gilbertson, who has a claim five
accompanied by Mrs. Gilbert’s[...]m Kalispell and
Trousdale of W innemucca, Nevada, who is visiting the will do some work in[...]- Local News - Thos. B. Gilbertson, who has a homestead in
Charles Ball as wintnesses. this vicinity, but who has been lately employed by W ilkes
The Sanders[...]ort Doings - George Giles of Los Angeles, who was one of the
to the board of county comm[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (322)[...]reland; 2] James ca 1842
Local News - J. J. Gill, who has a homestead down the Little Ireland;[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (323)[...]Oscar E. Gilman
missed. The Signal joins the many who extend sympathy to Sanders County Signal[...]Local News - Ferdinand Marquardt, who has a homestead[...]noted that her services were held in the
friends who came down on the boat with them, another b[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (324)[...]. 13, 1917 - page 10 - Plains - Miss Eva Gingran, who is Survivors are a brother, Louis of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (325)[...]W illiam C. Local News - The Kiernan children, who have been
Gird born ca 1875 and that he and his s[...]Camas, Mt. Friday Jan. 1, 1915 -
W illiam G. Gird who also resides in Plains, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (326)[...]visit fire was discovered in an upstairs room and before
The Sanders Coun[...]there for 21 years.
conducted by J. W . Gladden, who also owns a fine ranch They will rebuild[...]n, Saturday Morning, Missoula, Mt.
Sanders county who are interested in any measure to come[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (327)[...]four sisters. Those who knew and loved him will always remember hi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (328)[...]he woodshed death of a brother, Henry, who collapsed while en route here
trade clothe[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (329)[...]oon at the Little Chapel for Clyde Gochanour, 62, who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (330)[...]d 1913 - Local News - Miss Minnie Godfrey, who has a claim
the occasion.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (331)[...]ca 1897 and they had the whelming to all who battled with her.
following children: 1] Margurit[...].
Bertha was named after her Grandmother Swope, who
delivered her. She went by horseback to school in[...]L 8 years;
union they had two children, Frederick who died in infancy, 4] Forest H. 6 years;[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (332)[...]Twamley and Mrs. D.
Brevities - Miss Doris Gohser who teaches near Niarada E. Harrima[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (333)[...]407

75, former Sanders county treasurer, who died Saturday Sanders County Signal,[...]he Lonepine cemetery. Michigan, who is here looking over the country.
He was born A[...]card he is listed services for Silas Gorton, who died at his home near
as a laborer for Val[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (334)[...]f Camas, Montana

- Local News - L. W . Gossett, who has been spending the (Earl Lane); 6] daug[...]died July 3, 1945. They belonged to the Ronan
14, who drowned Sunday, will be celebrated in St.[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (335)[...]rriage his being desponded. His brother Ben, who was also staying
to George Gould. They con[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (336)[...]Emil & Josephine Grandebough
Fournier, who was married; born in Oregon; janitor for a[...]ook the country over.
Local News - W . D. Graham, who has a ranch on the Bitter Sanders Count[...]illiam R. Local News - The Granlund party, who left here for northern
Nichols of Sacramen[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (337)[...]y Springs, who is a trained teacher, and Mrs. Geraldine G[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (338)[...]ies On The W ay To Hospital AT Rumley, who will visit here for a week.
Polson. Inquest W ill[...]ut four miles south of here, at the top of who is at the Sam McKay ranch and with friends. She w[...]sister, Mrs. Delbert Graves at Hot
for the FERA, who was recently transferred to the Polson[...]and the City, Calif., to join Mr. Graves, who is employed there.
three men placed Gravel[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (339)[...]ton, NY. Zera was born Sept. 25, 1897
Graves, 98, who died in Hot Springs Oct. 19, was held in t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (340)[...]sion of the
(Incident Command System) to comrades who had fallen Air Transport Comma[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (341)[...]child: 1] son Aug. 17, 1916
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 16, 1910 made homestead Info[...]rings.
gulch to live with a friend, Irene Miller, who had extended The Sanders County Led[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (342)[...]t off.
To the democratic voters of Sanders Co., who gave me the Sanders County Signal, Camas[...], in the recent Local News - P. K. Greenway, who has a homestead out on
primary, will state that m[...], Camas, Mt. Friday Dec. 13, 1912
my stead, a man who is either unfit physically or too old for pag[...]n, Dec. 1, 1915.
Interest Col 2 - James H. Green, who has occupied the Sanders County Si[...]e col 3. - Allen - Greenway - A romance which
and who was nominated at the recent primary election as a[...]reservation and have a host of friends who wish them the
Robert Gre[...]d Greenway born July
Local News - P. K. Greenway, who has a homestead on the 1837 Tennessee d[...]y 1873; 3] James Jan
Local News - P. K. Greenway, who has a homestead out on 1874; 4][...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (343)[...]ocal News - Alexander W . Greer and Joseph Greer, who Mt. to Oliver ‘Ollie’ Perry Gregg and C[...]ocal News - Alexander W . Greer and Joseph Greer, who page 4 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Earl Greg[...]e) Gregg lesson to a young man who is inclined to want to drink, and
Claude Remi G[...]; 23 years of age; born
Local News - C. R. Gregg, who has a homestead north of March 19,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (344)[...]on the week end. Marian Freckenberg, who has visited there for
Falls, Mt. in 1936:[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (345)[...]y - Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gregg, who have a
at 2 p.m. in the W aggener & Campbell Chap[...]Kentucky: (children) 1] Mrs. John Foy, who remained with him and made his last
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (346)[...]- Local News - Mose Greiner, the gentleman who is to have
when Edith Nolan with a date set to ma[...]The do nothing else but see that all who comes here have a fair
disappointed Lochinvar tur[...]- Local News - Mose Granier, who has had supervision of
Sanders County Signal,[...]Pioneer, Ronan, Mt.
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Gregg, who were married in Polson at June 4, 1926 - Jose[...]r., and Henriette Carrier. He
Miss Elizabeth Frye who taught in the Ronan high school. was well e[...]Florence; 7] drilled for action by Revais, who with 25 Flathead Indians,
LeRoy; 8] Arthur[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (347)[...]ciating at Joe Sr., an old pioneer resident who died in 1926. Interred at
the services. Pallbeare[...]on Polk directory lists him and Olga also.
latter who is attending school in Lawrence, Kansas and was[...]ing
- Funeral services for Frank Camille, age 88, who died at the office in San Diego, California, to[...]n at Canteloupe, British in these parts who will regret to learn of their going away
Columbia, in 1844, and has lived here for a number of years. and who wish them well in their new location. - Th[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (348)[...]r I draft card Local News - Herman Grieshaber, who for the past two
noted the following; James W esl[...]ciating. their son, who was working near Butte. The bereaved
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (349)[...]- Supplement - Griffeth brothers, who formerly ran a saw
M iles & M artha[...]two grandchildren, a brother, parents, who have a homestead down the Bitter Root.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (350)[...]Magpie Jones and Charles Allard, who is at the head of the
John married Bertha L. ab[...]of Magpie
encouraging to see our thrifty farmers, who know all about Springs, they jumped up a bunc[...]trail of the herd was taken up by Jim Grinder, who after a
children.[...]control by George Sloan who after getting them part way
Information from th[...]k to the corral turned them over to W alter Sloan who
Lake County Courthouse, Polson, Mt. - John A. Gri[...]10 months 0 days of age born Charles Allard who soon had them in a corral. “Thats
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (351)[...]range, date issued August 22, 1912. who are now at Everett, W ash.
Sanders Count[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (352)[...]er, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday and family, who have managed the Headquarters hotel here
April 30[...]Local News - F. S. Gustine, who has a ranch near the
Information from hi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (353)[...]ll support a
Tuesday with his father, Joe Gustin, who came over to make bank. They are energetic y[...]ns over that
Tuesday with his father, Joe Gustin, who came over to make country. He is a bo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (354)[...]page 4 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Miss Edna Gutz, who has Fred T. 5/12 Mt.
been spendin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (355)[...]nformation, his brother-in-law, Ed Guyette who enlisted in the Canadian
— years, died W ednesd[...]ugust.
Mrs. Gutz was the widow of W alter Gutz, who died 35
years ago.[...]lis? Guyette; tall in height;
rancher from Perma, who volunteered with the Canadian[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (356)[...]ings, Mt. - 10-10 -
Local News - Mr. Fred Haddox, who has a claim a few Hagen, Julius, 63 ye[...]dox, of Lonepine, received a Henry Hagen, who is employed near Niarada, visited with
dispatch S[...]Local News - Julius Hagen, who has been employed in Lee’s[...]and he will do your work neatly and
Prairie, Mt. who on June 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (357)[...]ulia (Cobell) Hagen Hagen, who formerly lived here, is a visitor in the health[...]and Forest Man Here - Mr. A. Hagen, who are now living at Cut Bank, Montana, states
Knute Hagen, who is to hold the important position as[...]had the
Local News - Knut A. Hagen the gentleman who has charge following children: 1] Lind[...]ept. 28, 1919 Post
Springs. This is the first man who has been sent here to look Creek, Fla[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (358)[...]July 2, 1915 - front page col 5 - Mrs. Humbert, who has
with the Camas Meat Market. He is an experien[...]circle of friends in this city who wish her a pleasant journey[...]Dixon, Mt.) her daughter in Seattle, who is suffering with appendicitis[...]Manufacturing Co., of Seattle. Mr. A. G. Hale, who was
02117 on 160 acres 20N twnsp, 24 W ran[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (359)[...]04. Local News - Mr. Halford, who has a ranch four and a half
Karen was bo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (360)[...]ings, Local News - Martin Matten, who purchased the George
Headquarters Hotel, George H[...](son) Carl/Carol ca
Local News - George Halford, who has had charge of the 1908.
Headquarte[...]Clarence Otto Hall
and family, who have managed the Headquarters hotel here[...]Howard Hall
Local News - George Halford, who owns a ranch on the Sanders County[...], home farm: (wife) Flora 40 years of age
Madden, who has been visiting at the Springs for some[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (361)[...]page 3 col 4 - Hot Springs News - Carl Halverson, who has
Virginia filed on 80 acres of homest[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (362)[...]Lonepine, Mt.
Local News - Fred Halvorson, who has a claim near See Ro[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (363)[...]Harry & M artha Halvorson
who has been making a tour of the southern sta[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (364)[...]made in Calvary cemetery son of Asa Hammond, who was taken seriously ill last week
in Ronan[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (365)[...]between the plaintiff and defendant Hammons who are leaving for the coast this week. The best
be[...]she goes to visit her aunt, Mrs. Meany, who is in very poor
Emma Katie Fountain was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (366)[...]s of Camas, Montana

nursing Mrs. Frank Hammons, who is suffering with an The Sanders Cou[...]y July 30, 1915 -
Local News - Mrs. Frank Hammons who was very near Local News - Mrs. Ber[...]monia and the old father, John Parry, who is grand secretary of the Fraternal
bronchial tro[...]ning for Minnesota and Dakota. The
mistaken as to who the contracting parties were when he[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (367)[...]and had the following children: 1] brother, who had a homestead near Red Lodge, had died. He
Jame[...]5, 1915 - Local News - Miss Grace Hanneman, who has a homestead
Local News - Frank Hanneman, who lives down W arm in W ilkes G[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (368)[...]nnon death by Glenn, who died in 1982. In 1985, Bea married
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (369)[...]Tunstell May 14, 1918 Missoula, Britton who had the following children: 1] Margaret
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (370)[...]5 col 1 - Hot Springs News - Mr. Harold Harding, who is a
Sanders County Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt.[...]cated in Gagner and R. V. Harding, who are in the employ of John
W ashington. He[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (371)[...]Clifford Harmon, a young rancher who lived near Sloan,
Information from their marria[...]ars of age born Thompson Falls, Mt. Harmon, who was about 30 years old, owned 350 acres of
to E. H. Davis and Alice Hennessy; who had not been land near Sloan an[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (372)[...]une 21, 1917 - page 8 - Lonepine - Thomas Hareny, who Center, ND - April 19, 1948 Mt.
has been[...]1913
page 4 col 4 - Lonepine News - Thos. Harney, who has been - Local News - Miss Edna Harris, who taught in Camas
in Butte a short time, has[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (373)[...]arried.
marshall, taking the place of John Harris who resigned and Montana Fountain was born abo[...]drover over with little Maxine and Stanley Harris who have
been visiting there for the past two months.[...]drover over with little Maxine and Stanley Harris who have Information from their marriag[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (374)[...]een previously married -
Local News - E. J. Hart, who has a claim just east of C. E. married to Luc[...]of this city were united
Local News - E. J. Hart, who has a homestead a few miles in marriage in[...]ever had, as well as an
Local News - E. J. Hart, who has spent the past several admirab[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (375)[...]W orld W ar I draft Local News - E. Hartman, who has a claim near
card noted the following: Roy Hu[...]d just
Local News - W alter B. Hart, of Big Fork, who lived here a finished building his hom[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (376)[...]e of an extra gang of 100 men at Paradise this who was married to Janice; and two daughters, 2] Ethe[...]Dixon Grunrude of Lewiston, Idaho.
Hartman who has been section foreman here for the past[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (377)[...]. Local News - “Smoke” Harvey, who has been taking care of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (378)[...]A. W ells.
Hastings Nov. 11, 1911 in Polson, who preceded her in Sanders County[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (379)[...]ry, Missoula, Mt. Local News - Mrs. Hayes, who has a homestead on the Little
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (380)[...]e Peace. W itnesses: May
Local News - Dick Hayes, who has a house on the townsite, Prescott Dwight and Reuben Dwight.
who has been working for Jose Margeau, has returned t[...]H. J. Hayes of Butte was a
when he found the man who claimed he put him in and Thompson F[...]s and will
Local News - A letter from Dick Hayes, who is at Grass soon take up his residence[...]ty Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Oct. 17, 1913
Hayes, who has been spending a few days with his friends[...]l, Camas, Mt. Friday Nov. 3, 1911 -
townsite, but who has been residing at Grassrange for some[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (381)[...]wman was born April 23, 1879 Marshalltown,
Elijah who died Oct. 27, 1928, burial in Plains Cemet[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (382)[...]Alma W inegarden. She was married to Tom Sangray, who
83 - Thomas Elliswood Hazzard 39 years old; carpe[...]She was the youngest of 11 children who have all
Tom filed on 120 acres July 23, 1914 #[...].
Feb. 7, 1918 - page eight - Dixon - Tom Hazzard who will Floyd served in the US Army d[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (383)[...]Camas Prairie homesteader, who has been employed on the[...]an stepped out from wounded Herbert W oods, who were returning from town to
behind a tree where h[...]The only witness to the affray was John Mitchin who over
without regaining consciousness. The body wa[...]manhood and counted all who knew him as a friends. His
M[...]Mt. who is at his bedside being the superintendent of the[...]was ___ W hite. Heffly, who was shot at Thompson Falls last week. The[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (384)[...]t and carpenter
Falls friends of James E. Hefley, who was murdered here on and followed his trade[...]A. H. Heidelman married Elizabeth Ernest Glatt, who was
1915 Dixon Polk directory lists him as Jn.[...]berg will be interested of Joseph Hoffstatter, who for many years has been in the
to learn th[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (385)[...]Ronan died in Local News - M. A. Heikes, who has a homestead near
Missoula, Mt., at the age of[...]other at Local News - M. E. Heikes, who is in the forest service,
Indianapolis; ne[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (386)[...]ministers who want a Sunday off. W hile he will be retired,[...]Mary Kudlack; he
Nazarene Church and Rev. Murray, who has been had not been previously m[...]r, Ravalli Co., Mt., to R. W . Marsh and
parents, who were farmers. He came to the United States[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (387)[...]gathered around them a host of friends who wish them a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (388)[...]Local News - Dr. A. E. Henderline, who has been practicing[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (389)[...]life sentence, and contrary to most people who come before
Henry died Feb. 22, 1945 with[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (390)[...]ndes was born to J. L. Landes. (who died in childhood) 5] dau; 6] George born[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (391)[...]Herman, who were married Thursday in Spokane, spent the
It[...]for Mrs. John Herman will
for them. This lead was discovered a year or two ago, but be held Tues[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (392)[...]were married Sept. 24, 1958 at Immaculate who will take possession June 1.
Conception Parish in[...]. The marriage will take place Dec. 29 at
Herman, who were married Thursday in Spokane, spent th[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (393)[...]page 2 col 4 - Camas Prairie News - O. P. Herren, who has a in the Plains Cemetery, Plains[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (394)[...]. with burial Susan Finley, 74, of Elmo, who died in the Polson hospital
information in the Pl[...]ded in death by a brother, John, and three who was dead when she was brought to the Holy[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (395)[...]y lived in Niarada, Mt.
Evans also said doctors who examined the Indian woman’s Cha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (396)[...]lowing child: 1]
- Local News - Mr. George Heyde, who has a fine girl March, 1933 Dix[...]de of Sunday.)
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 16, 1910 made homestead
entry No. 0[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (397)[...]C. G. Higgins
letter to his sister in Kalispell, who is reported quite sick. of Dixon, Mont; white;[...]Gibson; he had not been previously married -
Mt. who on May 27, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02150[...]31, 1912 -
Local News - A letter from M. B Hickey who is now in M ar[...]Local News - M. C. Higgins, who has a homestead down the
Sanders County Signal,[...]town during the week.
Local News - M. B. Hickey, who has a homestead three The Sa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (398)[...]Lloyd W oodworth).
- Local News - Martin Higgins, who has a homestead down Alice ____ was bo[...]rn the son of Frank Hillman and
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 16, 1910 made homestead[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (399)[...]is a widower and makes his home with his parents, who children: 1] Frank Minor, Nov. 7, 188[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (400)[...]ctory lists W ardie Hilton as living in Hinds, who has a homestead north of town, was a visiter in
D[...]age 2 col 3 - Oliver Gulch News - Nick Himerside, who W illiam married Mary Duree and they ha[...], Camas, Mt. Friday May 31, 1912 Hingley, who has seen service in France, arrived home l[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (401)[...]g children: 1] Frank G. Jr.; 2] Hingley, who worked in Asa Hammons drug store last
Violet R. ([...]gt. and Mrs. Laurence E. a laborer.
Cox who returned recently from a two and one-half[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (402)[...]ed James Robert Andrews Sept. 16, 1934 who loved life and enjoyed people. Those who knew her
Missoula, Mt.[...]ote touched hers. To those who knew her well, she unselfishly
W illis H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (403)[...]Mr. born May 5, 1885 Norway.
Hinsman who will teach in the Thompson Falls high school[...]son Falls, Mt.
W ed. Aug. 29, 1934 - The teachers who will teach in the[...]5, 1917 - front page col 5 - Plains - Miss Hoard, who is
The Daily Interlake, Kalispell, Mt. Sept. 2,[...]Andrew Hodges
Hintzman, who have occupied the house (McKeel’s), have[...]r, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday
Files - Among those who have recently filed for county Jan. 9, 1[...]National Bison Range.
Local News - Jacob Hively, who has a homestead on the
Little Bitter Root,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (404)[...]John Mears who were married in Hot Springs Sunday, June[...]M ary Ann Hoffman
of R. Hoffman, who will help his brother this summer in his[...]this week to Howard Stevens, who removed it to the ranch.
Jennie _____ wa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (405)[...]ur. Aug. 11, 1921 - Camas Prairie - J. W . Smiley who has[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (406)[...]Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas, Montana

who is not very well.[...]Mrs. Kiley was well known here and beloved by all who Muriel died Oct. 8, 2007 Plains, Mt.
kn[...]died Aug. 4, 2001 Missoula, Mt. Those who knew her will remember her strength, wisdom
with[...]were a Other surviving family members who were an important
community event, where h[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (407)[...]s Prairie; and aunt, Muriel Greenspring, Mt., who on May 20, 1910 made homestead
Holland, Pl[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (408)[...]you were. She will be greatly missed by all those who knew
W illiam M. “Bill” Holland was born Ma[...]cord is in the Sanders County Courthouse Vol who lovingly referred to her as “Hanna”
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (409)[...]W . Hollingsworth was born ca 1866 Sioux
Everyone who knows him understands that he was happiest[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (410)[...]Oct. 29, 1915 - page 3 - Charles Holmberg, who has been
Millie C. Smith was born March 16, 188[...]re of Marshall and Dorothy - Holmberg-
Hollowell, who is convalescing from injuries received in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (411)[...]er as I Grant Holmberg, 87, of Hot Springs who died in a Missoula
feel it is a fine organ[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (412)[...]immigrated 1883 and
Local News - Victor Carlson, who has a homestead in this is natural[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (413)[...]Death a W onder - George Homer of Mankato, Minn., who brother, Ronald Hood, died in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (414)[...]- Local News - Mr. John Hooper the old gentleman who
them a long, prosperous and happy married life.[...]ocal News - Recovered his Health - A. L. Hopwood, who
the resignation of one of the other trustees, was[...]- Local News - A. L. Hopwood, who is employed at the
John was married and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (415)[...]509

Local News - A. L. Hopwood, who has a homestead out New York, expects to enter service soon to help our country
here, and who has been working in Missoula, has gone to[...]the
page 2 col 2 - Friends of Miss Evalyn Horne, who was the Flathead river when drinki[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (416)[...]Howard and Alice A.
Local News - A H. C. Howard, who formerly lived at The Sanders County Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday
Thompson Falls, but who now has a homestead in Camas Nov[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (417)[...]or Jack Alvin Howes, the double shooting.
66, who died Aug. 25 in the Clark Fork Valley Hosp[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (418)[...], Missouri, and then
Argo, a friend of Bowman’, who had not seen him for was engaged in r[...]they had two children, namely: Irwin, who married Justine
authorities believe that Bowman s[...]and Carrie, who married Ed Rudd, lives at Neosho,
According to[...]children: James; Mary, who married John Christie, resides at
Joh[...]Margaret and Elsie; Clarence, who married Lulu W ebb, of
John K. Howe was born ca[...]Raymond, Emma, Elizabeth and Irwin; and Hattie, who
J. K., married Elizabeth Yolton in 1861 and the[...]to make Montana their home. estimable people who enjoy the respect and confidence of a
They are oc[...](wife) Margaret, 69 their sons and daughters who make up the great backbone of
years of age[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (419)[...]f land
- Local News - Albert T. Howser, of Perma, who has a upon which he is residing.
homes[...]5, 1914 - Marion Friday to meet his people who came in from Dakota.
Local News - Eugene Conard,[...]- Local News -
Local News - Tjitte Van der Ende, who has a homestead Mrs. C. P. Howser and d[...]arch
of the popular young ladies of this vicinity who has been 29, 1952 and placed in the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (420)[...]r Ii, I met Garth P. Howser of
Lonepine, Montana, who was also working for the General[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (421)[...]ly 6, Paul will be remembered as a person who did things with
1962 - picture of Ann and Lucky coming down the aisle - In gusto and who was always ready to lend a helping hand to[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (422)[...]dren: 1] Tollef
Local News - Tjitte Van der Ende, who has a homestead Simon, Dec. 10, 18[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (423)[...]United States, March 22, 1906 Ellis Hoye, who has a homestead near Valleyview, was a visitor
Is[...]oix de Guerre,” issued
for J. M. (Marius) Hoye, who died in Polson Friday. The to his son Sarg[...]his dugout to retrieve a non-commissioned officer who
Hoye was born May 25, 1895 in Norway and came t[...]st-Agder, Norway.
- Local News - Miss Olang Hoye, who has a homestead From his passenger l[...]ng; he had $20.00.
- Local News - Miss Olga Hoye, who has been in Missoula, Tollef came to the[...]e is hereby given that Tollef Hoye of Camas, Mt., who
Olga married W illiam Kelly July 1913 Sp[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (424)[...]ister; W it: Bertha Behmerwohld and Charles Hugh.
who on May 14, 1910 made homestead entry No. 020 54 f[...]Pearl Culbertson. Her step father, who raised her, was James[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (425)[...]illiam on the Little Bitter Root, but who has been in the Bitter Root
(Christine Jane Real)[...], 1922. Local News - W . J. Hughes, who has a homestead on the[...]rie Local News - W illiam J. Hughes, who has a homestead on
Johnson.[...]Feb. 1, 1917 - page 8 - Clipped - W m. J. Hughes, who
physical examination for induction into the armed[...]sunburned while out
- Local News - W . H. Hughes, who has a homestead east of working. He was ver[...]an ax, and came
Local News - W illiam J. Hughes, who has a homestead out running back, n[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (426)[...]- Local News - Little George Leroy Hulbert, who
couldn’t get it straight. Next morning,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (427)[...]ding in Hot Springs in Oct. 1978 as
Mrs. Humbert, who has been staying for the past ten months no[...]1911 - was born in Scotland.
Mrs. Humbert, who has been staying for the past ten months[...]y last. - Local News - John Hunter, who has a claim on the Little
Sanders County Signal[...]rt of Camas Camas Tuesday.
Prairie, Mt who on Nov. 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]/24 township 20 - Local News - John Hunter who has a claim down the Bitter
N, range 24W .[...]- A warrant was sworn out Saturday parties who were bathing in the next room looked in and saw
f[...]body was packed in ice to await the undertaker, who will
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (428)[...]Public Administrator Lorenz Helterline of Plains, who has Falls, Mont.- Adelore Martin Hu[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (429)[...]vina, besides a brother, Ivan Hurst, and a sister who
Carmelita Raines was born about 1894 Edgar, Cla[...]h Hurd residing in Manager - Albert Dreesen, who was this week appointed
Dixon, Mt.; 38 yea[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (430)[...]clerk in
Oct. 5, 1906 - Trout Creek - N. I. Hurt, who has been general store: Donald (son) 1[...]la, Mt.
Aug. 16, 1907 - Trout Creek - I. N. Hurt, who resigned his The Ronan Pioneer, Ro[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (431)[...]ey and sheriff’s office.
for Nerus I. Hurt, 81, who died at a St. Ignatius hospital
Monday fol[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (432)[...]ice is hereby given that Paul Huss of Camas, Mt., who Tuesday, before U. S. Commissioner A. R. R[...]r a visit with - Local News - J. E. Huston, who has a homestead near
his father, H.L. Hous[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (433)[...]on his application
- Local News - Joseph Huston, who has a homestead on the will be taken by a[...]his week for a visit in Butte. applicants who have had considerable military experience
By Ma[...]and is one of the very few who went in first to escape death
Hazel Nolen was b[...].
Sergeant Huston is a young man of twenty-five who was Helen M . (Pe[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (434)[...]e is hereby given that Tollef Hoye of Camas, Mt., who Stellmon of Portland, Ore.; David M. Hyre[...]of Hot
Springs, former Thompson Falls resident , who died in a David[...]- Local News - Eugene Hyre, son of David Hyre who lives
4th in the Murray Memorial Cemetery,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (435)[...]and and three children Mrs. Eugene Hyre, who passed away in a hospital in
came from Honolulu,[...]e 18, 1907 Robert Iff and Elsie Schwartz, who had the following
Columbia City, Ind. (Robert Iff[...]orld W ar I draft 81, of Thompson Falls who died of natural causes April 13
card noted the fo[...]lyn Ramie, Seaside,
Lonepine Dec. 14 - David Here who is serving with the Ore.; a ne[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (436)[...]the Lonepine cemetery. (Lorin).
Mrs. Hyre, who was a resident of that section for 26 years,[...]time to _____ Ignace. After his her daughter, who remained with her to the last. She was
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (437)[...]year ago he leased his ranch and moved to the who lives six miles northeast of Camas was in town
co[...]Bain Inkster of Lonepine,
News - Mrs. Bertha Imes who has been visiting at the Mt.; 4[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (438)[...]sburg, W ash.; farming
was the widow of Angus B., who died five years ago. on his f[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (439)[...]ed Dec. 7, 1952 Battleground, W ash., with burial
who died May 2 at the Bonner General Hospital.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (440)[...]d been riding two days on the cars.
Mrs. Irish, who loved being around little children, was a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (441)[...]ish was a
Lawrence Co., Indiana to Isaac C. Ross, who was deceased member of Eagles Aer[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (442)[...]n.
Local News - Mrs. M. W illiams and infant son, who have 1, 1969.
been visiting the former’[...]13 W ash.;
Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Andy Irvine, who are employed 2] Fred; 3] Minnie; 4[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (443)[...]of Christopher Higgins who opened a general store in 1865
Billy married Em[...]wner of a sizable buffalo
“Fortunate is the man who finds his work early in life and herd, stake[...]of the historic Catholic priest, Father Ravelli, who could be written. W omen like her have[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (444)[...]caught in the hills above Perma by
an Englishman who left the employ of the Hudson Bay A[...]ble, but we
“Black Robes” he was one of those who met them and passed ‘em just the[...]ile on as Mrs. Buell terms it, “A friend who loved her.”
one of her many expeditions. She ha[...]head Courier, Thursday, April 29, 1937 page 4 col
who was camped near the river by Sloan’s Ferry. The[...]Irvine, a well
order, but when the five other men who were camped there known pioneer resident who passed away last W ednesday at
all filed in and s[...]ated and the body was taken to St.
kiss everybody who will allow it, on any auspicious Ig[...], Has Had Thrilling Career - by
young Pierre Paul who is indicted for murder of a man who J. F. McAlear (printed in the Mineral Independent April 6,
testified against his uncle Pierre Paul, who with another 1939) - W illiam Irvine, sto[...]ry of Montana than most any
It was Mrs. Irvine who while fishing along the Jocko we[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (445)[...]ed averted a stampede of the big herd of buffalo.
who in that year with Sitting Bull as leader m[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (446)[...]Indian Found Dead in Hills - Justin Isaac, who had been
Local News - A letter from Miss Myrtle I[...]r old found death Tuesday evening by a brother, who lives at
home. She hopes to come back this fall.[...]James Kilolwatt (Kallovat), one of the Indians who helped
Miss Mary Peet, arrived home Monday after[...]was organized
Local News - The S. J. Irwin family who have a homestead which stayed on the[...]et away and it had
- Local News - Miss Sue Irvin, who has a beautiful apparent[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (447)[...]ng his brother, - Local News - Charles Israel, who lives at the head of
A. Isch on his claim.[...]Hot Springs News - Those who attended the Xmas eve
August died July 1[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (448)[...]in his convictions and true to his friends. Those who
Ben married Myrhl R. Thomas Feb. 20, 1932 Misso[...]en, drove to Missoula Saturday to see Mr. Jacobs, who is heart for the unfortunate. He was gen[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (449)[...]ranching there until
note a few of the Nez Perce who came to this locality in that 1949 when he reti[...]Since coming
long ago time - a man named Jackson, who resided in to Kalispell he has made h[...]dy ranched in Idaho, probably with his first wife who marriage and eight grandchildren.
he had th[...]ch 8, 1874 at
Local News - A. Jackson and family, who live up on the Stockholm, Sweden;[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (450)[...]til 1913, when
April 24, 1935 - The following men who were previously they moved to Kal[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (451)[...]llbearers were Dick Hinman, Leon Melton, who died March 9 in Portland. The Rev. Jerry W[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (452)[...]ville Jackson; and Abel Hart Jacobson, 76, who died at his home here
sister Gleneva Proef[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (453)[...]e 3 col 6 - Injured in Fence. A son of Mr. Janke, who has Beauty Shop.
a homestead above Angus McDona[...]nd Darci Jahnke.
boy was brought to Dr. Crutcher, who dressed the wound
and he is now getting al[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (454)[...]ia (Yenne) Jahnke Annie Larson who preceded him in death Dec. 5, 1965. Mr.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (455)[...]of the death of W alter C. Jahnke, 67, who passed away at
1868. In the summer of 1890 she em[...]rginia City, Mt.,
sweetheart, Blanche Haverlandt, who was raised in Marian to George O.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (456)[...]rical Society of - Local News - J. Z. Janzig, who has a homestead on the
Pasco, W ash.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (457)[...]Hot Springs - Betty Bower Jaques, 81, passed away
who was very ill. Last reports state that her[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (458)[...]andma Jarnagin Jain, who was arrested yesterday upon a warrant form
Sand[...]rd was for the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jayne who
Both parties are well known here and have the bes[...]e Monday and was buried Tuesday afternoon.
of all who know them.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (459)[...]A. Prosperous Home Builder - C. A. Jellison, who lives six
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Fri[...]we have seen this year. It was sired by
Mr. Jayne who has secured work in Butte.[...]M. ___. Camas, Mt., who on May 27, 1910 made homestead entry
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (460)[...]Local News - W alter Jensen, who settled on a claim near
Sarah married Joseph S.[...]Local News - W alter Jenson, who resides on a ranch a few
Arthur Jennings was bo[...]Elsie Reiten of Local News - W alter Jenson who has been working in the
Dixon, Mont.; white; 21 y[...]Jan. 23, 1914 - page 3 - J. B. Jeough, who owns a fine ranch
Hot Springs Manor Tuesda[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (461)[...]instead he started to attack the older man, who is a cripple,
hospital Friday morning. She is sur[...]rrangements. afternoon with the Indian who was placed in the county jail.[...]d on Monday to interpreter and the daughter, who was the only witness to the
be re-opened F[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (462)[...]- Local News - Andrew Johnson and family, who have a
reservation near Perma.[...]ant.
page 2 col 3 - Plains Items - A. M. Johnson, who used to be Mr. Johnson is making an effort to[...]ast year or more. Local News - Andrew Johnson, who has a homestead out on
The Sanders County Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday the flat, who has been taking his five months off, returned
Jul[...]her, Mr. been working.
and Mrs. John Miller, who recently arrived here from
Vancouver, B. C. Mr. a[...]ittle two year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, who Seedrowooley, W ashington, arrived th[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (463)[...]m Johnson and ____. He
his friend DeVern Johnsen, who is well known here is the was one of five[...]y, became the bride of Mr. Godfrey
Henry Johnson, who reside near Polson, died last Saturday Joh[...]I draft card Other students from out of town who are entering high
noted the following: Elm[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (464)[...]aught him the art of packing loads on mules. Nep, who was nat. 1912; born Norway as were his pare[...]73- Miss Dora Johnson. Miss Margurite Johnson who is
77 - Johnson, Henry, 49 years of age; i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (465)[...]onan, Mt. Nov. 2, 1939 - abstracted from
Prairie, who died at Hot Springs Sunday.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (466)[...]. They had four children, namely Richard Michael, who
Mildred died March 12, 2005 Missoula, Mt., with[...]killed in Vietnam at 21 years of age; James Earl who
March 15, 2005 in the Missoula City Cemete[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (467)[...]whenever they saw
knowledge and talents to anyone who was interested. something to be done.[...]A neighbor woman discovered the body about 6 p.m.
Vernon married Grace in 1[...]others in Libby and Alaska, and a brother, Jack, who resides
Church in Missoula. Those travelin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (468)[...]Creek area at News Col 3 - Mark Johnstone, who has been in Uncle Sam’s
Arlee until movi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (469)[...]page 4 col 4 - Camas Prairie News. - Mr. Jolly, who has
35 years of age born Ohio.[...]ther, Mrs. Myra Portland newspaper:
Jollidon, who suffered an attack of pneumonia in March,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (470)[...]M per day.
Local News - Mrs. Anna M. Jones, who has a homestead Sanders County Sig[...]- Local News - F. W . Jones, who has been in charge of the
The Sanders County In[...]ones logs for those who bring them to the mill, and will probably
Edwar[...]Local News - Mrs. F. W . Jones, who was so severely burned
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (471)[...]nes residing
1913 - Local News - Mr. G. E. Jones, who gives his address Perma, Mt.; 41 years old;[...]) Mary 35 years of yesterday was Henry Jones, who came at the age of 87 years
age; born W isconsin;[...]about 40 neighbors who took possession of their newly
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (472)[...]will reside. W e
Magpie Jones and Charles Allard, who is at the head of the extend congratulations[...]obstinate Jones of the Presbyterian church, who had been in Powell,
that the men after a hard cha[...]re
trail of the herd was taken up by Jim Grinder, who after a present.
hard chase of twenty miles[...]Robert Henry Jones
control by George Sloan who after getting them part way Robert Henr[...]k to the corral turned them over to W alter Sloan who Ohio.
took them for quite a distance and t[...]rs County W orld W ar I draft card
Charles Allard who soon had them in a corral. “Thats[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (473)[...]ar I draft card
Local News - Mrs. Sarah L. Jones, who has a homestead noted the following: Th[...]management of the
W ard Jones, another Perma boy who enlisted at the same creamery is v[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (474)[...]14, 1917 - page 8 - Dixon Doings - Ole Jorgenson, who Clarice Cultah was born ca 1880.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (475)[...]1915 Btry C 146.
- Local News - K. H. Kaasa who has been working in Idaho Anton N.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (476)[...]June 11, 1915 - front page col 4 - Harry Keays, who has
Clayton Clarence Kau was born Feb. 11, 189[...]5, 1851 New Middlesex, Ontario
physician, it was discovered that one of the bones above the - March 18, 19[...]W aytt and
our Neighbors Col 1 - Perma - Bud Kau, who is training in Robert Keays, both of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (477)[...]indy May Keirn; a brother-in-law
were among those who greeted Colonel Knox at Paradise. C[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (478)[...]ssoula
Pauline Blackburn Keirn, 73 of Trout Creek who died May Co., Mt., to W m. Kelley and Ola[...]h an acute attack of appendicitis last Friday who died Dec. 1, 1935 with burial in the Plain[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (479)[...]ir marriage lasted
Dixon, in place of Miss Kemer, who was called from her 10 years, later endin[...]age they moved to Spokane,
Local News - Mr. Kemp, who lives in Oliver gulch, was a W ash. W hile[...]gacy of memories that money cannot
for his mother who raised a large family while struggling buy.[...]duated from many and will be missed by all who knew him.
Dixon High, where he was avid in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (480)[...]sit with her daughter Mrs. James
Kendal of Dixon, who has been working in Thompson Falls,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (481)[...]in the Dixon and went to see my sister who owned a ranch north of
Murray Memorial Cemetery,[...]are only four persons living who filed on land over there.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (482)[...]lroad. He was walking on the tracks
Prairie, Mt., who on May 24, 1910 made homestead entry from[...]resided in Dixon, Mt. who arrived from Minnesota a short time ago, went to
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (483)[...]ster, Mrs. P. J. Egan and his brother, John Kent, who has Sanders County Independent Ledger Thurs.[...]been received that three Lake County service men, who Jack Kiely served in W orld W ar I[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (484)[...]589

She is survived by her husband, who was with her to the Tuesday morning Sept. 9[...]W illiam Gird and has a host of friends here who wish them a
Missoula Co., to Joseph Couture and K[...]Roger Cote of
Local News - The Kiernan children, who have been Portland, Ore., a[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (485)[...]elaide Diederick was born about 1890 Kansas City,
who is superintendent of a large school in W a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (486)[...]ed - - Local News - W illiam L. Kimberly, who lives 2 miles
married to Alberta Peirce of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (487)[...]King, Charles 12 years of age born Radka, who were witnesses to the ceremony. The happy
page 3 col 2 - Hot Springs News - Miss King, who is a July 20, 1960 Ronan, Mt.
rancher and teacher near Lonepine, was among those who Margaret Resner? was born to Carl Resn[...]W ednesday evening at the Ronan hospital,
mother, who resides in Durston, Nebraska.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (488)[...]nited States commissioner
Local News - Jack Lowe, who has a claim in Oliver gulch, Henri J. Burl[...]tract
Rhoads and Miss Edith Kingsgard, neighbors, who came in on the east end of Camas Prairie.[...]ustin group of
Local News - Miss Edith Kingsgard, who stopped a few mining claims who maintain that they filed mineral rights
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (489)[...]Camas, Mt. who on Nov. 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.
The Pla[...]Camas, Mt. Friday May 5, 1911 - Camas, Mt. who on Nov. 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (490)[...]G. (W ray) Kirkpatrick Prairie, Mt. who on May 11, 1910 made homestead entry
W illiam K[...]born about 1892 Hamilton, Ravalli Kiser, who has a homestead in Camas Prairie from Panama
Co.,[...]Thursday, accompanied by her niece, Amy Clapp, who spent
- Camas Prairie News - L. S. Kiser h[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (491)[...]had visited here often and had made many friends, who were services will be held at a later date[...]and Montana to Anton Kline.
loyal friends, who helped Carol in so many ways, after she[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (492)[...]been received that three Lake County service men, who
See Harvey A. Schrock.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (493)[...]ices will be conducted Friday, May 19 at 11
Price who later became the governor in Missouri. Her[...]inal years at home, made possible by Jim Curtiss, who has Mildreth Campbell Paro. She lived at Ho[...], Benicia, Calif.; Carl Knight,
apparent to those who were closest to them in the later years. Grayso[...]d Thomas Knight, Dublin, Calif.; two
And to Mona, who was always just a phone call away and d[...]ce. Local News - Richard Knopp is a gentleman who has[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (494)[...]gory Lee Kontos
highly thought of by all of those who knew her. Her family Gregory Lee[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (495)[...]o’clock, he was aroused by Mr. Thompson, who was
be wrong, hard to read last name) residing in[...], as his heart was
Local News - Mr. S. R. Catlow, who recently visited his bad.
sister, Mrs. G[...]had gotten some sort of a weapon out of his grip
who was called east by the sickness of her father, th[...]rshall, Iowa. Mrs. Koontz has the sympathy of all who taken alive. He repeatedly scream[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (496)[...]d evidently just killed a short
Marshalltown man, who died at Plains, Montana, last week. distance[...]Rhem and F. M. Mitchell.
Those from a distance who were here for the services were[...]Local News - Fred Kopp, who lived four miles northeast of
Sanders Co[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (497)[...]pendent Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. woman who was found dead near her home on Camas
Jan. 6, 192[...]Bond. - abstracted from article - Kostecka, who has been
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (498)[...]ice is hereby given that Olaf Blixt of Camas, Mt. who on Schenk); 5] Alvin.
May 21, 1910 made hom[...]Mamie died.
- Local News - L. N. Kragness, who has been spending the Emil died Dec. 1[...]Friday Jan. 2, 1914
Local News - Gus A. Kranich, who has a claim on the Bitter page 4 co[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (499)[...]on, and a
republican appointment and A. J. Dorris who has been nephew George W att, Missoula.[...]f Mr. July 17, 1914 - page 3 - Jack Krier, who resides in W hiskey
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (500)[...]Kroutz
Local News - Frank Schiller and Ray Krohn, who have Sanders County Signal, Ca[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (501)[...]Local News - Peter Kvarum, who has a homestead in this
Millie Kulenala was born[...]Local News - Peter Kvarum, who has a homestead in this[...]wo - Dixon Doings - Local News - Peter Kvarum, who has been at work in the
Henry Kurtz of Missoula,[...]help for you (and perhaps me.) I
married Helen : who died in 1958?) USA[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (502)[...]Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Farley Logore, who reside at
speaks French; farming, home farm.[...]ash. young Pierre Paul who is indicted for murder of a man who
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Dec. 22, 1911 - testified against his uncle Pierre Paul, who with another
Local News - Mrs. L. D. LaGore, who has been visiting Indian Lala See murde[...]It was Mrs. Irvine who while fishing along the Jocko
Sanders County Si[...]ian Agent and when officers came they
Camas, Mt., who on May 23, 1910 made homestead entry s[...]Local News - Mrs. Lagore, mother of M. F. Lagore, who has Pierre Paul was finally caught i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (503)[...]ter LaLuke of Calgary, Those of Hot Springs who attended the funeral were Lew
Alberta Cana[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (504)[...]Lamereaux is living on an allotment of his wife, who is
will of Mrs. L’Amoreaux and to attend to suc[...]ccompanied by Ed.
and respected citizen of Camas, who from all accounts never Lemoureau who will spend the remainder of the winter in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (505)[...]hen a stake was shaped to fit
of Edward Lameroux, who passed away in 1927 at the age into t[...]oo, was much different than the high powered
lady who was formerly Mrs. Louis Maillet, that same Louis[...]today. After the hay was mowed, raked and
Maillet who made history in the fur trading and exploration[...]ver Courville started out in
bought out an Indian who had squatter’s rights at the present below[...]Prairie and
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hood, who have modernized home. They had quite a[...]ssoula. Homer contemplates a visit to his parents who live
below the present Camas townsite to f[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (506)[...]ks. He was a freely gives to all those who believe in him.
member of the Plains Unite[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (507)[...]to which place Mrs. Campbell who was joined by her
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (508)[...]5, 1917 - page 8 - Lonepine - Mrs. Carrie Turner, who
Back W hen - by John A. Rhone - It seems t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (509)[...]arrivee - Helena Flats - T. Sgt. Lester Larrivee, who has See Asmund A. Ekrheim.
been on Air Fo[...]riday April 28, 1911
- Local News - G. W . Larse, who has a homestead four[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (510)[...]til poor health caught up with her. She Kelly, who was also enlisted.
works a great deal in h[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (511)[...]Hot Springs for the rev. Lewis O. Lasseson, 93, who died
Memorial Cemetery, Lonepine, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (512)[...]viving are his widow; son Burr Niarada, Mt. who on June 6, 1910 made homestead entry
Jr., both of[...]rn Bohemia. Lavelle, who has a homestead near Niarada, spent Sunday
John[...]889 Kalispell, Mt. to
increasing every day as one who is able to tie the nuptial Barney Lave[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (513)[...]627

Lavelle, who has a homestead near Niarada, spent Sunday[...]rd violent death for sons of the vicinity who wish them a successful union.
Barney Lavelle, pio[...]Charles Lawrence, Daniel
Local News - Tim Lavell, who has a homestead up near Nichol and P[...]_ Garbarino. admired by all who met her. Her kind nature and generous

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (514)[...]receptacle were sent to a finger print expert who reports that
Thompson Falls in 1950 and re[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (515)[...]W ilkes Markel, who was brought here and kept in the
John[...]s born about 1913 Polson, Lake Co., Mt., to who on May 20, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02061 fo[...]on, Lake Co., Mt., Local News - Frank C. Lee, who has a homestead north of
to W est Lee and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (516)[...]day.
wagon, chickens, hay and grain of Mr. Porter who lives out Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt.[...]1912 - their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lee, who have a well
Local News - Mrs. W illiam Dun[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (517)[...]tle had been previously married to _____ Millert, who
they had the following children: 1] child.[...]houlder. Mac Lee. Lonepine, Mt. Develyn who died August 11 in Spokane. Father Michael[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (518)[...]Bazil LeftHand Sr., 79, an Arlee resident who was killed in
Niarada, Mt., formerly from[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (519)[...]page 3 col 5 - Valley View News - Paul W erth, who has
Thursday April 20, 2000.[...]Earl Local News - Mrs. Idella Lemon, who lives near Niarada,
Lehtola of Dixon, Mont[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (520)[...]riday Feb. 16, 1912 -
Local News - Frank Leonard, who has a claim in section 1,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (521)[...]Local News - Lawrence Letson, who was kicked in the
Sanders County Signal, Camas,[...]he remains were
1912 - Local News - G. O. Letson, who has a 30 horse interred at Plains. The[...]ril 12, 1899 Ellendale,
Local News - G. O. Letson who runs a saw mill 8 miles North Da[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (522)[...]tgomery of Hot Springs, Mt.; white; 18 who spent over a year here, died this winter, followi[...]e E. (Thetford) Lewis
Dow of Priest River, Idaho; who is of legal age, born St. Lester[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (523)[...]She will also be remembered by all the friends who loved
Local News - Joseph B. Lieb made fin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (524)[...]mas Prairie - K. Ling
ranch to Mr. Lund of Plains who will take up his residence was exempted fro[...]1919 Hot Springs News Col 6 - Clink Ling, who has
spend the summer.[...]Friday Nov. 3, 1911 -
ranch to Mr. Lund of Plains who will take up his residence Local News - Sam Lingle, who broke his leg in Garson
right away.[...]very nicely. Dr. Crutcher was the physician who set the leg.
Klink & Eula[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (525)[...]ly 11, 1913 - Local News - C. Elmer Linstrom, who has a homestead in
Local News - Edward Linstead l[...]ril 6, 1923 - Hot Local News - Roy Linton, who was arrested some time ago
Springs News - Mr. and[...]ay April 5, 1912 -
- Local News - Arndt Lindsten, who has taken up a Local News - Mrs. Cat[...]ad papers her name).
Local News - Arndt Lindsted, who has a homestead on the
Bitter Root, was killed in[...]Lynetta A. Little
last week. His brother, who was with him barely escaped Lynetta A. L[...]Local News - Miss L. Little, who has a homestead north of
Sanders County Signal,[...]ived last week to take up her residence
deceased, who had a homestead down the Little Bitter Roo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (526)[...]s a nice piece of land on the McLain boys, who stole the horse, are now serving time.
Morigeau s[...]tle is stopped falling. He had a companion who left, going
a former homesteader in the valley an[...]From appearances they had tried to
acquaintances who wish them both a long and prosperous b[...]to visit claimed by relatives and friends, who took it to the Mission
with her daughter, who has a homestead a few miles north of for bu[...]page 3 - Old Indian Gets Horse - J. A. Tremblay, who traded Co., Mt. to Joseph Selah and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (527)[...]Kalispell Sunday to see his wife who recently underwent a[...]e 4 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Joseph Nugent Jr., who
page 3 col 4 - Murray - Loder - One of the surpri[...]5
The groom is a homesteader and one of the few who are - Local News - Albert Loiselle,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (528)[...]e - Local News - J. I. Long, the gentleman who owns the
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (529)[...]Camas arrived here Saturday to join Mr. Long, who is
wedded couple left W ednesday, morning for a t[...]xcellent reputation. He is one of the kind of men who will with his family. Mr. Long and family retu[...]ng was a visitor in Camas Saturday
logs for those who bring them to the mill, and will probably[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (530)[...]ust home from France, he had a sick aunt who was dependent on him. He was of
visited wi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (531)[...]Local News - Jack Lowe, who has a homestead at the head
Edward married Luc[...]n, Montana Friday Local News - Jack Lowe, who has a homestead in Oliver
Aug. 13, 1909 - E. W .[...]for a short visit. - Local News - Jack Lowe, who has a claim in Oliver gulch,
1909 Plains Polk[...]ard Rhoads and Miss Edith Kingsgard, neighbors, who came in
1913 Plains Polk directory list[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (532)[...]otel and operated it from 1964 until the present.
who lives about ten miles south of Dixon was s[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (533)[...]. She had lived in Ft. Nisqually, W ash., who was allotted land.
Polson since that time.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (534)[...]Mary had been previously married to Louie LeBrun who investigation officer for the Indian Res[...]Ignatius - Mrs. Agnes Lozeau, 45,
Adolph Lozeau, who died January 8 at his home on the died[...]an automobile accident.
join the ranks of those who went over the last trail before She was bo[...]e was known to many of the oldtimers of the state who had father Orville Morias, Dixon; three sist[...]was married in 1866 to a French and Indian woman,
who died at Dixon in 1920 at the age of 90 years. Fou[...]Funeral services for Agnes Lozeau, age 18, who died on
Agnes (Liberty) Lozeau[...]ly 30, 1942
Jack Liberty, and Lawrence Mickelson, who, according to page 1 col 6 - Mrs.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (535)[...]ward Lozeau of Dixon, Mt. and L. F. who died January 21, in Dixon Friday morning.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (536)[...]hwest of Ronan. The funeral will be held
woodsman who viewed the proceedings with apparent calm,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (537)[...]been received that three Lake County service men, who not been previously married - married to[...]oscum was born about 1919 St. Ignatius,
Lozeau, who has been in service for over three years,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (538)[...]great grandchildren and Bob and Shirley Lund, who attend the University of Idaho at
32 great[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (539)[...]onan, Mt., at the Local News - A. H. Lunder, who lives on the west end of
age of 59 years. He was[...]s in Conrad (There was a Peter Lundgren who died Aug. 1895 in
Cemeter, Kalispell, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (540)[...]Carl Lundvall, 39 year old Fort Benton man who died in an
24, 1921 Ronan, Mt.[...]12 and has since - Local News - D. D. Luttrell who has a claim back of
lived in the Flathead area.[...]chard (Frieda) Local News - D. C. Luttrell, who has a homestead near
Neuman, Ariz.; and Mr[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (541)[...]n H. Lyndon of Camas, Mt. Frances Bristow.
who on Nov. 1, 1910 made homestead entry No. 0[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (542)[...]ons, Mrs. Nicholson and Miss Clark. Mrs. Gilbert, who Harry married Edith Schoonover[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (543)[...]in 1937 and they had the Mrs. Mathenson, who witnessed the occurrence says that he
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (544)[...]e the companion. It was learned from a witness who saw the men
death of Antoine Michel, who was alleged to have been during the da[...]t was being ridden by C. E. Callen, the lumberman who Dec. 8 - In the district court to-morrow[...]len if he knew where Robillard, an Indian, who is accused of murdering another
the ______ was: r[...]a number of witnesses in the case from Plains who will
Robiean, and we recommend that Manuel Curley[...]ght his money was all stolen from his
cut Curley, who still shows the marks of where he received a[...]d a short could not catch up with the riders who were on horseback.
distance out from Plains, Robi[...]striking Billy W allace and Charley Farmer who did this job.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (545)[...]The Missoula City Cemetery has a C. or E. Mack who
money was stolen, she immediately send for govern[...]ng in Dixon, Mt.; 27
Local News - S. A. Malehorn, who has a homestead in Big years old; born O[...]voluntarily as a substitute for a fellow rancher who had
stock to citizens of the Reservation. It is r[...]Oct. 25, 1917 - page ten - Plains - Isaac Angdon, who Earl Mack building. The former[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (546)[...]and - Local News - Miss Della Mackey, who has a homestead
they had the following children:[...]with burial Local News - Miss Della Mackey, who has been spending
in Mountain View Cemetery.[...]Oct 10, 1871; 12] W illis Camden Nov. 18,
Mackey who formerly lived here but who has been teaching 1873 - April 19, 1927; 1[...]illiam Hamilton.
Local News - Mrs. Della Mackey, who has a homestead on Jim’s eldest son[...]was the first school teacher in school teacher who was teaching in Arlee, Hattie Driese
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (547)[...]key to Co in 1889 and Helena in 1892 52, who died Tuesday near Summit, were conducted Friday
a[...]Madden, who has been visiting at the Springs for some time[...]ixon. Local News - Martin Matten, who purchased the George
The fire has been attribut[...]ossession this week. He purchased a
stove. It was discovered by the daughter of Carl Smith a team of horses and intends to improve the ranch.
neighbor, who called for help, but the fire was beyond t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (548)[...]y Patricia Paslay, now Mrs. Everett Managhan, who lives
Madden and Julia Haverin - she had not been[...]. E. Nippert.
attend the funeral of Pat Paisely, who was killed there. He Hazel married #1 ____[...]#2 Julia C. (Anderson)
Maddux, who have lived here most of their lives.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (549)[...]- Blaine Hingley
Interest col 3 - Merrit Maddox, who recently moved to residing in Hot Sprin[...]Mrs. Madsen, who has been in Missoula under the care of
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (550)[...]f Dixon, Mrs.
According to the account of those who saw the stabbing Margaret Tilden of Lapw[...]y
June 13, 1913 - page 3 - Andrew Madsen of Dixon who was W illiam LeRo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (551)[...]Apolonia Magera;
Erma was a talented homemaker who cooked wonderful brothers August, Jo[...]r family and Frances, Staffia and Della.
who was also very talented at crafts and embro[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (552)[...]25, 1944 at the age
W arm Springs - John Magera, who came to Hot Springs of 10 years old[...]bankruptcy law from the further nagging of those who held with burial in the St. Regis[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (553)[...]ssoula
Feb. 27, 1914 - page 3 - Mrs. C. G. Maher, who conducts the same day.
the DeMers hotel a[...]t. Hot Springs News - Those who attended the Xmas eve
Sanders County Signal, Ca[...]usly married to ____ Davis and they had
Missoula, who is visiting at the home of his sister-in-l[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (554)[...]d Sunday, May 10, at the Mahoney bros. who handle most of the meat business in the
Plains Ce[...]1916 Mt.;
shortly the mine will be worked and all who know the 4] John, Aug. 1917 - Sept 19[...]me over to spend Sunday at the Mahoney who has been engaged in the real estate and
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (555)[...]y Librarian for a time. the vicinity who wish them a successful union.
W illiam H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (556)[...]Hot Springs, Mt. - W aid, 74, of Missoula who died Nov. 6 of natural causes in
Ronan Pioneer, R[...]til
18, 1934 - Hot Spring News - Albert Mailette, who spent the moving to Missoula in 1977.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (557)[...]ather was Charles A. Prongua. Maillet who recently finished his pre-flight training[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (558)[...]re from Horse Plains, Mont. They were who started it didn’t have much to go on.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (559)[...]respected by all who know him. He was twenty-two years
Rosary will be[...]y community. The friends of the young couple who extend
married - married to Florence C. Li[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (560)[...]et of mother was Susan Prongua.
Hot Springs, who has left for San Diego, Calif. to begin his[...]the passing of Nickolas Maillet, who had been in a military
Nichola[...]he sympathy of the community is extended to those who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (561)[...]urial in same cemetery.
Local News - E. C. Mains, who have the Hayler place,
received a couple of loads[...]5 Thompson
Nov. 19, 1915 - page 3 - E. C. Majors, who has been here Falls, Mt. by W . E. Nipper[...]. He was a Local News - S. A. Malehorn, who has a homestead in Big
middle aged man and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (562)[...]Skylawn Memorial Park.
the body of his brother who was killed by a falling tree in
the woods[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (563)[...]Malinak and Julia Denton
funeral of Oris Malinak who was killed in the woods near Bill enlist[...]e Matelich in 1953 and they had
father and mother who reside here, he leaves three sisters the fol[...], Idaho and one Lorranie died??
brother who resides here with his parents.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (564)[...]ver
Andrea and Charlotte came easily to this man, who was like Gulch died September 30 at the N.P[...](Guy Jorgenson); 5] Joseph ca 1916 Hot who have been here for medical treatment are i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (565)[...]noted that he was from the Niarada area; his home
who have been here for medical treatment are improvin[...]iam was transferred to
- Local News - Sam Mallon, who has a homestead on the Lonepine[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (566)[...]Thurs. July Local News - Leslie Managhan, who has a homestead six
27, 1978 page 4 col 6 - John[...]e Monahan are the parents of a baby girl, who arrived last
Little Bitterroot Valley for[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (567)[...]ish. They - Local News - Charles Manion, who has a homestead in the
later moved to Kila where[...]Clark of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Mrs. Managhan, who traveled to Montana in a covered[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (568)[...]alter S. Jan. 1883 ND; 2] Barber tent, who will give you prices.
Bertha, Dec. 1885 ND[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (569)[...]ell. Anne had so many friends who were a big part of her life.
LeRoy married Anne[...]6 W aubay, South Dakota to elderly friends who were unable to cook meals for
Andrew Sandv[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (570)[...]ash., - Local News - George N. Mansfield, who conducted a
Jennifer (Robert) Mitchell of Hot Spr[...]id grocery store here at one time, but who lives in Columbia
(Shirley) Manning of Butte; her[...]orie) - Local News - G. N. Mansfield, who owns a store building
Sandvig of Big Arm, Marvin[...]Camas and formerly ran a grocery store here, but who is
Emmy (Tim) Burt of W enatchee, W ash., and Geo[...]t
- Supplement - Mrs. McLaine of Hillsboro, Ill., who has a Hillsboro, Ill., to Mr. and Mrs. Georg[...]oys In 1888 he was married to Mary Etta, who preceded him
came in W ednesday and will m[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (571)[...]ery, Missoula, Mt.
- Local News - Mack Mansfield, who has been attending
school at Billings, arrived ho[...]in the Frenchtown section, who died in 1939. The younger[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (572)[...]years for J. R. Daily, Inc., Mr. Marcure, who died in a Thermopolis nursing home
then mo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (573)[...]ounty Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. June 9,
Marion, who seemed to be head of the expedition, staye[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (574)[...]aine. - Local News - Thos. B. Gilbertson, who has a homestead in
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Sept. 22, 1911 this vicinity, but who has been lately employed by W ilkes
- Markle Dist[...]May 9, 1913 - front page col 1 - Mr. Markle, who lives on
Jasper Alfred Markle was born to W ill[...]aphs - W . Markle shipped a and the Indians who operated the ferry would come and take
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (575)[...]draft horse raising business,
of the St. Ignatius who operated one of the larger cattle and in[...]this out, even if it was a lowly settler who only wanted a tract of
remarkable woman. H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (576)[...]Sparks, aged 40
bridles and hackamores. It was he who taught some of the years and a r[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (577)[...]rs old, with burial Nov. 19, 1941 in the Markle
who was killed Tuesday night in an auto accident nort[...]arkle, Clinton; two - Local News - Sam Marks, who has a homestead a short
sisters, Mrs. Lorene Burg[...]in which he was Local News - Sam Marks, who has a claim east of town,
riding struck a bridge[...]ve investigation - Local News - Sam Marks, who has been spending the past
W ed. of the ac[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (578)[...]shingle mill and make other
an exceptional woman who would jump at the opportunity to additions t[...]The eight brothers and two sisters are: August, who resides
the first to dry a tear, help with a scho[...]ed in the same
her fellow residents and the staff who cared for her. order as one taken when t[...]r cut off).
friend of 79 years, Delores Crossley, who was a constant Information on brother Lou[...]rvices for
Nadine will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Mrs. Marguerite Marqua[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (579)[...], Plains Saturday to meet his brother, Anton, who returned to
Idaho, where he will make his[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (580)[...]. - in Shawno county, W isconsin. Mr. Grosscup, who has been
81-81 - Marquardt, Elbert, 46 years of a[...]andchildren, Verland Marquardt, Mona F.
Marquardt who reside on R. F. D. No. 2 were pleasantly[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (581)[...]Friends who served as pallbearers were: Thomas Jaques, E.
The[...]sband, Ervin; one son; Verland;
Charitina Henfer, who preceded him in death in 1958. two dau[...]In 1911 he went to Niarada and Robertson, who lives at 585 First Avenue W est North in
homestea[...]hers, Local News - Ferdinand Marquardt, who has a homestead
Fritz and Albert Marquardt[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (582)[...]er Fred Died at Hospital - the accident was discovered by Robert
died. Smith of Lakeside who is employed in the area. Smith drove
friends and neighbors of the Marquardt family who served minor children at home in Ka[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (583)[...]their
in Shawno county, W isconsin. Mr. Grosscup, who has been home here.
here for some time a[...]her, George cemetery, Lonepine, Mt.
Sloan, who were residing in Dixon. (No relation to the[...]Plains Saturday to meet his brother, Anton, who returned to
noted the following: Herman Ma[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (584)[...]Cora was a school teacher from Durston, Nebraska who name of Major who attended with their 14 year old daughter,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (585)[...]ed back to Montana to from Earl Green, who is in Uncle Sam’s army in France,
retire severa[...]states that Oscar Marques of Hot Springs, who enlisted in
John enjoyed jigsaw puzzles[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (586)[...]Park, Local News - Scott Marques, who has just come to settle
W ashington.[...]resident Ronald Edward of R. Hoffman, who will help his brother this summer in his
Marques,[...]ool at Hot Springs. He Mrs. Scott Marques, who live three miles northeast of
served with the U.S[...]en; two brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Marques, who were among the first
John Marques, Hot Spr[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (587)[...]he started driving the bus he figured
Annabelle, who died in infancy. There have been 29[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (588)[...]y to his left eye while
Local News - Mr. Marinan, who has a homestead in the operatin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (589)[...]innie Campbell - Local News - P. K. Marsh, who has a farm near Camas has
residing in Hot[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (590)[...]ice is hereby given Viola A. Marsh of Camas, Mt., who page 2 col 4 - Lonepine News - F. E. Mar[...]aughter, Mrs. Maud
Local News - Miss Viola Marsh, who has a homestead a Lee, Newburg, Oreg[...]ol 3 - An Extraordinary Case. - Miss Viola Marsh, who Marson, Herbert; 70 years of age; born[...]examination has revealed the fact Martels, who has a claim near Camas.
that she practical[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (591)[...]ta Ellmore Oct. 22, 1916 Milltown,
(Slim) Martin, who made his home here for many years. He[...]7, 1916. Since then they have only
three children who survive, her daughter, Shirley G. LeBeau[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (592)[...]hereby given that Herman Gieshaber of Camas, Mt. who on
W ednesday for a visit with his son. He came b[...]aim east of town. Local News - W . Maschmier, who has a homestead north of
W illiam marrie[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (593)[...]n May 27, 1946 Kansas City, Mo. Arneson, who resides in the Big Draw, arrived this week and
to[...]This Local News - Mrs. Mason and children who have been
marriage ended in a divorce.[...]Freeman Halverson, neighbors, who came in to testify in his
Survivors inc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (594)[...]43 - According to the account of those who saw the stabbing
Men Missing in Action - Jack Mas[...]Japanese since May 1942 and was on Massey, who succeeds H. C. Bullard. Mr. Massey is well[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (595)[...]sey, being sheriff at
by some of those officials, who as a matter of fact only that time.
wanted[...]9 - Earl cemetery, Plains, Mt.
Massey, who left here about three months ago to join a[...]Shoppe said they wish to thank all those who have
cemetery, Plains, Mt.[...]s turning the operation over to the
Mr. Massey, who was 58 years of age, died at the family[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (596)[...]ll of her life in the Flathead Valley.
Mathias, who has been in practice in Hamilton for the past[...]1935 Arlee, Mt.
Local News - Charles M. Matney, who has a homestead in See Mike Si[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (597)[...]f the Peace. W itnesses: Mary A. Bauilla
50 years who lived on the Flathead Indian Reservation f[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (598)[...]as held before Judge Crutcher was called who fixed up the broken limb and he is
James M. Self.[...]omay Matt Dies At 71 - St. Mike Matt, who died at Phoenix, Arizona on January 17th
Ignatius[...]t a local Saturday; accompanied by his son who went with him to
hospital after a brief illness.[...]on, the remains of Maxim Matt
grave of a daughter who died about 10 months ago. Rosary were l[...]the friends and relatives of the family, who, in spite of the
evening. Mr. Matt who had resided in this area all his life[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (599)[...]mer home.
At 18 he was married to Susanne Finley, who is the mother Vincent M att Sr.
of his children and who survives him. Vincen[...]The Matt family is descended from Louis Matt, who came the Jocko Catholic Cemetery, A[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (600)[...]worked for Belle Holt and Rose (W agner) Bailey, who both
Catholic Church.[...]e local casinos to play the slot machines and her
who preceded her in death, were born Jan. 29,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (601)[...]sisters, Mrs. Bessie Cannon of
(Bud) Mattix, 63, who died there earlier in the week. W[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (602)[...]1914.
for W alter W . “W alt” Mauritson, 48, who died Monday Pearl married hus[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (603)[...]years of age Local News - W . L. Maxson, who has been residing at
born W illand, Ontario, Cana[...]a to
page 3 col 4 - Niarada News - Earnest Maxon, who has Archie Richard Maxwell (deceased[...]n. 16, 1914 -
Local News - Mrs. W illiam Maxson , who has been visiting[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (604)[...]e he will spend the winter.
teacher at this place who has been boarding with Mrs. A. Sanders[...]as moved to B. Local News - Sidney Mayer, who has a homestead east of
Sampson.[...]20 were granted a license and will be married who had charge of the restaurant at this place for so[...]Dorothy Helen M aynard
this valley, who has been here visiting his brother, met with[...]al News - W alter Mayer, brother of Sidney Mayer, who Jane McKinley - he had not been previous[...]ms and A. M. Johnson.
Local News - W alter Mayer, who has been visiting his The San[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (605)[...]the husband, Mr. and Mrs. McAllister, who recently came here
following children; 1] Hazel L[...]Saturday morning on account of A. G. McAllister, who
The Plainsman, Plains, Mt. May 28, 1936 T[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (606)[...]McAllister
on his way in he met Al Sears of Eddy who brot him to Dies - Funeral services we[...]lant let forth a a Sanders County pioneer, who died at his home here early
blast as prearranged[...]man officiated. Burial was
bunch of brave friends who had spent all night and part of in the Frat[...]cAllister, during these Thompson Hearst, who owned and operated the Mountain
trying hours, they gave a stag dinner to the men who hunted View Hotel there. They were married S[...]nterment was in Osawatomie, Kans near her husband who McAllister has purchased Oliver[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (607)[...]July 5, 1917 - page 8 - Lonepine - C. W . McCabe, who is
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Jul[...]tion service, has been
Local News - John McBride, who has a homestead in transferred t[...]nd they had the following
McBride of Hot Springs, who had the misfortune to sever children:[...]Local News - Miss Mary McCabe, who has been stopping at
Rudolph McBride was born a[...]previously Local News - Miss Mary McCabe, who has been residing in
married - married to Mrs. B.[...]sh.
widow of Camas, 10 days ago, Rudolph McBride, who lives Sanders County Signal,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (608)[...]hter was a Senate page. She wasn’t the only one who[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (609)[...]His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCallum, who reside on
membership for the 1987 legislative ses[...]n the service of their country, but the young man who had
Lodge No. 63 in Plains for 47 years and a 20-[...]eath by his parents and six of his of our boys who laid down their lives in a just and noble[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (610)[...]the
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCallum, who reside on subsequent operation proved to[...]n the service of their country, but the young man who had H. A. & #2 Olive (Pennin[...]gton to W m. H. McCann (deceased) and
of our boys who laid down their lives in a just and noble[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (611)[...]f Tacoma, W ashington; white; 27 years of age
and who died Nov. 19, 1959 Missoula, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (612)[...]The body is at the Johnson Funeral home who will
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (613)[...]rs Association.
services for Mrs. John McCoy, 62, who died last He is survived[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (614)[...]Olson, highway patrolman Robert L. Jr.
who investigated the accident.[...]She was married to Robert A. McCrea of Ronan, who with
page 5 col 4 - Linda Dee McCrea, 7, who died Saturday two sons and tw[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (615)[...]dren.
He married Matilda Gebeau of St. Ignatius who preceded Preceding him in death are his[...]and Mabel F. McCullaw of Niarada, who is stopping at the Taylor
(Sealey) McCrea.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (616)[...]son, and 17 grandchildren.
col 3 - Mrs. McDaniel, who has been overseas for several Al[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (617)[...]r father of Duncan McDonald of Ravalli, who is known all
mother was his first wife Mar[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (618)[...]all over the reservation. Angus McDonald, who was in the
with burial in Phillipsburg, Mt.[...]who had been in charge of the sheep some time. More[...]914 -
and drowned, according to Coroner Campbell, who brought Local News - Miss Bonnie McDonald[...]morning with the information that the sheepherder who was residing at Niarada. Mr. Borden[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (619)[...]mas, Mt. Friday April 21, 1911 -
Mrs. McDonald, who was born in Ohio, came to the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (620)[...]ously married - married to Anne Hove of who made a real stock ranch in the wilderness and for[...]stice of the Peace. W itnesses: Fred McDonald, who died at the Sisters’ hospital June 4, were
C. M[...]nt and has a St. Ignatius. The pallbearers, who were members of the Elks
valuable ranch on the Li[...]e died. He was the son of Angus McDonald, the man who
- Local News - John A. McDonald passed thru Camas[...]65 years of age born Cemetery, Kalispell, Mt. who died Jan. 5, 1939.)
W ashington: (niece) M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (621)[...]ld at Mission for
Monday by Judge Albert Besancon who granted a divorce in McDonald Infant - St.[...]Tribal Council and Niarada rancher, who died at his home
The Plainsman, Plains, Mt. Feb[...]Mt., white; of legal age, born fur trader who in 1847 established the Hudson’s Bay post
Perth[...]lowing children; 1] Ann Scottish fur trader who in 1847 established the Hudson Bay
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (622)[...]rom high school, business college and 67, who died in St. Luke hospital. Rosary was recited
tra[...]ter of Pallbearers for Sophie McDonald who died in St. Ignatius
Mrs. Lewis Rain of Kalispell[...]rty) M cDonald late Montana Senator who served in the 1920' and ‘30's. She[...]- Archie McDonald of Center.
Spokane, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Nate Mc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (623)[...]W a. for his basic training. Camas, Mt., who on May 17, 1910 made homestead entry
He was place[...]- Local News- C. C. McDonald, who has recently sold his
The Ronan Pioneer, Ronan,[...]me Local News - Christopher C. McDonald, who had a
resident of the reservation. He was a craft[...]Irwin noted that Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McDonald, who were
Rosary was said Monday in the Fearon Chape[...]aternal grandparents, W . B. and Alice MacDonald, who
drowned during the week - end.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (624)[...]for two years. Most of this child, a son who died as a young man.
time he has been helpless. B[...]Michell Yatellafee.
Ravalli and Angus of Camas who were with him at the time On the Indian[...]1946 St. Ignatius, Mt. with burial McDonald, who took a fancy, so to speak, to his outfit.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (625)[...]s a half-breed. His General McClelland, who picked out the army trail from
father was Angus M[...]mother was a princess of the Selish tribe. His who made the trail from Fort Benton to the Pacific coast.
maternal grandfather was a chief of the Iroquois, who came Duncan lived his entire life in the[...]een in very poor health.
Bighead of Camas Prairie who died May 1921, the obit Du[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (626)[...]7 - abstracted and sloping. Ed was a man who liked the outdoors. As a
from his obituary - Dunc[...]Ed’s” Lake,
of Hudson Bay fur trader. 1924 he discovered the ruins of because no one else would go t[...]which he was born was built by his father Joe who is coach at the Montana State Industrial School i[...]ifetime resident of St. Ignatius, died
McClellan, who picked out the army route from Ft. Benton[...]orn March 23, 1905 Post Creek, Ignatius, who died in 1847. Mr. McDonald and his family[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (627)[...]nt.
funeral of their nephew, Arbie Dale McDonald; who died The Sanders County Indepen[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (628)[...]s residing in Plains, Mrs. Thomas McDonald, who passed away at the Holy
Mont.[...]3, 1937 - More Local James McDonald, who was an honor member of the junior
News - J. J. Mc[...]Signal, Camas, Mont Jan. 26, 1922 - Jim
McDonald who was here recently under care of his sister[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (629)[...]d Charlie McDonald, Isabell McDonald; May and
72, who was a wrangler for one of the last great buffalo[...]e Lauder; Laurie, Valerie, Jeff, Paul and Meca---
who would throw his lariat and start riding away with[...]ur J.; 3] John W . Jr.; 4] Allen J.
grandchildren who were stranded for the night. She loved to[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (630)[...]hter, Mrs. James (Juanita) MacDonald, who died a few months age.
Vollmer, of Bozeman[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (631)[...]d of St. Ignatius, 2 brothers, W m., and Benny, 3
who established the famous Hudson Bay Post on the[...]ld, widely known throughout W estern
Montana, and who died several years ago.[...]andchildren.
The complaint alleges that Thomas, who is a real estate
agent, appropriated and s[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (632)[...]cemetery, Lonepine, Mt.
Angus McDonald, who left his native Scotland in 1837 to
become a cler[...]latives. They expect to return about the first of
who died at the local hospital Monday followin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (633)[...]na (Adams); 5] Louis;
son of Angus McDonald, Sr., who established the Hudson 6] Fran[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (634)[...]on June 6, 1924, in
McDonald - “Tommy McDonald who plays on the Hartfor[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (635)[...]On Sept. 28, 1935, she married W alter McDonald, who is “He was kind of like a grandfather - al[...]Joe, who grew up on the McDonald family ranch near Fort[...]Mission
It was an apt salute to W alt McDonald, who died Friday. Valley News, wrote this tribute[...]almost without ___
W alt was a statesman. A man who could both listen and ___. He concluded that W alt was a man who could
make a stand. According to friend and neigh[...]deservedly be titled Mr. Reservation.”
Cable, who first met W alt in 1969, “he had a leader-of-me[...]peacemaker who, in the words of ___ “looked at both sides
Hi[...]Thomas McDonnell was born Dec. 21, 1888 Dysert,
who now served as president of Salish Kootenai Colleg[...]draft card
Pat Cabie was one of your outriders who escorted W alt’s noted the following[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (636)[...]owing children: 1] Virginia ca 1926 Jones, who formerly resided here. The rumor also has it that[...]Local News - W m McEvers, who has a homestead at the
George[...]Local News - W illiam McEvers, who has a ranch near the
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (637)[...]nine year old daughter, Cora, who died last Thursday of
W ayne[...]York.
conducted by W ade Parks and A. McFarland, who will 1915 Dixon Polk director[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (638)[...]is away on a call to the death bed of his father, who
Hazzard of Dixon. Born July 25, 1852 New York Cit[...]to Clear Lake, Idaho for
Local News - Mr. McGraw, who lives east of Robinson’s is burial.
sinkin[...]on gulch to shop
Minn., to visit with his father, who lives near that city. and part take of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (639)[...]ildren: 1] girl; 2]
Local News - Henry Baldridge, who has a homestead on girl; 3] girl; 4] b[...]921
Lonepine. Mr. Baldridge is one of the farmers who raised a Lonepine, Mt. to Robert Doke[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (640)[...]was born ca 1899 Bostwick
Melvin C. McHenry, 60, who died Jan. 13, Minneapolis. Nebraska to[...]in the fall of 1912 with my folks, who were taking
Nellie M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (641)[...]y in Lone Georgianna Smith was a teacher who taught in the Dry
Pine Cemetery.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (642)[...]from has been there he has made many friends who are sorry to
the W aggener & Campbell Chapel with[...]ge 2 col 3 - Camas Prairie News - D. J. McIntyre, who has Missoula, Mt.
charge of the post office a[...]iver from Dixon 20 years ago. In
Robert McIntyre, who goes to school in Plains, had gone[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (643)[...]s of Missoula, Mont.; white; 29 years of age born
who came over from St. Ignatius to attend the sale. H[...]ouglas, Utah going into the Army Air Corps. where
who has been living with Angus P. McDonald since 1901[...]ver served overseas, remaining in
McKay was a man who made friends everywhere he went, the states.
and has scores of them who regret his death. The cause of Robert marr[...]yes; brown colored
Local News - Mrs. A. E. McKee, who has a homestead out hair.
on the B[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (644)[...]McKnight, who was accidently drowned near Dixon, was
John mar[...]- Supplement - Mrs. McLaine of Hillsboro, Ill., who has a
Arkansas College Batesville, and his master[...]ng: Ridgley McLanshan (only an attempt at
mother, who is 101 years old, he has a right to take i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (645)[...]il 21, 1927 - abstracted Mrs. W estfall, who died Thursday, was born in Perma,
from obituary -[...]scharged Oct. 29, 1945
G. R. ‘Mac’ McLaughlin who retired last spring as Fort D[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (646)[...](born Canada) and Susan Buck (born Canada).
who was a schoolteacher. They married in Kalispell Ju[...]rielle McLaughlin and Logan McLaughlin, who has a position in the Tacoma General
Black; siste[...]hews. her mother, Mrs. J. E. McLaughlin, who has been ill.
Funeral services for Bud were he[...]in Survivors of Mr. McLaughlin, who died at his home in
Lonepine, Mt.; 23 year[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (647)[...]en Manthie, Tucson,
He is survived by his wife, who was in Tacoma, W ash., Ariz.; Barbara Scott[...]Patrick
with her daughter, Miss Flora McLauglin, who went there a Miles, both of Superior; Betty[...]hlin has been in
Columbus, Miss. with her husband who is with the Air M arg[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (648)[...]nged a lot since Mary’s Cafe opened two
Mary discovered in a trip last year that things have[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (649)[...]’ Morigeau. who died in 1954.
Alex married and they had[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (650)[...]ce 1884. He was married in 1897 to Ursula Gebeau, who[...]53 Thurs. Page 1 Local News - Dan McLeod, who has a homestead out in
col 1 - Mrs. Calvin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (651)[...]Missoula, April 3 - Malcolm McLeod, 73, who died recently
Polson, Mt.[...]May 28, 1921 St. Ignatius, Mr. McLeod, who married in Idaho, ranched for a time
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (652)[...]he son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod. He who was driving under the influence of alcohol[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (653)[...]lizabeth McMenus died Jan. 8, 1982 with who are making final proof of citizenship.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (654)[...]s Benjamin McNeeley as a Greensprings, Mt., who on May 17, 1910 made homestead
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (655)[...]da.
page 3 col 5 - Oliver Gulch News - Mr. McRea, who has a
homestead in Oliver Gulch, came in W ednesd[...]97.
page 2 col 4 - Oliver Gulch News - Mr. McRae, who has a The Sept. 12th, 1918 Sanders Cou[...]Mr. Trahan and Cordelia.
Vanworth, who is in search of health, will also be here for[...]as educated in Frenchtown, Ronan and St.
Spokane, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Nate Mc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (656)[...]Europe. Nat entered the service Camas, Mt., who on May 7, 1910 made homestead entry No.
April 21,[...]- Local News - Mr. Talmage, who purchased the McVety
Sanders County Ledger Thur[...]June 7, 1917 - page 8 - Lonepine - Tom Mead, who has been
In 1955, Mr. McTucker moved to[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (657)[...]Lewis Combs. - Local News - Joseph Meany, who has a ranch on
Roy married Ida Cluzen and they[...]ge 3 col 2 - Hot Springs News - Joseph Meany Jr., who
Camas Prairie, Mt.; 30 years old; born July 17, 1[...]as born in 1858 Illinois.
Local News - Mr. Means, who is part owner in a well-boring W illiam Med[...]the Plains hospital.
- Local News - Eugene Means, who now resides at Big Fork W illiam w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (658)[...]ced, Ca. Local News - Dan Meisenback, who has a homestead on
Ray died July 28, 1980 with b[...]- Local News - Miss Irene Roemer, who has been visiting
Robert J[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (659)[...]dren and seven great
- Local News - C. G. Menken, who has a claim on the Bitter grandchildren.
Root[...]3 - arrangements.
Local News - C. G. Menken, who has a homestead near
here, is now in Hartsburg, I[...]Polson for George Francis Mercier, 86, of Polson, who died W . A. Scott.
Sunday of natural c[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (660)[...]ey both
in Camas, W ednesday. He is the gentleman who purchased resided in Camas, were white an[...]Harold was 26 years of age and
his son, W allace, who will farm the place in Garcon gulch. H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (661)[...]Agnes Meyers. after the robbery was discovered next morning. One of the[...]men rode a shod horse. No clue to who were the robbers was
Bob & M[...]to Ed in the field, presumably by some one who believed that
Meyer and Lorna.[...]r
Sub-chief Michel, of the Camas Prairie Indians, who was home at Perma where she had lived fo[...]tall and stately in his bearing. Like many a man who Roy August M ichele
goes[...]Lawrence & Lela (Browning) M ichelson
white men who were not averse to giving him liquor, and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (662)[...]Oct. 18, 1917 - page ten - Camas - Lewis Mickley, who has
Falls, Mt. Thurs. March 7, 1918 - page seven[...]st two years, left
Doings - Miss Margaret Mickey, who has had our primary Thursday for Bremer[...]king his arm and tearing his coat sleeve. He
Mt., who on Nov. 21, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]ense # 345 page 185
- Local News - H. M. Mickley, who has a farm in the Little Missoula County Courthouse, Missoula, Mt. - Dewey D.
Bitter Root flat, but who have been living in Seattle for the Mid[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (663)[...]ixon, Mt.; white; 38 years of Middlemist, 85, who died of natural causes at the Ronan
age born Summ[...]mas Andrew and older brother.
Benedick who died in 1930.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (664)[...]ris. Mrs. Guy Middlemist of Dixon, who died in the St. Ignatius[...]orn Feb. 22, 1894 River Andrew Madsen, who reside at Missoula. W e extend our
Bend, Colo. to[...]87; laborer - lumber: Muxseld, Henry; 50
of Dixon who now reside in Plains are the parents of an[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (665)[...]ked for exemption Polson, and Jesse O., who is at home. All of the children,
from service: no[...]Camas Prairie.
Local News - Mr. Alexander Milan, who has a homestead on Funeral serv[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (666)[...]- page 3 col 4 - Niarada News - A. W . Miller, who has been
Lona had the following children: 1] Ev[...]d in Hot Springs
1913 - Local News - L. B. Miles, who lives in the vicinity of until 2005.
Valleyview[...]an, well liked by
Miles of Colville; three uncles who are well known in this everyone. The members[...]s Nov. 19, 1915 - page 3 - Claude Miller, who has been
Swaney, Ted Raymond, Ross Dupuis, Ernie[...]iday Sept. 18, 1914 Hot Springs News - Those who attended the Xmas eve
- front page col 3 - Camas[...]ller.
Miller has exchanged farms with Mr. Corbit, who will take
charge of the Miller farm at onc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (667)[...]Mr. Miller who lived on the west side for some time, was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (668)[...]County Ledger, Thompson Falls, Mt. Friday
by all who knew him. The whole community extends[...]who arrived from Kalispell.
J[...]m: (wife) Clara 23 years of
and Mrs. John Miller, who recently arrived here from age; bor[...]ash. for
- Launits M. Miller of Greensprings, Mt. who on May 14, basic training.
1910 made h[...]05 Tower, Michigan
- Local News - Leonard Miller, who has a homestead down to W illia[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (669)[...]Illinois finishing the fifth grade there.
others who loved him as “Clark,” made his transit[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (670)[...]Gean Mitchell was born about 1911 Camas, Sanders
who has been with the surveying crew here for the pas[...]called to Kalispell Thursday to join her husband who is Clara M it[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (671)[...]P. Mitchell, two weeks ago.
Mitchell, who came here a year ago.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (672)[...]zel Marie Mock, 91, of Hot Springs, died
Michell, who has been in ill health for several months,[...]f Hot Springs; a brother,
wounded Herbert W oods, who were returning from town to Robert Twing ([...]The only witness to the affray was John Mitchin who over hours will be on Thursday, Jan. 1[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (673)[...]in Sheridan, W yoming, Mock moved to who he said he was. “He told me he was from Califor[...]concerning a murder, pickup theft).
recalls Mock, who served on a youth advisory board. He[...]t brown
only officer in Montana that he knows of, who’s been colored hair; blue[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (674)[...]Mrs. Mogus was the widow of Frank Mogus, who died in
Mogus, (Austria/Hungary) and Anna[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (675)[...]down to W hitepine last week to visit Miss Helen who is Mollie had been previously married to[...]April 4, at
Prairie, Feb. 23 - Miss Helen Mogus, who is teaching at St. Luke Community H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (676)[...]been previously married -
Doings - Emil Molberg, who homesteaded in Valley Creek, married August 29, 1912 Thompson, Mt. by Pilgrene,
and Charles Austin who homesteaded in the Moiese valley, Justice of[...]beside his wife Lewis the first of the week.
who died in 1953.
Montana Standard, Butte, Mont. Ju[...]and a sister daughter of Mrs. H. L. Monahan, who has been visiting for
Selma Nelson, both i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (677)[...]previously married - married July
logs for those who bring them to the mill, and will probably[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (678)[...]ontana Friday May 16,
Local News - P. J. W agner, who filed on a claim lying next 1919 - Hot[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (679)[...].
such injuries that she had to send for her son, who is now Monroe, rancher of Lone Pine,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (680)[...]the following children: 1]
attractive young lady, who will be warmly welcomed by the John; 2] C[...]29, 1913 Local News - J. H. Montgomery, who has a homestead three
- Local News - Clayton Grah[...]$2,200. - Local News - Mr. J. H. Montgomery, who some time ago
Half cash, inquire, Oliver Monroe,[...]on a visit to her son, Oliver Monroe and family, who lives a manufactured on his ranch. It is a f[...]M. Garriott and
Local News - Mrs. Oliver Monroe, who has been visiting George Smith[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (681)[...]a.; rancher working for himself in Oliver who died before 1900 and with her had three mo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (682)[...]eservation among the ranchers of this locality who on June 3rd, 1910 filed on homestead entry[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (683)[...]Report - 18, 1887 W attsburg, Pa.
Among those who have been heard from are: W alter[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (684)[...]rties had been previously married George More who died in Rochester, Minn., where he had
- m[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (685)[...]May 21, 1915 - page 3 - Among the Camas ranchers who are
ca 1902 W ash.; father born Canada; mother bo[...]; widow; born - Local News - W . R. Morgan, who has a homestead two
Arkansas; parents born N.Caro[...]onday to greet some of his Thompson Falls friends who March 27, and left another voter, W i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (686)[...]d to a plain and
south. My father met Miss Taylor who was my mother on to his astonishment m[...]Morigeau, hailing from St. Martin, Montreal, who has been
buffalo.[...]quiet smoke. The Indians or W hite Traders who had been
“Place Names File” 1945-1950", taken[...](W illiam Bell); inscription: F. Morigeau - who sleeps with the Lord. Age 77
8] Louis Eli Oct. 31[...]He added -
Isabella/Elizabeth McTaylor - Taylor who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (687)[...]l 5 - Old Resident Dies - Alexander Morigeau, one
who was a free trader on his trips through thi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (688)[...]highway west. Alphonse Clairmont who was born April 26, 1868 to Louis
Alex was a go[...]3] Henry jr., ca 1899; 4] Ernest ca 1901;
Anyone who came to their home was fed a meal.[...]s were held at the
Her father was Patrick Finley, who came to this part of the Ronan Catholic Chu[...]mine was married to Morigeau of Pablo, who passed away twelve years ago.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (689)[...]faint - Question?- W ho was McKay who was reported to
Newspaper article written proba[...]g as I found it on
squaw and of most of the women who were even half-Indian, the letter)[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (690)[...]t Springs and Bill Morigeau
father was A. Gendron who at one time worked for the of Po[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (691)[...]harles Morigeau August 6, 1980 at the
desperadoes who terrorized the country, ravaging property[...]her husband of Dixon; two sons, Charles
the group who made the last big capture and the subseque[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (692)[...]14, 1916 - Brief but Newsy Notes - Eli Morigeau, who
Eileen M origeau[...]n June 29, 1874 Jocko Valley, Morigeau, who was tried last week in district court on a
Nancy was a Canadian girl from McLeod Canada, who Polson.
was half Scotch and half Indian[...]Portland, Mrs. Roland W ilbur,
custody of Nancy, who he placed with a French family in Ta[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (693)[...]A brother of Mr. Morigeau, Levin, was the person who Bay on the east shore of Flathead Lake.
captured Pierre Paul, the Indian outlaw who killed numerous Mr. Morigeau worked[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (694)[...]and W alter H. Mays.
their father, John Morigeau who was seriously ill. Phyllis[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (695)[...]Sustine 1898; 3] Mary 1899 (Simon); 3] who had come all the way from Ireland to add M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (696)[...](Is this Joseph Antoine married to Cora Louise who filed Church with the Reverend Gus Schm[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (697)[...]h 23, 1913 - Aug. 7, 1937 (Francis Burland); who traveled overland to St. Louis, Mo. to bring
9] D[...]c. 8, 2003 Ronan, Mt.
His widow was among those who asked the Jesuit Fathers Char-Ko[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (698)[...]umor, but as a very sharing and caring individual who had Troy Morigeau was born Sept. 12[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (699)[...]bout 1910 along with
Arthur married Annie Rach, who was from Deer Park, W a, his brothers[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (700)[...]- married on Saturday.
Local News - Rev. Morris, who has a homestead in the
Ervine Flats, preached Sun[...]Local News - Arthur L. Morrison, who has a claim southeast
Georg[...]n sod, raised oats
Local News - George S. Morris, who has a homestead near that would have thre[...]Brooks who died at age 20/21
Norvena Sara died Nov.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (701)[...]of four. Henry Clay was the
Camas to Mrs. Ahrens, who has a ranch in Hog Heaven. She eldest; Betty Brooks (who died at age 20/21) and Milton
will immediately im[...]ce had already
- Local News - Mrs. S. B. Arneson, who purchased the John been partly settled and[...]Ravalli where he met Mr. Matt, an Indian who worked with
married to Mrs. Bertha Owen Ho[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (702)[...]rwise
timber cruising outfit for a lumber company who had out of W ashington D. C.
holding[...]Bartlett and Richard W . Poston.
dog, Queen, who helped to load the cattle on the train and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (703)[...]n the Pleasant View Julesburg, Colo., who is two years older than he was.
cemetery u[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (704)[...]rriet Tomina Smith.
Gilchrist, Julesburg, Co., who is two years older than he. He James served in[...]ge 3 col 4 - Lonepine News - Miss Ethel Mountjoy, who James; 2] W ayne; 3] Maynard; 4] M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (705)[...]untarily
economy’s sake, for as every one knows who went through spend hours at the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (706)[...]John C. McCoig of Lonepine; 13 Prairie, Mt. who on June 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.
nieces a[...]page 2 col 3 - Camas Prairie News - Roy Pinkston, who
burial in Pleasant Valley cemetery.[...]Local News - D. L. Mulich, who has a ranch near Perma,
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (707)[...]siding in Local News - Mrs. E. J. Mulick, who lives on a homestead
Perma, Mt.; 35 years old; bo[...]children Thompson Falls, Mt. - M. J. Stewart who is employed as
returned last week from a v[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (708)[...]the ambulance, accompanied by Dr. F. B. Ross, who says
eight weeks.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (709)[...]and Effie W ishart, husband, Robert who died March 24, 1973; two sisters,
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (710)[...]0, 1971 with burial in the Conrad
and didn't care who knew it. Butch was also an avid[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (711)[...]Local News - W . L. Murphy, who has a homestead on the
Guy & D[...]Little Bitter Root, but who has been away on a leave of
Guy Murphy w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (712)[...]Missoula, Mt.
Local News - W m. M. Murphy, who has a homestead out on Information f[...]E. Lee.
- Local News - W illiam M. Murphy, who has a homestead Ingeborg Johnson wa[...]se # 138 (806) in the
Local News - W . M. Murphy, who has a homestead north of Lake County Co[...]tnesses: Dan Polosan of Camas,
News - Mr. Murray, who homesteaded in Morgan Gulch, Monta[...]e Coast Guard
- Local News - Miss Anna B. Murray, who has a homestead of Seattle visited in[...]July 16, 1988 to #3 Catherine Frederick.
neighbor who proved up on his homestead.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (713)[...]ond time to Ernest Teeca (?) on Signor, who have come from Missouri to make their home in
May[...]/farmer; died Dec. 23, 1923 Lonepine, Mt.
mother, who is 101 years old, he has a right to take i[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (714)[...]r many years. She was married to W illiam Murray,
who preceded her in death several years ago. She had[...]James Delbert Muster was born Oct. 3, 1929 Camas
who have been visiting Mrs. Frielin’s parents, Mr.[...]of the death of the former’s brother, Frank, who died in his
Muster, Perma; Ed Muster, Thom[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (715)[...]s in-law Joe Blodnik, who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (716)[...]age 4 - Mr. Massey has
Muster, 64, Camas Prairie, who died W ednesday in a Hot rented t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (717)[...]H. C. Rice Local News - Joseph Nadeau, who has been on a visit to
officiating, and burial wa[...]til 1910 when he moved to Kila and
Springs mayor, who died Sunday at the home of a son,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (718)[...]aying - Local News - Chas. Neff, a blacksmith who has been
he had been touched. Halliday seemed to[...]loan’s ferry. It was decided to
by the officers who believe that Halliday was the victim of a leave[...]ow’s ranch, an acre of
murderous assault by men who first robbed the cash register which t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (719)[...]1935 Feb. 14, 1913 - page 3 - Mr. Nehmer who used to be here in
Thompson Falls, Mt. - M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (720)[...]ort time. who is a candidate for county surveyor, was a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (721)[...]Friends who served as casket bearers were Adloir Berry, G.[...]eel officiating. Musical Frank W illiam, who died last spring and Albert Howard,
selections were furnished by John McKee, soloist and Mrs. who now lives in W hitefish, Mont.
George A. Lantz, o[...]e. Mr. Nelson operated a livery barn in
Friends who acted as pallbearers were: Victor Gray, Tom[...]y March 6, Local News - Mrs. Ella Nelson, who has a homestead up
1948 - James C. Nelsen[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (722)[...]889

- Local News - Mrs. Ella Nelson, who has a homestead just years ago he was the[...]married Miss Edna
Local News - Mrs. Ella Nelson, who made proof on her Keller of Polson A[...]er daughter. Local News - Hans Nelson, who has a claim in the south[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (723)[...]John F. 72 years of age; widowed; Nelson, who has been assistant cashier of the Camas State
imm[...]ather born Maine; Plains. Thomas H. Paine, who has been holding down a
mother born W isco[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (724)[...]ing with two other small The blaze was discovered about 12:45 p.m. Sunday and
children on a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (725)[...]ons, Mrs. Nicholson and Miss Clark. Mrs. Gilbert, who under arrest by the officers.
has a fine c[...]ing a drunken brawl at Hot Springs the
Nicholson, who has a ranch on Camas Prairie.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (726)[...]ved with his
(This could be W illiam Noffsinger who later resided in parents to a homestead in[...]has gone to Gravett, Ark., to join her husband who was
children: 1] Donna M., ca 1922; 2] W illiam C[...]n her life.
for W illiam Victor (Tobe) Nolen, 70, who died Monday in a W illiam died Aug[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (727)[...]123 (788) in the Local News - F. J. Dunnigan, who lives southeast of Camas,
Lake County Courthouse,[...]21 years of age Local News - C. C. North, who has a homestead south of
born Perma, Sande[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (728)[...]] Frances W . Sept.
Local News - Mr. C. C. North, who is a guard at the state 1937 Missoula, Mt.;[...]nature and sweet disposition endeared her to all who The North family of six, homesteaded near Hot S[...]ion to homesteaders. The North homestead
brothers who were all present at the funeral which was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (729)[...]Dixon and her daughter, Miss Ruth Nye who teaches in
Ellen A. Nye had the following child[...]to George LeRoy
Nye - Mrs. Ellen Amelia Nye, 84, who had lived at the O’Bennick and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (730)[...]1910 Local News - John O’Donnell, who has a homestead near
Federal census in Kalispell,[...]is week. Mr. Odegard is the son of Thos. Odegard,
who owns property in Pineville.[...]mother-in-law, of Kalispell, are making a Mt. who on Nov. 17, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02077
v[...]ies Move - Camas Prairie, Sept. 19 - Camas
Kinyon who died while living there with James.[...]ay June 26, 1914 -
Local News - John O’Donnell, who has been spending some[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (731)[...]y Hiram ‘Harry’ daughter, Jean, who was born during his absence.
Burgess and Lorena M[...]Matt); 2]
out a load of furniture for the latter, who has a homestead in Regina (Plant); 3] Doris Dia[...]9 St. Ignatius, Mt.;
Local News - Frank O’Hara, who lives in the upper end of 9] Kevin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (732)[...]an Sweden. His brother was Victor Olson.
who were early settlers, was Ollicutt who had his ranch in On his June 5, 191[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (733)[...]Marvin was wealthy in friends and family who deeply
Lona was known as an excellent co[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (734)[...]rvived by a daughter, Dorothy Carr, Spokane,
Mt., who on Nov. 17, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]May 21, 1915 - page 3 - Among the Camas ranchers who are Ray J. O’Mera was born Danb[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (735)[...]1914 - Local News - Charles O’Neal, who has a homestead
Anna M. ___ was born June 1865[...]parents on the Little Bitter Root, but who is now ill in the Reed
were born in Denmark.[...]ina M., June 1889 Mt. 10 years O’Neil, who is well known in this section, having taken up a[...]- Local News - Visiting Brother - D. G. O’Neal, who claims O’Neil lives at Lonepine. One son,[...]rles O’Neil was one of the old timers
O’Neil, who has a ranch on the Little Bitter Root. Mr.[...]ls, W ill Book 1
- Local News - Charles O’Neil, who has a homestead out on page 52 - his broth[...]of Lonepine appointed
the Little Bitter Root, but who has been in the hospital at as agent to make[...]ted Jan. 19, 1914.
Local News - Charles O’Neil, who was so seriously injured
by falling out of a wago[...]acquainted with everybody, always lady who returns soon to her home in Lonepine on the
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (736)[...]ed for
page 3 col 1 - Lonepine - George O’Neil, who has taken settlement and until re[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (737)[...]neers and Early Settlers of Camas, Montana

Mt., who on Nov. 17, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]Local News - G. E. Ordish, of Big Draw, who is running an
Information from their marriage l[...](he lived have many friends in the city who will regret to hear of his
with James); da[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (738)[...]ednesday, following the resignation of Tom Pablo who
nearest relative: Ida May Orey or Corvali--- ?; s[...]ned to St. Ignatius and served in the
Among those who have been heard from are: Nels R. Oren,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (739)[...]Harrison Orr, 82, retired rancher who lived five miles
Following his retiremen[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (740)[...]e, of Seedrowooley, W ashington,
Sheriff Beaudry, who appeared on the scene 15 minutes later retu[...]1915 - Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborn, who have
Elizabeth ______ was born Aug. 27,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (741)[...]acre unit in grievance that the Chinese company who pays them is in the
section one, and will come he[...]- Local News - S. A. Osborn, of Bow, W ashington, who has per day, the money coming thru the Chi[...]oreman for the
- Local News - Mrs. S. A. Osborne, who has been spending Northern Pacific Railwa[...]that Louis has
- Local News - Mrs. S. A. Osborn, who is living on a moved to Perma, Mont.[...]e, an old section boss of
illness of her husband, who is employed there. the N[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (742)[...]rheumatism.
- Local News - Louis Ostlie, who has charge of a section Beatrice marri[...]erma were united
Local News - Miss Nellie Ostlie, who has been attending in marriage at the p[...]2nd Montana regiment
will reside with her parents who have a homestead four and is st[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (743)[...]ge of 87. boy friends who are stationed at the CC camp at Quinn
Ostrom ho[...]two brothers, George of Great Falls, who served as a
The Plainsman, Plains, Mt. Thurs. Sep[...]and Ritchey, now at the University in Missoula, who served
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (744)[...]anon aboard the destroyer USS Hailey.
boy friends who are stationed at the CC camp at Quinn[...]1, 2005 Spokane, W ash. Mt. who on Nov. 11, 1910 made homestead entry 02916.[...]e Lyons, Chewalah, W a.; six
Owen of Dixon, Mont, who recently bought land through g[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (745)[...]Mrs. Isabelle Oxley and her son Allen, who reside on a
Co., Pa., to J. R. Oxley and Isabella[...]- Local News - Mrs. Isabella Oxley, who has a claim one
Sanders County Signal, Camas,[...]band.
- Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Oxley, who have a Mr. and Mrs. Allen Oxley, Mrs.[...]her burial.
mother, Mrs. Capt. J. R. Oxley, who has a claim one-half The Ronan[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (746)[...]build; dark brown colored eyes; Pablo, who resided in St. Ignatius.
black colored hai[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (747)[...]ss for Lawrence Edward Pablo, edge.
67, who died W ednesday in a Hot Springs hospital will be[...]Lone Pine, and Mrs. Juanita Roy Pablo, 41, who died in a cabin which burned south of
Coe, Hot Sp[...]roner’s Jury Decides
Monday - That Louis Pablo, who was found dead, near the M i[...]d they had the following children: 1]
Pablo was discovered by Frank Cohelen of Kalispell who Lawrence; 2] .
stayed in Polson over the we[...]Denny was born.
morning walk down to the lake. He discovered Pablo’s body Marci had been previ[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (748)[...]ablo. The
Mr. Pablo will be sadly missed by all who knew him, as he deceased was born at Chewall[...]residents of the reservation country, Spaniard, who was in charge of the government stock at that
who died suddenly Saturday afternoon while at work on[...]ross); 4] Marlene
Flathead reservation. Deceased, who died a few days ago at (Ross). Lillian and[...]ednesday, following the resignation of Tom Pablo who
His Administrators - Acting as attorney fo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (749)[...]ges of policy during his brother, Dan Pablo, who served in the Royal Canadian Air
tenure.[...]married to Lillian Pablo. They had four
Missoula, who has contributed much time and effort towar[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (750)[...]1904 in Glasgow,
brother and family of the bride, who gave her in marriage: Scotland, the daught[...]at Dry Creek and Lonepine before
wedding, friends who work at the Hot Springs Convalescent[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (751)[...]-law,
game commission as well as with his father, who has mining Thomas and Marj Page and Virginia[...]ssion. Nelson, who has been assistant cashier of the Camas State
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (752)[...]Hilaire Palin - A worthy
Plains. Thomas H. Paine, who has been holding down a Montana pione[...]er and Stillwater
- Local News - Chas S. Painter, who has a place just south lake, Minnesota, fiv[...]r and W . C. Landford were in had just been discovered at Virginia City, Montana, and he
from their clai[...]joined the Vigilant
Local News - Charles Painter, who has a homestead on the Committee, and aid[...]Nov. 17, 1916 - News of Plains - Charley Painter, who owns his hay for $25 to $28 a ton.
a ranch near Hot Springs, and who was brought to Plains In 1866 he pre-[...]Russell); Isaac, Eli, Charles (who died at the age of sixteen
Unlisted newspaper cl[...]ey in which he
attend the funeral of Pat Paisely, who was killed there. He has so long resi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (753)[...]Mrs. Lena Hodgeson, Missoula, Mrs. Hodgeson discovered his body about an hour later in
and Mrs. Joseph A[...]the garage. She called a police officer, who notified Coroner
Palin, Dixon, and W illiam Palin[...], Eli (Babe) of Dixon and Mr. Palin, who was farming at Dixon prior to his
W illiam[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (754)[...]page 2 col 4 - Plains Items - J. S. Palmer, who has been
He was a W orld war I navy veteran.[...]will Local News - Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Palmer, who have a
be celebrated at 10 a.m. W ednesday at the[...]. McLaughlin Jan. 25, 1932 S. Palmer, who was confined to her home with an attack of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (755)[...]2007, at 10 am.
Doings - F. F. Stevens, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs.
Mary Palmer, l[...]England; mother Local News - Papendick who lives near Lonepine.
born Michigan; housek[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (756)[...]cousins; his mother Agnes; and a father who passed away
Jim of Perma were married Mond[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (757)[...]ade Parks
Feb. 7, 1913 - page 3 - W ade R. Parks, who is teacher of the as County Attorney rooming[...]ade Gets W ed - County
Local News - W ade Parks, who runs one of the Perma auto Attorney Arri[...]t
town of Perma with Attorney W ade Roscoe Parks, who was present, while seeking a house, the[...]Robert Muir.
- front page col 3 - W ade R. Parks, who is a candidate for The Sept. 7 th, 1918 S[...]ains, last Friday
Auto Service to H. V. W illett, who will run between here morning was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (758)[...]- Local News - Arthur Parmeter and Andrew Carr, who have
of the State Democratic Central Commi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (759)[...]he family home was in the 400 block on who came last week to visit his mother, Mrs. D[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (760)[...]Calvin Ally; 2] Bessie (Staley); 3] Delta who died at the age
Springs, a brother, Glenn Campbel[...]- Supplement - Mrs. Claud Parrish and family, who have a
marriage ended in a divorce.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (761)[...]Fountain, Kennewick, community individuals who worked hard to get the hospital
W ash.; Mr[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (762)[...]eath. Missoula, who lived in Sanders county will be glad to hear
Sa[...]Pasco as a
Auclair, long time Paradise resident, who had retired. plasterer.
Until the appo[...]ectory lists him Fred R. Pasco as a
O. W illcutt, who has served as Bill’s assistant for many[...]Fred G. Pasco jr.
The Parrishes who own their home here, plan to remain in 19[...]June 6, 1918 Local
- Local News - W . R. Morgan, who has a homestead two Interest col 2 - Roy Pasco of Dixon was among those who
miles south of Camas, has accepted a posit[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (763)[...]e, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1899.
Local News - Dave Pattee, who has been working for A. P. They had celebr[...]Local News - Misses Nellie and Fanny Pattan, who live near
Applegren. He eventually left Lonepine[...]Local News - Miss Fannie D. Patton, who teaches the
He has taught in Springfield[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (764)[...]d States Army, he was sent to Patton, who was raised in Lonepine and graduated Hot
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (765)[...]Ann (Dodder) Patton
Patton, formerly of Lonepine, who has been working in Justin Griffith[...]s of land in Johnson
- Local News - James Patton, who has a homestead down the Co. Iowa where t[...]eet and thinks he can leave the G. Patton, who are located on lands near Lonepine were
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (766)[...]Local News - Misses Nellie and Fanny Pattan, who live near
Murray cemetery, Lonepine, Mt. (Informa[...]attle and they Nellie was a school teacher who also homesteaded on land
sustained him in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (767)[...]ine - W . C. and J. drinking party.
G. Patton, who are located on lands near Lonepine were
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (768)[...]ding Sheriff Dick Cole said Paul’s body was discovered Sunday
public schools in Hot Springs and C[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (769)[...]as in the Murray
Mrs. Martha Gardipe, Los Angeles who came to attend the Memorial cemetery, Lo[...]t the parties were considerably
young Pierre Paul who is indicted for murder of a man who intoxicated. County Coroner Hattery held the inquest at
testified against his uncle Pierre Paul, who with another Dixon Saturday and a verdict[...]rested and brought in to the
It was Mrs. Irvine who while fishing along the Jocko co[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (770)[...]ric (Shalimar) and a
Local News - Michael Pecora, who has a ranch two miles daughter Trudy Lyn[...]until his illness.
- Local News - Michael Pecora, who has a homestead east of Roland was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (771)[...]inspector for Camas and vicinty. Those who have scalps to
exemption from service: not a citi[...]Peeso, who has been visiting some time at the Peeso h[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (772)[...]with
bringing back Mrs. F. E. Peeso and children, who had been the W aller & Moore billard parlo[...]in Pineville. The He married Jennie Lish, who died many years ago. His
house being constructed[...]father, R. A. Pelkey was a noted trail blazer who came to
to keep warm.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (773)[...]bert, Pullman,
(Laurence) in 1986, three brothers who died in infancy and W ayne and Arthur (Sprag[...]Young Pelley, who is a youth of good character and many[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (774)[...]Germany.
1917 - Local News - Harry Pelley, who is well known in James D. Pel[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (775)[...]ms
Philip and Doris had a daughter, Carol Heath who resides Fred married Laura Ada Lewi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (776)[...]Nelson).
- Local News - Mrs. F. A. Pendarvis, who has been on a visit Laurel C. Logan was born[...]C. 10 years, Mt.; 2] Laurie
to Charles E. Lynch, who took charge last week. Mr. and L. 8 years[...]were born six children. The immediate relatives who survive
Boekelman.[...]m are his wife, Laurel; son Sgt. Fred C. Pennoyer who is
Olive married H. A. McCann April 1, 1937 Missoula, Mt. in North Africa, Cpl. Melvin Pennoyer, who is in New
See H. A. McCann.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (777)[...]n Church, with Pennoyer, 77, of Kalispell who died of natural causes
the Rev. George Van Leuven[...]al Hospital. The Rev. Jon
Members of the family who were pallbearers were three Barel[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (778)[...]y for the move. son, who has a club foot. She will take him to the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (779)[...]sack; it came in one
our feet. W e had a neighbor who was always killing hundred pound bags[...]Local News - W . W . Perkins, who had his throat lanced in
Sanders County Signal,[...]as well as could be
Local News - W . W . Perkins, who has a homestead two expected. (A piece[...]long
the hillside. W e were the only ones around who had an benches, that seated four or five[...]the other children when they had to be excused. I
who were taking their baths at the hot springs[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (780)[...]oses Lake W ash. ) which Don.
daughter named Lois who was Lela’s age. They became fast[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (781)[...]s of age; 1915 - Local News - Ellis Perry, who has a homestead down
widow; immigrated 187[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (782)[...]ack. for Henry Carl Peters, who died last W ednesday were held
1920 federal cen[...]r, sawmill: (boarder) his many friends, who gathered to pay their past respects.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (783)[...]than 56 years, who died Thursday in the Fort Harrison
Bud w[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (784)[...]Martels, who has a claim near Camas.
W alter W . Pete[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (785)[...]ailway.
Brown - Hot Springs - M&M C. M. Peterson, who have The Sanders County Ledger, Th[...]th of former Moiese Valley resident Mabel
church, who had been in Powell, W yo., with the Petersons[...]view I did with her when she returned
Peterson, who was educated at the Rocky Mountain t[...]was worked by A. J. Davenport, who owned the Davenport
(This could be Ernest E. Peterson who homesteaded in Hotel in Spokane a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (786)[...]ing more at the old Civil W ar veteran who has a claim six miles east of
time, but when we left my sister and I said to each other, Camas, who has been visiting with his father and other
“Th[...]Local News - Ric Peterson, of Polson, who is engaged by
and third years were dry with spars[...]ana, and his
investigating insurance claims agent discovered one man’s son W illiam were in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (787)[...]colored eyes; Phillips is an overseas veteran who went with one of the first
light brown colored ha[...]July 12, 1917 - page 8 - Lonepine - Merle Pfort, who has was born at Kearney, Neb.
been e[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (788)[...]age 2 col 4 - Camas Prairie News - W . H. Pierce, who lives
R. Stephens and Amanda Fischer.[...]Benami was married to _______ Pierre, who died.
W illiam H. Pierce was born ca 186[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (789)[...]; #3 Peter Paul Pierre.
wife’s name was Roselte who died in 1934.[...]April 1, 1900 Camas
Louie was married to Susan who was deceased by 1922 Prairie, Mt. to L[...]page col 1 - Many W ill be Draft
called by those who know him best, has a beautiful ranch[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (790)[...], Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Austin Pike, who live on a
Missoula Co., Mt., to Henry Matt and Ma[...]Mont., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Pike, who has a
The Mission Valley News, Jan. 5,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (791)[...]neer AKA). Pinkston, who has a homestead in Camas Prairie, arrived[...]page 2 col 3 - Camas Prairie News - Roy Pinkston, who
operator, has been named Illinois - W isco[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (792)[...]as receded in death by his parents; a stepmother,
who knew him.[...]Pitts; and a sister, Donna.
Out of town people who attended the funeral were Mrs. R. S[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (793)[...]ld. Former Plains pastor, the Rev. B. V. Edworthy who previous record by 23 seconds. U of W rec[...]14.2 team Gene was known as a person who would always give
points for Hot Springs f[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (794)[...]ey had the following
and numerous other relatives who have been pioneers in the children:[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (795)[...]be working in Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Poe, who reside on a ranch in
the Hardware Dept., s[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (796)[...]he was married to Mae Deschamps who preceded him in
Mae had been previously[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (797)[...]page 4 col 4 - Hot Springs News - John Polumbus, who has
the following children: 1] Phil; 2] He[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (798)[...]farmer, who settled on the upper Camas Prairie has just[...]8 - page seven - Dixon
Doings - Joseph Bessinger, who has spent the winter in[...]draft card Freeman Halverson, neighbors, who came in to testify in his
noted the following: Jo[...]W . H. Porter, who lives near the Bitter Root bridge on the[...]75 feet for water.
Local News - Mr. E. I. Porter, who lives on the little Bitter Sanders County Si[...]e. He states they are Local News - W m Porter who lives north of town was in
trying to organize a s[...]wagon, chickens, hay and grain of Mr. Porter who lives out
- Local News - E. I. Porter traded his[...]lahoma, having received a telegram that
his wife, who proceeded him to that state, was in a seri[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (799)[...]20, 1902 Lake Blaine, John Joseph Potter who died in 1969.
Mt., to Robert Edward Potter and Am[...]e not determined.
A lady of admirable character who was always young and Obituary of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (800)[...]sema.
Canada. He left last spring with Mr. McVety who took a
bunch of horses to Canada.[...]rother Bob remembers Everett as a practical joker who There were no children.
liked to ha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (801)[...]and a buggy with a top. Josephine who was 11 years old,
August 16, 1933 Nellie[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (802)[...]reservation and was held in high esteem by those who knew
their own books. The teacher was Hele[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (803)[...]their little son, who has been suffering from a paralyzed left
A memo[...]g republican appointment and A. J. Dorris who has been
Jones).[...]M&M Smith have a son, James N. who is a graduate of
Sadie Zitha Potter was born Ja[...]rthouse. It was there that she met James H. Smith who attorney has stated, “I believe[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (804)[...]ngton. That is where he came
for Sadie Smith, 69, who died unexpectedly Tuesday down with[...]Brother Bob remembers W alker as a generous man who
schools there and in Thompson Falls, where[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (805)[...]. See James Clifford Arnold.
Spencer, who goes to his old home in San Antonio, Texas to
spe[...]Camas farmers were attending to Mt., who on May 9, 1910 made homestead entry No. 01969
bus[...]eonard B. Powell
1913 - Local News - Thos Potvin, who has a homestead a Leonard B. Powell w[...], Missouri, where he will reside until Mt. who on June 1, 1910 made homestead entry No. 01967
sp[...]Friday Aug. 25, 1911
Local News - Thomas Potvin, who has been spending the - Local N[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (806)[...]this week of the death of Dr. Leonard B. Powell, who took Katherine Pra[...]page 4 col 3 - Hot Springs News - W . R. Pratt, who has
and enlisted at the age of 16. He was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (807)[...]neral Preston of Hitchcox, South Dakota, who with his family will
Home is handling arra[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (808)[...]l Jan. 29, 1988 in the Local News - Mrs. Prevo, who has a claim north of town,
Murray Memorial Cemete[...]Mrs. Rosa Prevo, who lives on a homestead a few miles[...]__Issen and they were divorced. niece who is about five years old, ran over a mile to the[...]Local News - Mrs. Rosa Prevo, who has proved up on her
Sanders County Ledger, Thom[...]Peace. W itnesses: W .
Local News - Mrs. Prevos, who has a ranch in this valley, H. Perrio[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (809)[...]Montana

keephouse for her cousin Clark Anderson who was raising Iowa to W illiam Sanford Pric[...]monia and was sent to the
her father Bruce Toole, who lived in the Sweet Grass Hills, hospital. App[...]their family. Their first child was a boy who was a blue
Clarence Erwin Price was born[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (810)[...]named Clarence Towe from Ravella and his brother, who
and told Dad that he had a piece of proper[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (811)[...]got sick, and that was the two who spent most of their time
Some times we[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (812)[...]tlers of Camas, Montana

Gerald married Helen, who was from Nova Scotia, and Charlotte Rost.[...]was and he married Ladean Gaye Lockridge who had been
diagnosed with cancer, which she died fr[...]previous married to Robert Clark Eck II who she had one[...]to Cryal
they had the following children: 1] son who died at 6 years Richard Priddy Sr., and Mae Oldson; 27 years of age; white;
of age; 2] daughter who died at 28 days old of SID’s; 3] he[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (813)[...]United States Army with the 836 Maillet who died in 1903 and from this marriage had the
CEV E[...]947 and they July 23, 1909 - Chas Prongua, who conducts a restaurant
had the following children:[...]n, St. Maries, Idaho; a brother, and family, who have managed the Headquarters hotel here
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (814)[...]atchewan, Canada to Anthony Jefferson Prongua and
who were granted their citizenship papers by Judge[...]I draft card County is Mrs. Grace Prongua, who resides at Hot Springs.
noted the following: Char[...]opened up in 1904, and they are the only ones who are
Virginia, waiting to be mustered out o[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (815)[...]ua were united in marriage at
her second husband, who died in 1943. Sacred H[...]Richard’s life revolved around his family, who were all
Sanders County Independent Ledg[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (816)[...]. W e
Mildred, Thelma, Ivan and Irene, the latter who died May walked 3 ½ miles to a school,[...]and a brother, Chester Hatfield, school.
who resides at Paris, Illinois. The funeral wa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (817)[...]ft many pleasant
remember a female (Sheltie type) who had 2 puppies in a memories for ch[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (818)[...]Hermosa Beach, Ca.,
- Local News - Forest Pulis, who has a homestead near shipyards. Survivo[...]ery beside her
Oliver Gulch col 5 - Forest Pulis, who went to Seattle, has husband, who died several years ago. American Legion
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (819)[...]van and Anna K. Clarke.
Local News - Miss Pullis, who is teaching the Rattlesnake Fran[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (820)[...]owing: Charles Edward Pyatt residing in
road crew who are graveling near Rainbow lake.[...]ried at the age of 23;
June 29, 1906 - M. L Pyatt who was in town on Monday born Illinois;[...]aborer in the sawmill: Gus Erickson
and Elder J., who went to Billings to register for homestead[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (821)[...]last election, and the election before that a who first settled in the Rattlesnake canyon in 1898 a[...]ls. In 1940 that mill also was sold to Vern Sloan who had Masonic Cemetery under the directi[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (822)[...]Thomas Quinn
She married ____ Queenma, who died. The 1917 Dixon[...]uise Big Crane was born Aug. 1883 Perma, Mt.
Mt., who on October 13, 1910 made homestead entry N[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (823)[...]unt of the fire.
accompanying at the organ. Those who served as pallbearers Sanders Cou[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (824)[...]re Monday afternoon. discovered that much of her trouble came from her eyes. An[...]ng was entire recovery in a few months.
discovered. Mrs. Parkhurst reported that Mr. Rahte ha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (825)[...]ifornia, accompanied by Dixon, Mt.
his sister, who had been visiting here.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (826)[...]s given that Haakon W idsteen of Camas, Mt. who on May 21,
recently on his way to Spokane. He was[...]page 3 col 1 - Lonepine - Fleming Ratcliff, who has spent[...]ro; going to Elkon, Iowa. Fleming Ratcliff, who went to Lynville, Iowa, on a visit, will
From h[...]g in Sloan, Mt.; his friend DeVern Johnsen, who is well known here, is the
emigrated to Ha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (827)[...]istic ability, whether musical Mrs. Roy Loman, who had gone to the coast to visit a son.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (828)[...]Springs Catholic Church for W alter Adam Rau, 77, who
Mt., to W alter A. Rau and Geneviene Black[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (829)[...]monia. Funeral services were held
Bert Macho jr., who drives a truck in the west end of the Tuesd[...]cis Macho died Dec. 20, 1998 Portland, Ore. who came to offer aid and sympathy in their gr[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (830)[...]a W alla, W ashington
Local News - H. H. Rayborn, who has a ranch in Rattlesnake June 21, 1867.[...]al wake services were held
1824 Canada of parents who also were born in Canada Saturday a[...]four nieces, four nephews and three
Raymond 1817 who dontated the land for the Mission; 2] grand-nephews.
Joseph 1924 who lived there also.).[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (831)[...]- Local News - Miss Mary Redding who has been with the
Leo A. Redding was bor[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (832)[...]at the Hot Springs Senior Center and columnist who has
stockman, range.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (833)[...]ymn, accompanied Local News - F. C. Reed, who has a claim in Coyote gulch,
by Mrs. Louise Hange[...]fice. Local News - P. C. Reed, who has a homestead near
He was married Nove[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (834)[...]10 Proctor, Mt. and greatly missed by all who knew her. She leaves us with
had the follo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (835)[...]Jose, Calif., of Melton Mrs. Reiser, who had not heard from home for a long time.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (836)[...]M argaret (Hewett) Remmington
was met by parties who informed him that the child was[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (837)[...]lls, Mt. Friday
School. Pearl was one of the four who organized the school. May 30, 1913 - page 4 - Dixon Doings - Dr. Resner, who
At that time he had three children attending Sund[...]into Ronan in 1914. Methodist. OES.
W ashington, who filed on a ranch near the Bitter Root a few B[...]ears. His son Dr. A. K. Resner of Ronan
neighbor, who is looking over the valley in the hope of[...]15 - Cemetery.
Local News - Robert Renfrow, who has a homestead with in Ronan Pioneer,[...]re; Harold R., and
- Local News - Robert Remfrow, who has a homestead a family of Ro[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (838)[...]as
Interest Col 2 - Among the Sanders county boys who born Jan. 29, 1840 Shelby, Indiana.[...]al News - Alex Rhoads and Miss Pearl Fitzpatrick, who
Sanders County Courthouse, Thompson Falls,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (839)[...]Norton, - Local News - J. L. Rhoads who was hauling a load of
Norton Co., Kansas to John[...]3 col 2 - Oliver Gulch News - Miss Effie Rhoades, who went back W ednesday to get the lumber after[...]Local News - Roy Rhoades, who has been visiting J. L.
The Sanders County Ledg[...]illips Co., Kansas John W esley Rhoades, who is somewhere in Spain with the
noted that John Rh[...]Claude O 12 years, Mt.
sister, Mrs. J. J. Rhoades who lives on the Hinchelwood The Pla[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (840)[...]13,
Dorothy Irish of Sagle, Idaho and a daughter who passed 1919 - Local News - Col 2 - W gr.[...]lispell, Mt. July 27, 1950 - Old - Time
Ventling, who helped to settle Camas, is still a resident of[...]he past week at the home of his
Louie Beaugard, who owns a summer home at the Ha-Ha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (841)[...]l., father born Ky,
- Local News - R. M. Rhoades, who has a homestead in mother born NY.: w[...]ly
Interest Col 2 - W m. Rhoades of Oliver Gulch, who has all summer. Mr. Rhone is United Sta[...]Hot Springs to be near her parents. Signal who two weeks ago was placed in charge, succee[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (842)[...]tate.
him to the bedside of his brother, W eston, who is Lydia Emily died March 28, 195[...]s County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday April 18, 1919
who might follow. He was generous to the divis[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (843)[...]1035

Springs - Frank Rhone, who has been shearing sheep near W isconsin an[...]home
Struck a Blizzard On His Trip - John Rhone, who works in was Angie’s homestead Cabin..
Th[...]pesetting. She will take the place of John Rhone, who will - John A. Rhone, Early County Newsman, Die[...]ar I draft card western Montana newspaper man who died Thursday in Hot
noted the following: John Al[...]ntana
col 4 - Goes to Training Camp - Among those who left for newsman, Alex Rhone. John w[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (844)[...]d such
men as helped to subdue the west for those who might Donald Edward &[...]he son of George
- Local News - Miss Daisy Allen, who has a homestead in and Bertha Rice. He a[...]ay for Seattle to be Plains.
with his mother who is ill there.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (845)[...]t., of natural
Heron cemetery for Harry Rice, 88, who died at Hot causes at 80 years of[...]Rodney Holmberg is Vaughn, who with several other parties have recently
superint[...]is away on a call to the death bed of his father, who district, came in on Tuesday. They had to di[...]e 4, 1949 Mt. with burial in the Conrad who will winter over.
Memorial Cemetery, Kalis[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (846)[...], Mt.
vicinity, where they have a host of friends who wish them a
long and happy marriage.[...]l farming; Local News - H. A. Richards, who has a ranch on the Little
married: (wife) Rosie 3[...]Hot Springs Local News - H. A. Richards, who has a ranch down the
inherits as she has b[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (847)[...]11, 1930 Missoula, Mt. by W ard
were among those who greeted Colonel Knox at Paradise.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (848)[...]t. Local News - Robert E. Richeson, who has a homestead near
Mark died June 4, 1[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (849)[...]stove. The flames were discovered early in the morning.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (850)[...]page 2 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Mrs. E. Davis, who spent Marie Clark was born about 1901 Kalama[...]e 3 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Mrs. Eudora Davis, who Jan. 8, 1945 Plains Cemetery, Plains, Mont.[...]I and
Spokane. Mrs. Riggins’ mother, Mrs. Davis who military services were conducted[...]four sisters and a brother. The sisters are Mrs.
who bought the W ightman ranch, arrived from C[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (851)[...]Riley, of Van Couver, British Columbia who came over to
The Daily Interlake, Kalisp[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (852)[...]sister Mrs. Borders, who resides near Lonepine.
Harley J.[...]page 3 col 1 - Lonepine - Miss Elizabeth Cooper, who has
1911 - Notice is hereby given that Harley Ril[...]nepine, has her house ready for
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 14th, 1910 made homestead[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (853)[...]summer here with her parents and brother, who recently
front page col 4 - Hot Springs News - M&[...]k from Chippewa Falls, W is., to join their sons, who are
prominent business men on the reservation loc[...]hen on to Niarada to spend Mrs. R. J. Riley, who has been spending several months in
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (854)[...]to meet his father and R. D. Riley, his brother, who Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lupo and Anthony and[...]Idaho; and Richard Riley of Libby; and a nephew who made
had on her homestead to Fred Flagg. I[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (855)[...]a

Dryer had two daughters, Charlotte and Peggy, who in the (Ratzlaff).
coming years became b[...]Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Oct. 8, 1915 - who has leased the Hot Springs Creamery, arriv[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (856)[...]Mt., who on May 21st, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]ted. - Local News - R. R. Robbins, who has a claim on the Little
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (857)[...]s, Mt. Friday Dec. 11, 1914 - Bert Roberts, who is now in San Diego, California. It noted
page 3[...]cemetery.
the Dixon and Sloan Steamboat company, who has been She had resided in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (858)[...]His witnesses were Reuben J. Prairie, Mt. who on June 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.
Igon and[...]the mother of H. E. Roberts, of Camas Prairie, who comes
listed her children as: Ernest John Roberts[...]d Roberts of Dixon, Mt. died Roberts, who have resided in Camas Prairie the past three
Satu[...]They were accompanied by Elmer J. Heffly, who will reside
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (859)[...]everal months after spending several months at who intend to leave in a short for their old home in[...]following children: 1] ; 2].
friends in the east who are looking westward and may come[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (860)[...]rtunate in this vicinity are: Messrs M. cousin, who is returning to her home in Kansas City to
Marrim[...]to visit a few days with his family, who are holding down a
The W orld W ar I Dra[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (861)[...]eturn home - Local News - N. C. Rockhill, who has started a store out
Saturday with his bride, who was formerly Miss Henrietta on his homest[...]sed. Little - Local News - Norman C. Rockhill, who has a homestead
Emma Gosney bore the ring on a pl[...]Local News - N. C. Rockhill, who was at one time interested
Henrietta Scott was[...]el in a country store near Lonepine, but who has been living at
Scott. Her parents were[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (862)[...]1055

Lonepine to N. C. Rockhill, who owns a homestead improvements.
adjo[...]learn the Local News - Mr. Rogers, the man who has a filing on part
price at which the land was[...]l’s ranch Local News - The man Rodgers, who secured a filing on part
northwest of Lonepine. I[...]Mt. Friday May 9, 1913
Local News - John Rockem, who has a homestead east of page 2 co[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (863)[...]Local News - Albert Roemer who teaches the Parish school,
On Jan. 19, 1[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (864)[...]ad the following children: 1] Lena
Albert Roemer, who is attending the University at Missoula A[...]t Missoula was filled during the past week. Those who have Elizabeth died Feb. 15, 194[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (865)[...]as born April 4, 1886 Hill City, relatives, who live on a ranch east of town. Corporal Rol[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (866)[...]1881; rancher;
Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Rollins, who own lots in nearest relative; Carr[...]County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday July 31, 1914 -
who on May 24, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02115 fo[...]- Local News - John Romain of Keuterville, Idaho, who has Herman Roos
a[...]Idaho noted - Local News - Herman Roos, who has resided all winter on
that John was 40 years[...]he He was accompanied by his son Paul Roos, who owns the
was a mechanic in a garage.[...]- Local News - Herman Roos, who has resided all winter on
George Rommel was bor[...]He was accompanied by his son Paul Roos, who owns the
children: 1] Orville ca 1910 W as[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (867)[...]ric plant. an older sister, Trace, who with her husband, Leslie W right
Paul filed hom[...]Ore., and Nona Ludeman, Berrien Springs, Mich., who
home 6 ½ miles east of Hot Springs, Mont. of a s[...]le attending W alla W alla, he met Chloe McEvers, who
Dirk Roosma was born to Samuel Roosma and Griet[...]43 with burial Feb. 26, 1943 four sons: Sam, who is a x-ray and lab technician in the
in the Murra[...]Shelby hospital; Dirk at Portland Dental College, who
finishes his training this week; Louis, who is in the
Dirk & M ary Jane (Hewitt) R[...]atory at W alla W alla General Hospital, and Tom, who
Dirk Fred Roosma was born to Minna Roosma and C[...]Chloe is a trained nurse, who recently resigned at St.
Dirk married Ma[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (868)[...]Monson; Local News - I. G. Ross and sons, who have a ranch on
she had not been previously marri[...]orma and they had the following Ross, who carries the mail between Camas Prairie and
childr[...]mail route to W m. Douglas, who took charge last week.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (869)[...]ers, John of Oakland and Philip
burial the owner, who was not here, remonstrated. Suitable of Dix[...]Frenchtown
locations are hard to find, and those who have them are in 1886. He came to this v[...]rpose. The old married Mabel McLeod, who died Sept. 27, 1927. He is a
gentlemen will proba[...]residing in
Local News - Louis Rossman, of Butte, who has a Hot Springs, Mt. Ja[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (870)[...]born. husband who is in the employ of the Thompson Falls Power[...]page 2 col 4 - Lonepine News - Mrs. F. B. Rowley, who
2] Kenneth James, May 8, 1918 Camas, Mt.;[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (871)[...]on Falls; four sisters, Gwen John Rube, who has a place four miles north of Camas,
Pirker and[...]Local News - John Roup, who has a homestead north of[...]ummel and Clara - Local News - John Rupe, who has been working at Dixon
Douglas.[...]y had the following - Local News - John Rupe, who has a homestead north of
children: 1] W inona Mad[...]sday. Local News - W . Rupert, who has a homestead out toward
Ernest entere[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (872)[...]Local News - Gust Sahilberg, who has a claim up the Little
Sanders County Signal[...]- Gus Sahlberg was a
Local News - Axel Rydlander, who has a homestead in business visitor[...]n to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sarlee,
Sabbine, was discovered a mile west of Olive station[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (873)[...]grandson Duke Salle and Springs soldier, who was on the Tuscania when it was
his wife Tamira;[...]1917 draft card for W W I that Mrs. Sallee, who was formerly Alice Taylor, is in a serious
he is[...]ings Boy Among The grief stricken father who is well known here has the
Missing. - Henry W . S[...]muel & M ary E. (Chatwin) Sallee jr.
The others who went through the experience but are[...]- Local News - Sam Salle and his brother, who live in
These young men all enlisted in the 20t[...]lis, Hennepin Co., Minn., to W illiam James
groom who has been here on a furlough returned to ar[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (874)[...]lpha
Retz Chapel in Polson for Samuel Sallee, 67, who died Hedin, Missoula, and Mrs. Bud Coo[...]nown).
Amy Allen Shull was born to David Schull who died June
9, 1879.[...]me he stated he resided at Sloan, Mont. He
Falls, who died Aug. 29 in the Hot Springs hospital.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (875)[...]1912; born
information on an illusive great uncle who supposedly lived Holland; as were his pa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (876)[...]page 2 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Mr. Sanderson, who had Missoula County Courthouse, Miss[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (877)[...]ngray Local News - E. S. Sapp, who has been in eastern
Charles Sangray was born Ma[...]en a 6 year penalty, and Ben Burgess,
Helen Poole who died in 1970. Life companion Lillian[...]o, Nov. 25,
The Indian that was killed is Sanyah, who formerly ran the 1901 Apple Grove, N[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (878)[...]estead and will - Local News - Mr. Savage who has a claim in this valley on
bring his family fr[...]05 at Porthill, Idaho.
- Local News - S. P. Sapp, who has a homestead on the He was natura[...]celebrating was Mary Sax-Sa, an Indian woman who lives in
1953 - Charles Sardula Services Today -[...]came in with her favorite horse and
Sardula, 81, who had lived in Perma since 1911, will receive d[...]ider’s Chapel in Plains and will be buried in who saw her.
Plains Cemetery.
He was born in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (879)[...]ersdorf was born to ____ Scearce and Minnie who came from Ronan in his auto. The two returned in[...]attle For Burial - The body of Mrs. Frank Scearce who
several weeks later on an island above the Agency[...]d - Dixon, Mont., June 17 - Mrs. Frank who was crossing in a rowboat. He and Dr. Sweet took[...]d river just below the her baby and brother, who were buried in the Dixon
mouth of Crow creek. Fra[...]nd Mrs. Clay Moore,
brother of Mrs. Frank Scarce, who was drowned two weeks Lexington,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (880)[...]Lexington, Ky. Born Dec. 8, 1877 at
A stranger, who has since been identified as Edward Lex[...]en: 1] Ivy Fay, Feb.1898 Merlin, Josephine
Mayer, who grappled with him and held him. W . C. Bro[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (881)[...]three day’s sale of lots on
week. Mr. Schaffer, who was driving alone, was found under the DeM[...]m Schaffer and Addie
Mrs. L. J. Bauer and family, who have been enjoying a Smith; he had no[...], son of Mrs. Addie Schaffer of Plains, Thursday,
who accompanied them, remained in Butte for a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (882)[...]He was preceded in death by his son, Billie, who died in
Penn., as were her parents: (boarders) Basham, Floyd 23 1956; his wife Bobbie, who past away in 1976; his brother,
years of age; sin[...]nald and Russell; and his son-in-law Ted Thompson who
laborer, sawmill; 2] Granzor, Aubon; 55 years of[...]ocal News - Edward B. Schilts and Joseph Schilts, who
children, two of whom, Donald and Russell[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (883)[...]Local News - Frank Schiller and Ray Krohn, who have
Browning, Mt. - Jan. 26, 2004 Apple Valley,[...]ocal News - Edward B. Schilts and Joseph Schilts, who
Stuart died Jan. 26, 2004 Apple Valley, Calif.,[...]g, Mt. to Joseph Sunday for Ed Schilts, who leaves this week for his home in
and Freda Schild[...], Mt., with cremation
Local News - Frank Schiller who has been back to his old following.
home i[...]amily and later to
load of lumber for John Reiser who is doing some Butte, where[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (884)[...]8 in the - Local News - Nicholas Schmitz, who has a homestead in
Missoula County Courthouse, Mi[...]nt Feb. 22, 1917 - Local Items - Among those who enlisted in
to read, but under 19 years of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (885)[...]light colored hair.
Schmitz, Hot Springs pioneer who passed away at a local W illiam married[...]is siblings
Nicholas Schmitz, Hot Springs pioneer who passed away at were: 1] James B. Ap[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (886)[...]Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Vrandenburg and family, who
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday June[...]Garcon Gulch and
was accompanied by Miss Scholes who comes from visiting friends her[...]ws - Camas - Sam
Local News - Miss Alice Scholes, who has been visiting her Scholes, who has been here for the past few weeks looking
brot[...]Dec. 13, 1917 - page 10 - Camas - Sam Scholes, who has a
account of sickness in the family, and will[...]Thurs. Oct. 21, 1920 - S. D. Scholes, who has been here for
Sanders County Signal[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (887)[...]burg.
Here he partnered with his brother Charles, who preceded in Aure[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (888)[...]Brown and Virginia M. Erickson. Drummond, who will put a small force of men at work in
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (889)[...]Ray & Grace A. (Smith) Schulstad
who will conduct the business in the future. Mr. Schr[...]e 2, 1916 - Brief but Newsy Notes - Al Schroller, who farmer.
formerly conducted the Cummings c[...]uly 2, 1920,
Local Interest Col 1 - Al Schroller, who has been doing Missoula, Mt. and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (890)[...]and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott, who live on
Philipsburg, Laclede Co., Missouri[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (891)[...]there because of the sickness of their son James, who died worried about starving. They r[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (892)[...]search of
Local News - E. C. Means of Kalispell, who has a well work. They boys ha[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (893)[...]. As soon as they arrived they sent for a Doctor, who sons, Robert of W hitefish and Ira of Midway[...]ett on Sept. 26, 1964.
Local News - James Search, who lives out on Sullivan Mary[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (894)[...]who first demonstrated that fine apples could[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (895)[...]e 2 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Mrs. W . E. Sears, who
in the Corvallis cemetery, Corvallis, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (896)[...]addition to teaching, Selma was a homemaker who believed
Kristin Long; Melinda Noel, Kelly and Sa[...]and Marcia De Voe of Brooklyn, N.Y.;
grandmother, who served the Polson area as a midwife.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (897)[...]all (Mary of Lacy, W a.) David Sabbine, was discovered a mile west of Olive station
of Billings;[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (898)[...]Severson, an old-time lumberjack who works on the
John entered the Army October 15,[...]new millpond a few weeks ago. Severson, who reports for
helper. He also noted that his closes[...]fternoon Severson celebrates the arrival of
boys, who enlisted in the service of Uncle Sam, retu[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (899)[...]teaching the Parish
Church for John Severson, 74, who died Friday in the local school.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (900)[...]rived here Saturday for a visit with her husband, who is
Byron Arnold of Pasco, W ashington; 25 years o[...]guests June 25, 1915 - page 3 - W . H. Sharp, who has been
in the home of Mrs Arnold’s par[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (901)[...]spital. large circle of friends who regret their departure.
The body will be taken[...]Shelledy, who is teaching school at W hitepine, parents[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (902)[...]4th to Local News - page 3 col 3 - D. Sherry who has a homestead
the owner, Jesse W . Lee of Perma[...]s of age; white; he had
on a visit to his father, who has a homestead down the Little not been previ[...]age 2 col 5 - Oliver Gulch News - Cameron Sherry, who recently deceased. Mrs. McHenry at[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (903)[...]er Lawrence Sweeny, who died there Thursday.
1917 Dixon Polk directory l[...]Feb. 7, 1918 - page eight - Camas - Geo. Shively, who has Tuesday afternoon (Feb. 9th) in the Co[...]ge was drunk at the time. After he had
the latter who died Oct. 4 in a Malta hospital after a le[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (904)[...]days in jail. Shotsman had a daughter Fay who was married to Melvin
His offense and escape warr[...]small person. She had the habit of
A. A. Alvord, who created a great deal of sympathy for the put[...]Shotwell and Sara
Tom Shortridge, Niarada Indian who escaped from the Katherine Moschel/Ma[...]Grant Florin and Phyllis Shotwell was
Ben Saint, who returned Shortridge to jail.[...]ome of the bride’s parents in Dixon,
The man, who was awaiting trial on a charge of stealing a[...]superintendent of the Indian Agency at Dixon, who are very
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (905)[...]McCurdy Information on Bert Jr. Shuey who was born 1922 Ronan,
of Thompson Falls, both ladi[...]& Evelyn (M arquis) Shultz
Bro. E. H. Showalter, who has been working second trick at[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (906)[...].; white; 26 years of age born kind heart who loved nothing better than to catch you off
9/10/1[...]Betty will forever live in the hearts of those who cherished
undergone hip surgery the previous week[...]ing his first term as sheriff and was who were a source of inspiration and love duri[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (907)[...]Missoula, Mont. and they had one child: 1] Ernie who died moved to Thompson Falls in 1877 where[...]Benjamin in 1949, and one son, Ernie, who died at the age
Officiated by George Stewa[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (908)[...]- Local News - Charles Silde, who has a homestead on the
Ev[...]y Sept. 13, 1912 - Local News - John Silde, who has a homestead in Garson
page 2 col 3 - Camas Pr[...]nd were fortunate in men born in Norway who came to Garcon Gulch to
securing it at once. Mess[...]# 9912 Missoula
Brevities - Mr. & Mrs. E. Sickler who have been staying at County Courthous[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (909)[...]tebery of manhood.
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 23, 1910 made homestead On May[...]survived by his widow, two sons, Mendle E.
Sims, who sold their stock, machinery and furniture last[...]Emma Simmons
Mr. E. Simmonds, who has a claim near Niarada, was a[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (910)[...]n Africa and Italy during W orld W ar II.
Signor, who have come from Missouri to make their home in[...]M urray J. & Vivian (Strange) Siner who died at her home Tuesday.
Murray James Siner wa[...]trange March 13, 1940 Murray Siner who died in February 1970.
Thompson Falls, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (911)[...]he Hot
Springs High School for Mrs. Ola Singleton who retired Robert K. & Ola M ay (W[...]ine, Mt.
Shoppe said they wish to thank all those who have
patronized them for the nearly 19 years they[...]city Adeline W alters.
clerk and treasurer, who died Thursday of a heart attack at B[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (912)[...]ed Tuesday for a visit at the A. M. Holben who lives in Chula Vista, Calif.; two sons, Douglas,[...]apel in Stevensville for Edgar Douglas Sipes, 67, who
Clarence Sipes was married to Della ____[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (913)[...]ack.; 14] .
faithful one. She was a friend to all who needed a friend, and The Independent,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (914)[...]men born in Norway who came to Garcon Gulch to
Ravalli Republic, Hamil[...]Local News - W . H. Skelly, who has a homestead in the
Jerry was born April 1,[...]t-generation W arm Spring Valley, but who is now in Chicago states that
American to[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (915)[...](These two Alexanders need to be verified as to who they
“It appeared that he was overtake[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (916)[...]headed west, except for son Thomas who stayed and fought
Blanche died March 19,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (917)[...]nce July 24, 1923 Black Berry,
looked upon by all who know him as one of our most[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (918)[...]ne; 3] never applied, and so the knowledge of who her Indian
George 4] W alter; 5] Julia Ann; 6] Ro[...]on his service That fall of 1936, Vern who was now also residing in
record, and on June 10,[...]re closing. Food lines appeared all over. A.C.M., who father, needing money, had sold t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (919)[...]is home in Montana until 1942 when
and Marquedte, who were from Hot Springs. The new he[...]arch 21 Magpie Jones and Charles Allard, who is at the head of the
after a brief illnes[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (920)[...]la
trail of the herd was taken up by Jim Grinder, who after a Markham of Sloan, Mrs. Evelyn W ebst[...]uPuis, He was a Catholic.
control by George Sloan who after getting them part way After Georg[...]k to the corral turned them over to W alter Sloan who Alexander Aloysuis McLaughlin Dec. 31, 194[...]d turned them over to Mt.
Charles Allard who soon had them in a corral. “Thats[...]d years of age and was well liked by all who knew her. The
they had the following child[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (921)[...]return back to their ranch at
close. The A.C.M., who owned the mines, also owned a lot Trout[...]for these ‘stump ranches.’ An Sloan, who formerly worked in Thompson Falls and afte[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (922)[...]ailable, and they sold it to Pitts and Marquedte, who were
down near Butte, and everything they made fr[...]orton, Ken
after his uncle Robert ‘Bob’ Sloan who had worked for the Tyler and Mr. W[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (923)[...]ce the fact that him Can Tyler from Trout Creek who had worked with him
medical help was so very limi[...]after the death of her husband W alter, who had died a few
trees are left standing for[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (924)[...]as put election, Annie said no, and the woman who asked her told
on him from head to waist, with ho[...]memorial book “Some Gave Their All” on those who died
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (925)[...]n the Immaculate
Magpie Jones and Charles Allard, who is at the head of the Conception church in[...]ge
trail of the herd was taken up by Jim Grinder, who after a 132 of Hot Springs. W orld W ar I[...]Tribes. He was one of the
control by George Sloan who after getting them part way last surviv[...]k to the corral turned them over to W alter Sloan who herd in 1911 and was a member of the Fla[...]them over to Pioneers.
Charles Allard who soon had them in a corral. “Thats[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (926)[...]ur. Aug. 11, 1921 - Camas Prairie - J. W . Smiley who has
nearest relative: (sister) Louise Big[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (927)[...].
page 3 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Andrew Smith, who has a Sanders County Signal, Camas,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (928)[...]County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday March 27,
Smith, who has had charge of the work of the Presbyte[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (929)[...]finest form and will be deeply missed by everyone who was discharged July 19, 1946 Boston[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (930)[...]e circle of friends and acquaintances while here, who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (931)[...]called, who gave some relief, but on Saturday morning the[...]ead Monday. E. F. Beaudreau and Miss Baldwin
Mt., who on Nov. 17, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]ert J., and Edward
Local News - Mrs. E. B. Smith, who has been visiting with T. Smith, who formerly lived here, had died at Mobile,
her son,[...]th, is here from Local News - Edward T. Smith, who has a homestead north
Minnesota visiting his brother. He may take up land. of Camas, but who has been residing in Los Angeles for
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (932)[...]t 9, gathered around them a host of friends who wish them a
April 15 & 16 - 186 - 198 - Sm[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (933)[...]1947 Plains, - Local News - H. J. Smith, who has a homestead near
Mt.[...]vices for Henry Eugene Smith, 83, T. Smith, who formerly lived here, had died at Mobile,
mayor of[...]ng apples in the
- Local News - Herbert E. Smith, who arrived here last Bitterroot; working in[...]erbert James & Daisy M . Smith who with his brother made trips to town for co[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (934)[...]May 21, 1915 - page 3 - Among the Camas ranchers who are England near Manchester. Came t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (935)[...]Feb. 22, 1917 - Local Items - Among those who enlisted in
Stella Gilliard was born 1876 Tenn[...]rnice, Paradise, Mt.; 3]
Local News - Nick Smith, who has a ranch in W ilks gulch, Alice, Paradise,[...]ith and Lena L. Triplet;
Local News - Nick Smith, who has a homestead at the head he had no[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (936)[...]see about taking care of himself.
to any child who needed a little extra attention. She was a S[...]ck Graves of Polson; two grandsons, Frank Graves (who is Johnston and Caroline Underhill. Sh[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (937)[...]greatly missed by his family and those who knew him. He
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (938)[...]las Smith, of Custer, Smith’s first wife, who died, was a sister of Rosa
S.D.; sister, Lyla Mae[...]first marriage, Pattie Marie McClinn, Halonen, who resides in the Hot Springs Convalescent
Kalispell[...]er Halliday; two nephews; three nieces; their who knew Superintendent Smith.
children; and his form[...]back to Montana. Once there, he again
Smith, 59, who formerly taught in Thompson Falls and also[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (939)[...]anders County Independent Ledger, Thompson
valley who last year disposed of his place to W ilmer J.[...]d Ida Linsey.
Feb. 24, 1905 - K. W . F. Beeskove, who is better known as Evelyn (Evalin[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (940)[...]o - Jan. 23, 1919
Interest Col 3 - S. C. Snavely, who left last week for Vancouver, W ash.; 3][...]ay Jan 31, - Local News - S. E. Snavely, who formerly lived at Plains,
1919 Front page Col. 5[...]de some very substantial
Sunday - Leo E. Snavely, who died recently in Vancouver, improvements o[...]be stricken with pluresy of the Springs, who has been residing in Plains for medical
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (941)[...]H. Snider who arrived home early the week-end before on[...]lena, Mt. with Delmer L. (Dutch) Snider, who died Saturday at his home in
burial Oct. 1965 in[...]California for many years. They had nine
Springs who died early Monday in the Veterans hospital at children, who with his wife, survive him. Other survivor[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (942)[...]Cecil Snow was born Feb. 8, 1889 St. Paul, Minn.
who has spent the past two months here feeding his ca[...]page 3 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Mrs. Snider who has been
a celebration for their 60th anniversary[...]and close - Local News - Mrs. Snyder, who has a homestead down
board. They have reared a large family, who have scattered Tuesday afternoon Miss[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (943)[...]- Dixon - Local News - W . H. Sochren, who is a graduate of the
Doings - John L. Snyder, a p[...]e College, of Ohio, has a ranch out on the
valley who last year disposed of his place to W ilmer J.[...]1914 - Local News - C. L. Soderstrom and family, who has a
Vandal B. Snyd[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (944)[...]ace. W itnesses: Percy J. Gosden and J. L. Spohn.
who on May 14, 1910 made homestead entry No. 020 54 f[...]urthouse, Missoula, Mt. - A. M.
Greenspring, Mt., who on May 16, 1910 made homestead So[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (945)[...]the
page 3 col 4 - Niarada News - Jack Sorenson, who has following children: 1] Joyce[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (946)[...]this way.
Local News - Mr. Sparling and son Jim, who has a ranch in
the Big Draw, were in Camas W edne[...]ion near Elmo. Local News - Gus A. Kranich, who has a claim on the Bitter
Mr. Sparling constructe[...]y Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday Dec. 6, 1912 - who on May 29, 1910 made Homestead entry No. 02329 for
Local News - Mr. Sparling and son Jim, who has a ranch in Lot 1 NE 1/4 NW 1/4,[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (947)[...]Married - Saturday October 4th, 1913 at
Spencer, who goes to his old home in San Antonio, Texas to[...]the place. W ant to rent on shares to good farmer who Spickard ranch after a few days.
wants a h[...]riday Nov. 8, 1912 -
Local News - Pearl Spickard, who has a claim near[...]ocal News - Charles Spies, brother of Otto Spies, who
and they had the following children: 1] Jo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (948)[...]- Hot Springs News Col 4 - Oscar Spore, who spent a fifteen
Otto came to the United States[...]and they had the was probably Gertrude who in 1920 at the age of 18 years
following children[...]mber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Spurgeon, who live north of
1903. A former resident of H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (949)[...]tackhouse Stambaugh, Dixon, Mont., who will send you views of the
Joseph Harley Stackh[...]urthouse, Thompson Falls, Mt. - Joseph Mt. who on May 31, 1910 made homestead entry No. 02351
St[...]l Curley and Mary Louise; she had not been Mt. who made on May 21, 1910 homestead entry No.
married[...]ry Louise. Stanclift, who died in Missoula, was received this week.[...]age. She has many friends in this vicinity who regret her
- page 3 col 3 - Hot Springs Ne[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (950)[...]d her face, beat her about the
along. His father, who lives in Nebraska, is coming out here body[...]- Local News - W alter A. Standley, who has a claim on the
Sanders County Signal, Camas[...]rd. - Local News - W . A. Standley, who has been working on
Three years ago they swore[...]n. She was born Sioux Pass, Nov. 10, 1915. No
has discovered that she married the wrong man. It’s all[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (951)[...]of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. W ellington, and the person who
(McDougall);4] daughter (LeRoy Obennick); 5] John[...]W ellington, who followed the family from W isconsin.
Annie Paul[...]rie, Mt. boy by the name of Cook, who was working at the ranch, a
Sanders County Ledg[...]ul Stanislaw, 63, of Hot Springs, The man who could commit such a wholesale killing and
died Sa[...]murderer of H. E. W ellington, and who after fatally
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (952)[...]riends in that center of the district.
vicinity who will be glad to welcome them upon their return.[...]page col 2 - District
Local News - Henry Stanton, who has a homestead on the Court Proc[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (953)[...]n her way to W ashington to visit two other sons, who
years together and making up for lost time visiti[...]teendahl in Canada
He was an excellent musician who excelled at playing any states that h[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (954)[...]Brad Gardner of Bering Springs, Mich., who has just come
position in the Kalispell schools a[...]to teach until the school board engages a teacher who will The couple will reside in the Stellm[...]1945 - Tuscor News - Cpl. Harold Stellmon who has been in
Reclamation Canal A.; single; short i[...]oyle, born Feb. 26, 1935; 2] Linda rancher who died Thursday in a Spokane hospital, were[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (955)[...]1910 Fort Benton, Mont - died Oct. 7, 1976 Ione,
who entered their senior year at the U.S. Air[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (956)[...]. Friday
Mrs. H. R. Stephesn of Oliver Gulch, and who has been Oct. 16, 1908 - H. R. Stephen[...]harged for refusing to work during the strike. In
who has done a draying business here for the l[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (957)[...]ut in a small stock of H. R. Stephens, who had the misfortune to break her left
merchandise[...]14, 1919 - Plains News Col 1 - Jimmie Stephens, who
June 2, 1916 - Brief but Newsy Notes - Hugh R. St[...]eturned from training at Camp Grant, Ill., was in
who used to wear good clothes when he was coun[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (958)[...]ephens was born about 1896 Ainsworth, who will take possession June 1.
Nebraska to Frank T.[...]Mt.
- Local News - W . C. Stephens and wife, who have a Marriage certificate[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (959)[...]ers of Camas, Montana

Stevens is the same man who accidently killed a hunter up Mr. Stevens w[...]by her husband Pete
this week to Howard Stevens, who removed it to the ranch. in 1946.[...]nt); yesterday morning for Thomas Stevens, 45, who passed
5] Margaret; 6] Agatha; 6] Peter Paul Jr.[...]hospital Saturday about six hours vicinity who will be glad to welcome them upon their re[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (960)[...]their stay here who sincerely regret their departure.[...]Local News - Miss Elizabeth Stiller, who teaches the Garcon
Roger died April 197[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (961)[...]of Dixon, Mont.; born Springs minister who died at his home here W ednesday.
Temple, N. D.,[...]e and Hazel Grace Curry; The Rev. Stokke, who served in the Presbyterian churches
17 years of a[...]Springs. He has been visiting his son W illiam, who has a
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Friday[...]page 3 col 4 - Garcon Gulch News - Elmer Stoffer, who is 1914; 2] Orville L. 1916; 3] Kenneth[...]15, 1946 Missoula, Mt. host of friends who are sorry to see them depart.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (962)[...]ryon B. who were long-time friends of Mr. Stott, as follows:[...]Minnie Ciltz; white;
- Local News - T. H. Stott, who has a home over on the rise divorced -[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (963)[...]l in height;
Albert was born to Theordore Stout who was born about medium build; blue[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (964)[...]ht; medium build; light grey night, Ole Strand, who had a homestead in the Sullivan
colored ey[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (965)[...]1181

valley for two years and has many friends who are grieved to Strange of Hot Springs, Mt. 28[...]Hennessy gave the shower for the bride, who received many
1920 federal census Feb. 1[...]

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (966)[...]e Pine equipment this week to C. E. Price, who came over with him
and Mr. and Mrs. Potter at W h[...]one of the boys that has grown up in Plains, but who has The 1917 Thompson Falls Polk director[...]irst speaker of the evening was
- W illiam Strom, who is well known in Sanders county, was W illiam[...]ign poster of the republicans their pleas for
all who know him, and they hope he will do fine in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (967)[...]who died Saturday night in a Deer Lodge hospit[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (968)[...]s to raise the
Suhr’s mother, Mrs. George Carr, who has been quite ill. best crop of wheat on[...]iday May 7, 1915 -
relate to many of the students who are from ranching page 2 col 4[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (969)[...]orn Oct. 28, 1923 St.
for a quarter of a century, who recently removed to a ranch Ignatius, Mont. to[...]mpbell. who is in France with the 7th Army was scratched up s[...]ll as their
Dixon/Paradise - Miss Lizzie Sullivan who taught school at accountant.
Dixon las[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (970)[...]W is. Summer jobs for a quarter of a century, who recently removed to a ranch
with the home extensi[...]. A. Sullivan, both of Perma, and
Thompson Falls, who introduced her to Martin Joseph three[...]provements on the road between Dixon and Ravalli.
who also worked as a substitute teacher until 1974.[...]Grants Pass, Ore.; and four originally. Tommy, who is a 3rd class petty officer in the
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (971)[...]clerk in
Oct. 5, 1906 - Trout Creek - N. I. Hurt, who has been general store: Donald (son) 17[...]burial
Aug. 16, 1907 - Trout Creek - I. N. Hurt, who resigned his Aug. 27, 1958 in St. Mary Annex[...]ss, Neb; born for Nerus I. Hurt, 81, who died at a St. Ignatius hospital
Meadow Gra[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (972)[...]ier Park packers - Local News - Oscar Surby, who has a homestead north of
who left his horses here for the winter, returned thi[...]f Plymouth, dinner Sunday for Ed Schilts, who leaves this week for his
Mich.; 5'11" tall; stout[...]- Local News - Edward Surby, who has spent the past two
Geo[...]ved last week from
- Local News - George Summers, who has a homestead near Utah to establish re[...]- Dixon, of Sutton from Camas Hot Springs, who was reported
June 12 - Ora Sumner, aged 23, membe[...]Sutton
Carver, who went down into the well after Sumner, were[...]brought
to the surface by R. B. Brown, a rancher, who chanced to be Cath[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (973)[...]rs and Early Settlers of Camas, Montana

Sutton, who for the past two years has been living with[...]ing her death.
The deceased leaves a daughter, who resides in Canada, Sanders County Ledger[...]t. Thurs.
and a son, W ill Sutton of Great Falls, who arrived Thursday. March 27, 2003 - Lonepine -[...]fe Tammy of Billings;
Local News - D. W . Sutton, who has a claim north of granddaughters R[...]t Springs and Dawn Smith of Deer
with his family, who has been living on the homestead. Mr. Lodge[...]1 Hall.
- Dry Creek News - F. W . Sutton, who resides on his
homestead north of Dry creek, left[...]page 4 col 2 - Matthew Sutton, who has been in poor health

Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (974)[...]le Owen Tromp Feb. 28, 1964 Swain, who is Mrs. Brown’s mother, has been a teacher in
R[...]ncle Sam’s Men - Axel Erickson and Albert Swan, who[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (975)[...]lowing W ., both of Dixon and Thomas who is attending W estern
children: 1] James Joseph A[...]957 east of Dixon, Mt. in a car of all who know them.
accident. Burial was in the St. Ignati[...]page 2 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Mr. Sanderson, who
Patrolman George Goffins of Ravalli the au[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (976)[...]a bitter hatred and had vented their spite on the
who has been here for the past six months, lef[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (977)[...]Sunday evening to bid farewell to I. B. Swetland who left in the bottom of the well the smiling S[...]accompanied by and had two children, Ken who lives in Lonepine and
Nat Howes on the dru[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (978)[...]Aug. 25, 1911 - page 3 - Dr. E. A. Sweet, who formerly
The second Mrs. Sweeney had bee[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (979)[...]on a deer hunting trip. Emery Swisher, who has been
established a new location and where the[...]4 Niarada, (W alter
- Local News - C. J. Swenink, who has a claim north of Meland); 5] Joan[...]license # 674 in the
Local News - C. J. Swenink, who has a homestead out on the Sanders County[...], Thompson Falls, Mt. - Emery
Little Bitter Root, who has been back to his old home, in[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (980)[...]on a deer hunting trip. Emery Swisher, who has been
Joan Perkins was born Jan. 31, 1932[...]s of Elko, Nev.; and Linda Swisher, 86, who died W ednesday afternoon of last week of
Rowon o[...]married Feb. 20, 1901 in Iowa to Grace Mae Pierce who
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (981)[...]- Local News - Miss Clara Symington of Hamilton, who has Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt. Fr[...]- Local News - Miss Symington of Camas Prairie who has
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (982)[...]- E. Talmage, of Big
Tallman and wife of Chicago, who are visiting him. Fork, has purcha[...]Tallman, - Local News - Mr. Talmage, who purchased the McVety
president of the Cama[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (983)[...]with numerous grandchildren; Mitchell,
Tapia, 44, who died at a local hospital Thursday. The Rev[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (984)[...]Ann Benoit; she had not been Taylor who is in charge of the barge at Paradise is at home[...]Charley Taylor and wife came in from their
groom who has been here on a furlough, returned to his[...]tems - The funeral of Chas Taylor’s little son, who
Missoula, Mt. and they had the following c[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (985)[...]21, 1912 - page 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, who spring about 1 ½ miles away. (This spring[...]n
1915 - Local News - Chet Taylor and H. J. Cook, who live Falls, Mt. W ed. Nov. 21, 193[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (986)[...]and grain.
Local News - F. O. Taylor and family, who have a ranch Sanders County Signal, Cam[...]nesses. He has all of his land under cultivation.
who is visiting them.[...]n, Montana, and John
They went with Isaac Irvine, who will bring back a wagon W . Taylor of Niara[...]home of the bride’s father, W illiam Richards, who
1920 federal census Feb. 12, 16, 26 Hot Springs[...]ort came in W ednesday that Mrs. John W . Taylor, who
43-43 - Taylor, Hank; 40 years of age born[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (987)[...]Rosa Prova was titled with Richard P. Taylor on
who were to be register W ednesday.[...]063486 for 40 acres.
week in honor of Leon Taylor who has recently returned Richard died 197[...]rial Cemetery, Lonepine, Mt.
honor of Leon Taylor who has recently returned from army
camp.[...]metery, Lonepine, Mt.
Taylor and eldest son Leon, who recently returned from
service were in town W edn[...]Local News - Ted C. Taylor, who has a homestead on the[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (988)[...]hildren: 1] Cora Eveline (Adolph ‘Buck’
King, who recently purchased the well drill, are digging a[...]Local News - Thomas Temple, of Portland, Oregon, who Cyrus’s mother’s obituar[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (989)[...]had five stepchildren from friendly girl, who always loved to be around people. She
this second[...]. 23, 1917 - page ten - Lonepine - Forrest Tenny, who
of Patty and Casey - Mr. and Mrs. Manford[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (990)[...]October 26, 1916
Samuel Tester, Methodist pastor, who has a homestead on Plains, Mt.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (991)[...]o, The complaint alleges that Thomas, who is a real estate
Blue Earth Co., Minn. to Phil Th[...]gs - A. W . Cope and A.
Gagner and R. V. Harding, who are in the employ of John C. Thomas have[...]orn Aug. 1865 Thomas, of Dixon, who was charged with grand larceny and
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (992)[...]wounded Thursday morning Masonic lodge who were escorted by a delegation of twenty
by Edith[...]n & Richardson revolver. The daughter Della, who are visiting in Dixon, plan to remain
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (993)[...]s born.
stand Justice of the Peace W . E. Nippert who testified that Edwin married ____ M[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (994)[...]rtel and Etta Hunter. Carver, who went down into the well after Sumner, were
Sand[...]sy to the surface by R. B. Brown, a rancher, who chanced to be
Thomas, Lillian Dinius, Patr[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (995)[...]hat is not Local News - B. T. Thompson, who has a ranch in Big
work in the logging camp of Arthur Laravie, who is putting Mont., to L. D. Thompson[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (996)[...], Iowa 6 years Local News - John Thompson, who has a ranch almost due
ago. (See newspaper[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (997)[...]1919 at Lewistown to Martin
Mrs. Joseph Thompson, who will soon depart for Fort Luther and E[...]Greenspring, Mt., who on May 23, 1910 made homestead
Lee died[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (998)[...]lor and Mary A. McMurtrey. who on May 16, 1910 made Homestead entry No. 02011 fo[...]in Camas, W ednesday. He is the gentleman who purchased
G. A. & #2 Emma (M cDonald) Tho[...]79 Eugene City, Lane his son, W allace, who will farm the place in Garcon gulch.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (999)[...]had been
Norway and died at the age of 67. He was discovered dead previously married - married No[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1000)[...]18, 1934 - Hot Springs News - Mrs. W m. Tibbles, who has
News - Mrs. Dallas Tibbles of Hot Springs was[...]Local News - W ill Tierney, who has been out on his ranch
W illiam Tibbles marr[...]Tibbles of - Local News - W m. P. Tierney, who has a homestead in
Spokane, W ashington; white; 5[...]June 30, 1922 - Lonepine News - W m. Tierney, who is a
Anastasia then married the second t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1001)[...]Springs News - Dr. J. V. Tillman, who recently returned
Patrick Neave Tilleard[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1002)[...]Doenges’ hall, has been rented by Frank Foster, who will
The 1913 Thompson Falls Polk direct[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1003)[...]g health compelled her to resign.
daughter, Edna, who is employed as stenographer in the[...]appendicitis. Dr. W . P. Mills of Missoula, who was spending
unexpected, still comes as a great s[...]er, Mrs. Clifford Rittenour at Plains,
relatives, who have the sympathy of the entire community[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1004)[...]ck
Jan. 10, 1913 - page 3 - Miss Margaret Tilton, who has just Donald Timlick was born to W illi[...]e
Dec. 8, 1916 - Local Items - Marguerite Tilton, who has farmer, Floyd “Pete” Kenneth Ti[...]Lonepine ranch.
Interest - Margaret Tilton, who has been residing in Helena In the early[...]s; many nieces and nephews; his dedicated friends
who first resisted the advance of the white ma[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1005)[...]- Local News - Alex Timmings, who resided in Camas
Hilda L. Saich was born July 9[...]el Lource Local News - Alfred E. Todd, who has a claim in Big gulch
Montgomery. They[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1006)[...]otes - Adelore Martin
- Local News - Arthur Todd, who has a claim in Oliver Huotte and Miss De[...]anada to Local News - Anton Thorbergson, who has a homestead
Theodore Tonga and Mary Bo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1007)[...]. T. Tovey of Galesburg, Ill., a prominent singer who[...]day Jan. 24, 1913 - Local News - Merit Town, who has a homestead a few miles
Local News - A. C. Toucher and Henry Toucher, who have down W arm Springs creek, narrowly[...]er not J. M. Ventling, who was working with him, caught him
Sanders County[...]th.
Local News - A. C. Toucher and Henry Toucher, who have
a claim a few miles from Camas, were in town[...]th an X.
Springs News - Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Toumi, who spent the
past nine years here, left Sunday for S[...]he had not been previously C. J. Tremblay, who is well known here and at Plains, were
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1008)[...]verturned by the passing of a larger boat. Tripp, who
Toby died March 12, 1993 Dixon, Mt.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1009)[...]who has been employed on the Dayton Leader for[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1010)[...], Mont; 4] Rodney
Local News - Miss L. H. Tucker, who has a claim east of Charles May 26, 1919[...]D. Disbrow, three sons, Fred who married, Arthur and
The Plainsman, Plai[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1011)[...]Mrs. W . R. Davidson. with her son, who has a claim down the Little Bitter root,
Elsie[...]nest McCrea Local News - John N. Tuxbury, who has a homestead down
Feb. 21, 1900 Mt.[...]e Little Bitter Root last week. The
W . Turnblad, who has been employed at the meat market of[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1012)[...]et Young officiating.
A friend, Jackie Collins, who was swimming near by,
reached the log and attempt[...]H. Umholtz
others, Linda Frolin and Neil Collins, who were on shore, Elmer Horace Umholtz was bo[...]ders County Courthouse - informant was his father who
She was born March 21, 1915 to Sayles an[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1013)[...]ife) Pearl C.; Local News - Bert Underhill, who had a homestead in
short in height; medium build;[...]dger, Thompson Huebner, of Dayton, who are down to visit. Mr. Underhill,
Falls, Mt. Thur[...]hn H. Shafer Jan. 6,
Local News - Bert Underhill, who has a homestead on the 1944 Thompson Fal[...]to James C. Underwood and Rachel Ash.
Camas, Mt. who on Nov. 2, 1910 made homestead entry No.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1014)[...]bones of
“He was an earnest temperance worker who traveled over the bear show the animal t[...]n such as was in Monday for Mrs. Mary Ures, who died Saturday night at her
use about 80 years ago[...]consensus of opinion is that the man was a hunter who was abstracted from article - Urion retir[...]without doubt not been trodden by Brown who were mail carriers from 1942 to 1953.
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1015)[...]th by her parents, Louis and
Charles Davis ranch, who were attempting to roll a large Ann[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1016)[...]Charles T. Van DeEnder who has been working on the park road near Belton is[...]y. 30th Local News - Tjitte Van der Ende, who has a homestead
Infantry Regiment as a Staff Serg[...]ge 3 col 3 - Hot Springs News - Frank Vanderhoof, who
Saltese up until a week ago when she went[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1017)[...]6, 1944 Mt. with burial in the Conrad
Vanderhoof, who has a homestead south of the Hot Springs.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1018)[...]Notes - Eugene, the oldest son of Joe Van Vander who lives
Vannice and daughter, Mrs. Francis Bates, w[...]s County W orld W ar I draft card Vaughn, who with several other parties have recently
noted th[...]Dixon, Missoula county, M. T.
Corporal Vanoss who is a member of Co. L. 158th Infantry,
and who it will be remembered, was wounded in action on[...]mined. He is long ago.
one of the boys who left with one of the earlier contingents.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1019)[...]ice is hereby given that Paul Huse of Camas, Mt., who
Eva Ventling was born ca 1896 Custer, Custer Co[...].
setting. She will take the place of John Rhone, who will go Flora’s father’s death was not[...]memory will live long in the hearts of those who knew him
previously married - married to - Eva Ve[...]Custer, Custer Co., SD., to was one of the men who delight in doing good and keeping
Joshua Ventling[...]Five years ago he married Mrs. Clara Hixon, who survives
- Local News - Frank Ventlings’[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1020)[...]80, a resident of Hot Springs since 1910, who died in the
community goes out to Mr. Vent[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1021)[...]soula Friday where she expects to meet her sister who is
Mr. Vetter made his home in Niarada until 19[...]d. May 9, 1934 - Hot Springs - Mrs. Alice Bradley who
He is survived by his one sister, Mrs. H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1022)[...]sh. services for Richard Vollin, 17, who died early Sunday[...]k Pierre. Burial was
Local News - E. E. Vogleson, who has spent the last three in the Jocko Catho[...]. Jan. 9, 1969 page 2 col 7 brother, Arthur, who was operated on at Rochester for
- Former[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1023)[...]of Edmonton.
in Hot Springs, she was a vocalist, who gave freely of her To Continue Studies - Mrs. Dennington, who is a graduate
time singing for funerals an[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1024)[...]ion after it was thrown In June 1910 Kent, who still resides in Hot Springs, with
open to settle[...]e he has been four
word that his brother, Arthur, who was operated on at years. He re[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1025)[...]Lonepine, Mt.
Local News - Mrs. C. A. Voorhies, who lives on the Little Ireva died Jan. 13, 1[...]Church, Hot
- Local News - Mr. and Mrs. Voorhees, who have a ranch on Springs, Mt.
Sullivan Creek[...]oot May 28, 1927 Polson, Lake Voorhies, 68, who died Saturday in Polson. Burial was in
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1026)[...]accompanied by Mrs. J. P. Nelson, who will see them to
He was preceded in deat[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1027)[...]page 4 col 3 - Hot Springs News - J. E. W agoner, who has a bought the Four Star bar in Ravalli an[...]anyone who would play. You could say he was a serous[...]tion of Sam McGee.”
Local News - P. J. W agner, who filed on a claim lying next He enjo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1028)[...]eeks their brothers.
ago, Ethan W all, discovered a skeleton that had been Pearl mar[...]; 2] James; 3] Charles.
Local News - Ethan W all, who has a homestead down W arm Mrs[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1029)[...]of age born New York
Local News - S. E. W aller, who moved his barber chair from was were his par[...]Falls,
week and it was taken by Olof Christensen, who will take Mont., at that time he stated h[...]cal News - John W alsh, of Columbia Falls, Mont., who[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1030)[...]following Local News - Daniel W alters, who has a homestead north of
children: 1] Geor[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1031)[...]brother of Mrs. Frank Scarce, who was drowned two weeks[...]ington, where he will take up his duties in who came from Ronan in his auto. The two returned in[...]to ____ - Local News - Fuzzy W apple, who was working on the
W altersdorf and Minnie[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1032)[...]Springs News - Mr. and Mrs. W ard, who have spent the
Sanders County Signal, Camas, Mt[...]Local News - D. D. W ard, the crippled gentleman who runs commence farming. Harold will finsh h[...]terline has her listed as Adaline
and Mrs. W ard, who has been very ill with pneumonia, was W ar[...]ring of Gracie Ellen W ard, School in 1951.
who had a case of typhoid pneumonia and for the past[...]d Maliette, Allen Local News - Mr. W arren, who has a homestead a few
McRae and Arthur and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1033)[...]cal News - Mrs. Duncan and her son C. H. W arren, who Mt., by Joseph Ashworth, Minister of the[...]rna and they had the following children:
W arren, who has been residing on a homestead near[...]rge Lozeau was a close neighbor, an Indian couple who
Cleo married W esley Joseph St Peter Oct[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1034)[...]lored hair. who came to preach here. He had come from W ales to l[...]not only did Dixon - Joseph Kenneth W alkins who lived in Dixon and
some farming, he was a carpent[...]man is the son Local News - Arleigh W atts, who has a homestead in the
of Supt. of Schools[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1035)[...]ld the stock to Senator Dearborn, of Philipsburg, who has Pleas W ayland; 40 years of age bo[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1036)[...]ith the US Army. He entered
and Sherman W ayland, who have been residing upon Miss the s[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1037)[...]heir marriage license # 1031 Sanders Idaho, who are here to look after land interests. They were[...]rd has been received here that Mr. and W ash., who have been visiting Mrs. Burke’s uncle, H[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1038)[...]nsferred to Deer Lodge. Sr., who served as clerk of the Camas Prairie School Distr[...]Plains; and 10 grandchildren and
Howard W ebber, who reside on a ranch near town.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1039)[...]Charlie C. Thompson. those who had asked. Olive led an active life. She had
Ott[...]le teaching at Local News - A. W einriter, who has a homestead north-east
Star, Idaho. Fred and[...]hing in - Local News - Anton W einrtier, who lives north of town ,
Mile City. After a t[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1040)[...]ne child: 1] Agnes Jan. 1899, Mt. (G. R. Barnes).
discovered. Mr. Argo was in Plains, but with the help[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1041)[...]of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. W ellington, and the person who
W ellington, who has a ranch a few miles north of Dixon, co[...]lena. W ellington, who followed the family from W isconsin.
He is also[...]on was 50 years of age boy by the name of Cook, who was working at the ranch, a
and had been in appar[...]nda (Gott) W ellington The man who could commit such a wholesale killing and[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1042)[...]. Nippert. The license read
Orrin C. W ellington, who is leaving soon for Oregon, will George W e[...]orge W ells is noted. who have also recently secured a claim will not move[...]r Greenspring.
marshall to succeed George W ells, who resigned. The Sanders Co[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1043)[...]of the Lord and visits by minister Roger Andruss, who
George married Eunice More April 5, 1933[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1044)[...]rtrum 12
Bill of Libby; and Lynda Swartzenberger, who was his years, Canada scratched out; 2][...]lls joined her daughter who was living in Livingston, Mt., there
Helen Marg[...]W illiam W ells, who owned a ranch near Hot Springs,[...]riday July 14, 1911 - daughter.
W . A. W ells who lives down the Little Bitter Root was in Gr[...]Dakota to W ilbur Rumsey and Maude.
Mr. Randall, who are neighbors. W[...]Lonepine, Mt.
- Local News - W illiam A. W ells, who has a homestead at Grace died Dec.[...]
Pioneers and Early Settlers of Camas Prairie, Dixon, Hot Springs and Perma, Montana (1045)[...]had been married 19 there except for Carol who with her family reside in
years.[...]e most desirable Local News - Paul W erth, who received a homestead filing
places have been take[...]page 3 col 5 - Valley View News - Paul W erth, who has
farmer; single; medium height; slender[...]