The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

the the the 'A THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES Friday, March 18, 1927 GLASS DENIES AID OF HOUSE ON BANK LAW Federal Reserve Bill Fight Is Told in New Book. By The Associated Press New York, March Glass, of Virginia, in his book on An Adventure in Constructive Finance." which makes its apwith the implication Dr. Charles pearance today, takes, sharp issue Seymour, of Yale, in his recent "Intimate Papers of Colonel House." that House was largely the author of the federal reserve act and "Unseen guardian angel" of the entire legislative proceedings. As chairman of the house committee on banking and currency, when the bill was drafted, Senator Glass told the incidents relating to the arduous passage of the federal reserve bill through congress and the unfailing aid of President in getting the law on the statute books. Senator Glass, in his book, says that at his first meeting with Colonel House the Texan avowed his interest in the Aldrich banking plan and that "it was patent that, among other things denies Colonel House had come or been sent to Washington to 'look em as a horseman will peer into the mouth of an animal to be raced." The senator ascertained that Mr.

Wilson lacked no confidence in him and that "I have learn that Colonel House was not an sary of certain central bankers." remiss Senator Glass states that Colonel House played no part in the committee work of drafting the bill and once when he met Secretary of Treasury McAdoo and Colonel House and discussed the Glass bill that Colonel House was quiet as a mouse. Colonel House later obtained a digest of the bill, Senator Glass said and sent it to Paul M. Warburg, the New York banker. MANSLAUGHTER PLEA ENTERED Sanford Porter Will Be Arraigned for Trial Today. Sanford Porter, charged with the murder of Willie Burch, a road camp near Temple Terrace last Nov.

21, entered a plea of guilty to manslaughter, when he was arraigned for trial today before Judge L. L. Parks, of circuit court. plea was accepted by State's Attorney Charles B. Parkhill.

Porter will be sentenced tomorrow by Judge F. M. Robles. He asked that Judge Robles allowed to fix his punishment and Judge Parks granted his request. Porter was returned here from Goldsboro, N.

where he fled shortly after shooting Burch. The difficulty the men is said to have followed a drunken brawl. Dickenson Diaz represented Porter. Two More Stolen Cars Are Reported Tiro automobiles were stolen in Tampa during the past 24 hours, the auto theft bureau of the police department reported today. Mrs.

Belle Boone, 510 Hanlon street. lost a Ford touring car, taken from Fifteenth street and Fourth avenue. The motor number was 7170042 and license No 333-982-C. An Essex touring car was reported stolen from J. W.

Lester, of Mango. was parked near the Scottish Rite temple. Ocoee Packing House Destroyed By Fire Ocoee, March 18. Fire early this morning destroyed the packing house of Marsh and Richardson, entailing a loss of $25,000, which is partly covered by insurance, while a Seaboard freight car filled Bithederate material, was also Daily Statistics Marriage Licenses, Florentino Soldana, 18, to Ada Hope Connolly, 16. Lawrence Edward Young, 30, to Vera Lola Clostermeyer, 22.

Roy W. Holloway, 29, to Rose Webb, 25. Chancery Suits Filed. P. G.

Waldron vs. Maude J. Siever, et al, W. Marion Hendry, attorney. A.

J. Simms vs. Ida Seal Grant, et al, Gibbons and Gibbons, attorneys. (Two suits). C.

H. Constans vs. Ida Seal Grant, et al. Gibbons and Gibbons, attorneys. (Two suits), C.

A. Faircloth vs. Ida Seal Grant, et al, Gibbons and Gibbons, attornevs. (Two suits). Irving Cracowaner vs.

the heirs, under George T. Chamberlain, deceased, et al. Jackson, Dupree and Cone, attorneys. Annie Cracowaner et al, vs. Heirs, under Peter Sanders, deceased, et al, Jackson, Dupree and Cone, attorneys.

The Bridgeland a corp. Maude Whitby, Cole and Dyer, at- Vs. torneys. The Bridgeland A. corp.

Va. White, et al, Cole and Dyer, attorneys. The Bridgeland a corp. vs, K. Holder, Cole and Dyer, attorneys.

The Bridgeland a corp. VS. Paulette attorneys. R. Simmons, Cole and Dyer, The Bridgeland a corp.

vs. Rutherford O. Brown, et al, Cole and Dyer, attorneys. Martin Alfonso vS. N.

N. Jones, et all, Dickenson and Diaz, attorneys. Lorenzo Murguia vs. Amparo Murguia, Joseph F. Miyares, attorney.

W. E. Dorchester vs. J. H.

Popram, et ux, Gibbons and Gibbons, attorneys. Grace Harkness vs. James Harkness. Dickenson and Diaz, attorneys. Louise Bowyer vs.

Carl Bowyer, A. C. Brooks, attorney. Theodore P. Cornell vs.

Raymond H. Pratt et ux, C. F. Blake, attorney. T.

B. Sherill vs. Margaret Garcia, C. F. Blake, attorney.

Herman N. Bagley vs. Gilbert A. Stebbins, et al, H. P.

Bailey, attorney. E. B. Gould and Jame T. Rice vs.

F. M. Seymour, et B. Drumright, attorney. Mollie W.

Smith et al vs. Mary F. Taylor et al, a Wtson, Gaines and Saussy attorneys. Freeman E. Evans VS.

Ruby Evans, G. B. Zewadski, attorneys. Clara Ultrich vs. Albert R.

Ullrich. W. K. Zewadski, attorney, Castor oil beans, from which castor oil is extracted, received in this country in the past year weighRO more than 100.000.000 maunda Barred from Haiti Sen. William H.

King, democrat, Utah, barred from Haiti by President Barno hecause of the senator's criticism of conditions in that country. HAITI REPORT PICTURES FAT YEAR ON ISLE U. S. Commissioner Lauds Borno for Barring King. By International News Service Washington, March -the land of peaceful, happy and prosperous peasants.

Thus the little Caribbean republic is pictured by John H. Russell, American high commissioner and lately brigadier-general of the marines, in his, annual report to the secretary of state today. The report contains nothing to indicate that the natives are downtrodden, as has been alleged by Senator King, democrat, Utah, and others. Moreover, references to charges that officials of the American occupation exercise undue influence over the Maitaian government are studiously avoided. An abundant coffee crop, the land's principal produce, and exceptionally high prices have brought prosperity to the people, the report asserts, adding that "the favorable year just closed has materially benefited the Maltain peoterially benefited the Haitian peopie, who are better fed, better ever before." Prospects Dark.

Prospects for the present year, however, are not so bright, and this, the report declares, "is due to the poor coffee erop expected and the extremely low price for cotton." Moreover, the economic position. has not been improved sufficiently "to permit a high scale of wages for common labor, or, in fact, to utilize all the available labor." President Borno, who recently barred Senator King -from the island because of his criticisms, is commended by Russell who said Borno "has made the marked improvement of the last year possible." "The re-election of President according to the commissioner, unquestionably wise the part of the national step assembly on as his record for. the past four years has been such as to merit the strongest commendation from all who had the interests of Haiti at heart. To abruptly change, temporarily stop, the policy which he was pursuing, by the introduction of a new president unfamiliar with the many problems of the Haitian state, would have materially slowed down, if not ohstructed, that development and progress, so essential to the welfare of the Haitian people, which is now being successfully pursued." Revenues Increase, Receipts for the year reached the unprecedented total of 929.62, Including the customs revenues which increased 122.86 per cent. or this sum, $1,384,936.90 was applied to reduction of the national debt; $2,156,349.78 to publie works, and $536,516.55 was expended by the service technique, which supervises agricultural and industrial Now the remaining $4,995,226.36 was disposed of is not revealed, although that is probably shown in the supplementary report of the financial advisergeneral receiver, which has not been made public.

Only brief mention is made of the fact that the national governwas forced to suspend local elections in certain places and appoint local governing bodies of its' own, and of changes in stations of the marines for purposes not disclosed. Russell's only major criticism is directed against the judiciary, virtually the only governmental institutions not yet taken over by officials of the American occupalion. The Judiciary he saya is notoriousty inefficient and incompetent, At the Library Sixteen new books will be available at the Tampa Public library tomorrow, including some of the latest non-fiction. In the list are: "Evolution and Creation." Oliver Lodge; "Six Years in the Malay Jungle," Carveth Wells; "The Coal Miners' Struggle for Industrial A. 1.

Seffern; "My William Montgomery Brown: "Tome Life Under the Stuarts." Elizabeth Godfrey; "The Poetic Frederick C. Prescott: "Writing Craftsmanship," Maurice G. Fulton; "The World of William Clissold." G. Wells; "Revelry." S. I.

Adams; "Sylvia of the Minute," Helen R. Martin; "Snake Gold." Hervey White; "The Wind of Susan Ertz: "Shot Towers," John T. MeIntyre: "The Eye of Frederic F. Van de Water: "The Dancing John Buchan; "If Today Have No Olive Gilbreath. SAVANTS PLAN PHOTOGRAPH OF BIG COMET Pons-Winnecke's Tail to Be Tested for Carbon Monoxide.

By International News Service Chicago, March of spectrum photographs of the tail of Pons-Winneeke comet to determine whether ionized carbon monoxide is present, will be attempted during the month of June by seientists affiliated with the University of Chicago. The photographs will be made: at Yerkes observatory, Williams Bay, and will be the first test of its kind ever attempted. Prof. Edwin B. Frost, director of the university's observatory 31.

Williams bay and Prof. Harvey Lemon, of the department of physics, who will carry on the test, have waited since 1924 for an opportunity to obtain the photographs. The comet will be within the reatively near distance of four and 3 half million miles from the earth, the closest approach of 4. comet. ever recorded, when the experiment is attempted.

After a protracted period of Investigating Prof. Lemon and a corps of assistants proved that comet tail spectra. comes from ionized carbon monoxide. Three years of research led Prof. Lemon 10 a very comprehensive conclusion on the structure of carbon monoxide molecules, and with this information at hand he prepared and read before the Physical Society in 1924, a paper on comet tail spectra.

Prof. Lemon's molecule structure findings have led to the completion of important work along this line at the University of Michigan and Princeton. The apparatus which Prof. Lemon and Prof. Frost will use in connection with the special cameras attached to the telescopes at the Yerkes observatory consists of a two-electrode thermo-ionie tube, with a hot electrode as a source of electrons and 3.

nickel plate as the other electrode, The tube will contain carbonmonoxide gas under an extremely low pressure of one ten-millionth of an atmosphere, at which these spectra first begin to appear. Pressure in comets is much lower than this figure. Before pictures of the comet tail are taken on the plate, the spectrum of this produced carbon monoxide will be photographed above and below the space on the plate in which exposure of the tail will be made. When the comet tail is then photographed, the spectrum and that of the generated gas will be favorably placed on the plate for comparison. Prof.

Lemon is not confident that satisfactory pictures can he made of the comet tail, he said. 'ARK' IS BUILT IN CANADA FOR DRY TOURISTS Refuge for Thirsty Will Anchor Near U.S. Border. By International News Service: Watertown, N. March In a Canadian shipbuilding yard not far from Kingston, an odd-looking craft is fast assuming shape, And now, for the first time, an inkling of its ultimate use has come from sources admitted to be the inside" in Ontario liquor cireles.

The new craft, a huge, flat bottomed boat resembling at first glance a great enlarged Noah's ark, is being built especially for a floating "jazz palace." Its ultimate location, according to the information obtained here, is near Whiskey Island, and just across the international line with big Summerland group of isthe lands within easy reach. Near Summer Resort. The strategie position selected for this new floating beer palace and dance hall brings it within five minutes' boat ride of Alexandria Bay, noted American summer resort in the heart of the Thousand Islands, Wealthy summer residents own camps on all sides of the spot selected. When the craft is completed it will be towed to the spot already selected and moored in shallow water. Because it will be on the Canadian side of the St.

Lawrence river, beer, whiskey and liquors will flow freely. According to the Ontario law which goes into effect within a few weeks "any resident may have enough liquors to supply his guests." Apparently the owner of the strange boat will have many guests this summer. Specifications of the floating barrcom indicate that it will have ample facilities for a dance hall of large proportions, a cafe and a grill, a limited number. of. bedrooms for over-night guests and quarters for the crew and a largesized orchestra.

Already several well known organizations have entered applications for the 'summer contract, but it is believed that to make the venture a complete a snapPy colored aggregation of. jazz rousicians will be secured to furnish the music. Deaths Funeral services for James B. K. 89, of 3114 Nebraska avenue, who died Wednesday afternoon, were held at 10:30 a.

m. from the residence. The Rev. 11. F.

Tolle, assisted by the Rev. C. W. Duke officiated. The following were pallbearers: E.

Harris, 1. L. Bullard, 0. G. Sexton, B.

U. Jones, W. H. Clark and T. F.

Evans. 'The body was placed in a receiving vault and will be taken later to Lewiston, Me. -Funeral services for Royal Fred Beers. 52. of 7042 Forrest street.

who died vesterday afternoon at a hospital, were held at 4 v. m. today from the chapel of F. T. Blount, with the Rev.

W. E. Sewell officiating. Interment in Woodlawn cemetery. Mr.

Beers is survivad ay hia wife CHUGGING SUNDAY'S BOAT. IRE AT SERVICE (Continued from Page 1.) to lose little piece of my temper once in a while and gosh, I haven't gotten over it yet. "If you ask me how to best overcome temptation, I can answer in one sentence. I would say, 'Keep busy for God. Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do and an idle man tempts the "Idleness is your foe.

It is the curse of mankind. 'No trade' is the password by which 80 per cent of our criminals enter the reformatories and the penitentiaries of the land." Thought Comes First. Sin is preceded by an evil thought, Mr. Sunday declared. "No man or woman ever sined who didn't first think about the sin.

No man reached out his hand to steal, that the thief within him didn't steal first. a. man thinketh in his heart SO is If a man SOWS evil thoughts then he will have an evil desire. If he has an evil desire then he will put the evil desire into evil facts, for the acts will be the fruitage of the desires. When he sows evil acts, he sows evil habits and keeps doing it.

A man becomes a criminal by his action, Ile becomes a sinner by his thoughts. "It is your soul within you that sins, not your body. The body is merely the instrument through which you sin. There isn't a soul on earth, I-don't care where, bound hand and foot by avarice and greed and sensuality, but that man can rise in all liberty and freedom it he will only yield to God and faith in Jesus Christ. 1 "What is repentance? It is SONrow? No! Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of conduct with reference to sins; sins toward God and sins toward man.

Turn to God and ask Him to forgive. Then the Lord blots them out as with a cloud and remembers them against you no more." Scores Tattletales. Suddenly grasping the unpainted kitchen chair, which has seen considerable service since the campaign began, Mr. Sunday placed it next the pulpit, sprang on it and then to the top of the pulpit, leaning far over the edge, as he cried: "It there is any man this side of hell that I absolutely despise with every drop of blood, every molecule. and brain nerve, it is the dirty, low-down degenerate of hell, who throws it into your face and reminds you or somebody else of something you did once, when you are not doing that thing now.

"God 'I don't give a rap now what you have I don't give a rap what you have done. "When a man takes his stand for Christ, God never holds the past against him. He forgets it. He blots it out. So don't try to cover it.

up. Don't try and make yourself better; just surrender without one plea, and God's forgiveness is SUNDAY SLAPS AT UNBELIEVERS Tabernacle Visitors. Hear Smashing Messages. A smashing Gospel message, with A dramatic climax, was preached this afternoon at the tabernacle by Billy Sunday. Upon the text, "Where there is no vision, the people perish," Mr.

Sunday built one of the most impressive sermons of his campaign so far. The sermon follows in part: "The text will be from the Proverbs, twenty-ninth chapter, eighteenth verse. 'Where there 1s no vision, the people "That is where there is no appreciation of God's plan. That is where everybody becomes a law unto themselves, That is where you don't stop to consider O1 care whether your action or conduct will make it easier for anyone else to do right or wrong. You do that because you personally want to do it.

"The only law you recognize is the law of your own desire, and you are actuated by the desire to gratify your own ambition or inclination irrespective of the influence upon others through the gratification. "'Where there is no. vision, the people "They run not. The restraining influences today are due to religion. There is many a man today that doesn't care about God, Ile doesn't believe Yet he lives a.

passably "decent life, and the fact that he does isn't due to his unbelief, but it is due to the restraining influences of Christiamity. You do away with religion and you will sound the death knell of morality. Morality will never stand, my friends, and survive the death of Christianity. Slap at Atheists. "The fact that a lot of people live A8 good as they do and yet have no use for God isn't due to anything which they develop through contact with each other, but it is due to the restraining influences of the religion which they sneer and blast at.

"God knows his business. Don't sit there like an ass as though God Almighty is trying to cram something down your throat that you can get along without. And when God wants you to be Christians and serve Him it is because, my friends, you are without it, or God never would ask you to do it. You are better off it you will obey the Lord. "Every community has got to have a vision or it will go down.

We have to realize that there is a better way for the people, and So the preachers and the church people of this city had A vision that they would be better if they had a great moral awakening, and if the people, my friends, only had some great common meeting place. So they erected this auditorium and men and women are pouring their money to help pay the expenses. What for? Oh, there was a vision of the fact that this old city needed just such an awakening as would come through a campaign like this, and so that is why you are sitting here listening to me. Scores Bootleggers. "All over the land, my friends, people are arising in an uncompromising army against the bootleggers to drive them from our land.

"Did you ever do anything that would have made anybody wonder what relationship you have to Jesus Christ? Have you So lived that people would know by your conversation and your absence and your presence that you are related to Jesus Christ? We ought to be glad of the opportunity to let the world know that we bear a relationship to God, and that God is ours and we are trying to lift this old world to his tender beating IN. Y. SLAYER REPRIEVED AS 2 OTHERS DIE Faces Life Term With All Senses But Touch Dead. By The Associated Press Ossining, N. March W.

Cowan, Brooklyn murderer, who escaped the electric chair through eleventh hour executive clemency, faces a life in which the senses of sight, hearing, taste and smell will play. no part. Two other murderers, Joseph Friia and Joseph Provenzano, with whom he was sentenced to die. were electrocuted at Sing Sing Dr prison last night. Cowan's condition is the result of a self-inflicted wound, in what he contended was a suicide past with his sweetheart, Edith Burton.

He was found unconscious 1925, with a bullet wound in his head and lying over the body of Miss Burton. A jury, found shim guilty of murder. Governor Smith, in granting a commutation to life imprisonment, said he was guided by Cowan's pitiful condition and a letter from the jury and district attorney who convicted him, asking clemency. William F. Gray, Cleveland merchant and school boy friend of Cowan, made a personal plea to the governor and induced others to take up the fight.

Cowan is married, but since his conviction his wife has sued for divorce naming Miss Burton as corespondent. Friia, 32, and Provenzano, 35. went to their deaths for killing James Lemardi, of Rochester, in 1925, husband of the woman both loved. Mrs. Lamardi, the mother of three children, is serving 20- year sentence in Auburn prison for her part in the plot.

OFFICERS TOLD TO LOOK SNAPPY York Order Demands Neat Appearance. Chief of Police York wants Tampa policemen to be "the finest" in appearance, as well as in deeds. And he has issued an order to that effect. The chief's order declared that the next time he saw one of his officers "without a coat, or coat unbuttoned, and not wearing clean clothes, neatly pressed, and black shoes, neatly polished, and a black four-in-hand tie." he will take the matter up with the officer in charge of that man's relief. He also took occasion to express his displeasure at the action of some officers in appearing in court with "no collar, no tie, shirt front unbuttoned, trousers bagging at the knees and with a day's growth of beard." "Most of the men take pride in their appearance, but: some do not, and A few shabbily dressed officers are 3.

reflection. upon the whole police department in the eyeS of others." he said. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice to Contractors, Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, at their office in the House. Tampa, Florida, until 11 o'clock A.

M. March 25, 1927, for the paving. grading and curbing of the following listed street in the County of Hillsborough, Florida. Payment for this work will be in certificates of indebtedness against the abutting property. A.

certified cheek for the sum of $500.00 must accompany each bid. Make checks payable 10 W. A. DICKENSON, Clerk, Board of County Commissioners. Specifications and form of bid may he obtained at the office of the County Engineer, Court House, Tampa, Florida.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Armenia Avenue from Memorial Highway to Azeele Street, Type of pavement, Kyrock Asphalt; base, 6" lime rock; approximate length, 1260 lin. top and base, 3565 sq. curb, 2500 lin. ft.

4x16 granite; width, 24 feet; earthwork, 1300 cu. yds. Signed W. T. WILLIAMS, Chairman.

Attest: W. A. DICKENSON, Clerk, By FRANCES WHITNEY, D. C. Notice to Contractors.

Sealed bids will he received by the Board of County Commissioners, at their office, in the Court House, Tampa, Florida, until 11 A. M. March 25. 1927, for the paving of the following listed streets in the County of Hillsborough, Florida, Payment for this work will be in certificates of indebtedness against the abutting property, A certified check for the sum of $500.00 must accompany each bid. Make checks payable to DICKENSON, Clerk, Board of County Commissioners.

Specifications and form of bid may be obtained at the office County Engineer, Court House, Tampa, Florida. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. 1. Morrison Avenue from Lois Avenue to Beach' Way. 2.

Beach Way from Morrison Avenue to Roxmere Road. 1. Type of pavement, Asphalt Block; base, 6" shell; approximate length. 1300 lin. top and base, 3464 sq.

width, 24 feet. 2. Type of pavement, Asphalt Block; base. 6" shell; approximate length, 1935 lin. top and base, 5984 sq.

width, 24 feet. Signed W. T. WILLIAMS, Chairman, Attest: W. A.

DICKENSON, Clerk. Itesolation No. Whereas, the vacant lot. (Lot 8, Block 19, West Hyde Park Sub.) has been the cause of a number of complaints on account of the accumulation of weeds, dead trees, and Whereas, the owner of the above described property cannot be Joeated, Therefore, Be It. Resolved by the City Commission of the City of Tampa: That the owner or owners of said Lot 8, Black 19, West Hyde Park are hereby notified to clean up and remove the accumulation of weeds.

dead trees, from said lot within five (5) days after the publication of this Resolution and in the event that the owner or owners of said lot fail to comply with this notice, the City Health Officer shall cause such improvement to be made and assess the cost of same against the property deseribed, as provided by Ordinance No. 288-A of the City of Tampa, Florida, passed September 28th, 1926. Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Tampa this 15th day of March, 1927. PERRY G. WATT, Mayor Commissioner.

Attest: DUNCAN, City Clerk. heart, and make it better that we have lived in it. "Oh, 'where there is no vision, the people perish!" RESERVES' MEET TO BE PLANNED Officers Committee to Be Convened Thursday. Plans for the annual state convention of Florida department of the Reserve Officers' association of the United States, to be held here April 5, 6, 7 and 8, will he discussed next Thursday by the convention committee of the Tampa chapter. The is composed of Maj.

H. Blanding, honcommittee. orary chairman; Col. S. L.

Lowry, chairman; Lt. Cols. Harry C. Culbreath, Frank Williams, Homer W. Hesterly; Maj.

William T. Whitney, Capt. W. A. Joughin, Capt.

S. M. Regar, Lieuts. Emil M. Faban, Lawrence W.

Carlisel, William W. Lesniak, Clifford S. Urwiller, Leslie R. Nicholas, Edward C. Darlington and Owen Pinaire.

The committee will meet at the Mirasol hotel, Davis Islands, at 7 p. m. Complete plans for the convention here not been yet made. Tenative plans call for business sessions to be held at the Tampa Bay casino with 7 the date for election of "officers and other outstanding convention business. A feature of the convention will be the naming of a special escort of honor for the Confederate veterans' reunion which will be held here during that week.

$60,000 JEWELRY PARCEL VANISHES Disappearance from Hotel Vault Reported. By The Associated Press Chicago, March $60,000 jewel robbery, duplicating in its method of execution a hotel 1 robbery of less than a year ago, today engaged attention of police and private detectives, despite the assertion by a house detective at the Congress hotel that there had been no robbery. Arthur S. Bower, of Grand Rapids, western representative of Adolph Luthy and company, New York importers, reported to police that diamond-set jewelry belonging to his firm has disappeared from the vaults of the Congress hotel, where, he said, he checked it Sunday. Such secrecy has surrounded, the investigation that the disappearance of the jewels did not become known until last night.

Detectives were told that shortly after Bower said he checked the package of jewelry, another man, who said he was a jewelry salesman, checked a similar parcel. Confirmation of this was lacking from the hotel but the police report was that this man returned later, presented a check to the vault keeper and was given the package the check called forwhich was the one Bower is said to have 'deposited. Officers at work on the case said had not learned how the checks were switched. LEGAL NOTICES. 27947-C.

In the Circuit Court In and For Hillsborough County Florida, In Chancery. P. B. Gillespie, et ux, Complainants, vS. Dick Sanders, a corporation, Frances W.

Sanders, joined by her husband, J. R. Sanders, Royal W. Pohl and A. H.

Jones, Defendants, STATE OF FLORIDA TO A. H. JONES. It appearing by an affidavit filed in the above entitled. cause, which cause is a suit brough: for the purpose of foreclosing a mortgage against the defendants above named, which mortgage encumbers the following property situate in Hillsborough County, Florida, to wit: Begin 25 feet east of, the halfsection line of Section 22, and on the South line of the Tampa Gulf Coast Railroad right-of-way, and run South 401 feet, thence Last to the Quarter Section line, thence North along said quarter section line to the right-of-way of the Tampa Gulf Railroad thence Westerly along the South boundary line of said Tampa Gulf Coast R.

R. Co. right-of-way, to the point of beginning, all in Section 22, Township 28 South, Range 18 East, and also all of the right, title and interest of the party of the first, part (Dick Sanders, Inc.) in to that certain private road adjacent to the South side of the above described property. That it is the belief of the Attorney for the Complainants that one of the defendants in said cause, to wit, A. I.

Jones, is a. resident of a State or country other than the State of Florida, and that the residence of the said A. I. Jones, as particularly as is known, is Cawthorn Hotel, Mobile, Alabama, and that the said A. I.

Jones is over the age of twenty-one years, and that there is no person in the State of Florida, the service of a subpoena upon whom would bind the said defendant, A. IT. Jones. It is, therefore, ordered that the said defendant, A. H.

Jones, be, and he is hereby required to appear to the Bill of Complaint in this cause on Monday, the 4th day of April, A. 1927, at Tampa, Florida; otherwise, the allegations of said Bill of Complaint will be taken as confessed by the said Defendant. It is further ordered that this Order be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in "The Tampa Daily Times," a newspaper of general circulation published in Hillsborough County, Florida. Witness the Honorable W. A.

Dickenson, Clerk of said Court, and the Seal of said Court this 24th day of February, A. 1927. (Seal) W. A. DICKENSON, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Hillsborough County, Florida.

By M. F. MeKAY, D. C. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Order of Publication made in said canse and on file in my office in Tampa, Florida.

(Seal) W. A. DICKENSON, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Hillsborough County, Florida. By M. F.

McKAY, D. C. Notice to Bridge Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Supervisors of South Tampa Farms Drainage District, at 28 Giddens Building, Tampa, Florida, until 11:00 o'clock A. Friday, March 25th, 1927, for the construction of two concrete pipe culverts, eleanout and straightening of creek under railroad trestle.

Said bridges or culverts are to be built at a point 1918' North of Mile Post No. T-8, and at a point 1358' South of Mile Post No. T-5, and Creek to be straightened at a point 647' South of Mile Post No. all ONl the Tampa Southern Railroad in. Hillsborough County, Florida, AS per detailed plans on file with the Secretary.

Copy of plans and specifications may be obtained from the Chief Engineer, McElroy Engineering Company, 28 Giddens Building. Tampa, Florida, upon payment of $5,00 to cover the cost of printing. Certified check in the sum of $300.00 must accompany each hid as guarantee that successful bidder will enter into contract for said construction. Surety bond equal to of contract price will be required of cessful bidder. M.

D. McELROY, Secretary, ALLEGED BABY SELLER FACES BIGAMY COUNT Divorce Is Denied By First Husband of Mrs. Foss. By The Associated Press Los Angeles, March belief that Mrs. Minnie Williams Foss-Hines traded bigamously in husbands as well as commercially in babies during her alleged "baby farm" activities inspired a continued search for evidence today by deputy sheriffs.

of Southern California license bureaus. Mrs. Foss was arraigned yesterday charged with having sold an infant and preliminary hearing set for March 23. She was remanded to jail when she could not produce $5,000 bail. Investigators discovered that Mrs.

had married Clarence Hines, also in jail here charged with embezzlement, in San Bernardino in 1922. Previously a marriage license was found in seized at Oildale, showing that she had married Ray charged jointly with her, at Visalia, in 1914. Foss declared he had not been divorced from her, while Hines refused to talk. Officers said if Mrs. Foss could not produce from Foss a bigamy complaint proof that she had been divorced would be asked of the district attorney's office.

Later the marriage square was completed when Mrs. Minnie Courtis-Hines of Norwalk, announced that she still was the legal wife of Hines and that he had left her when Mrs. Foss came into their home as a nurse. The accused woman, through whose hands officers believe many unwanted infants passed, is charged specifically with having sold "Baby Hines" for $60. and then, when the child was found to be blind COOK'S PAROLE WILL FACE TEST Case Is Expected to Go to Circuit Court.

By The Associated Presa Washington, March year parole granted Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Arctic explorer and oil promoter, by Federal Judge James C. Wilson at Fort Worth, is expected to be tested in the United States circuit court of appeals. While Attorney General Sargent and other officials of the department of justice have refused to comment on the probationary extended yesterday, it is regarded as certain that District Attorney Zweifel at Fort Worth will be instructed to press for action on the appeal he has announced will be filed.

This would throw the question into the higher federal court. and possibly start legal proceedings that would be continued until the United States supreme court would be reached. Dr. Cook, who still 1 claims to be the original discoverer of the North Pole, now is serving a 14- year sentence at Leavenworth penitentiary on conviction of misuse of the mails oil stock promotion. He will be paroled to Erskine Williams, Fort Worth attorney and churchman.

Palm Beach Murder Case Is Mistrial West Palm Beach, March Judge Chillingsworth today announced a mistrial in the case of J. V. (Billy) Landes, confessed slayer of John B. Robinson, Palm Beach county deputy sheriff and former baseball player, after the jury had failed to reach a decision in 21 hours deliberation. The jury received its charge at 3 p.

m. yesterday following the and diseased, to have refunded $25 summing up of evidence by counsel but later replaced it with another for both the state and the defense baby. The blind infant died later at the conclusion of a speedy three in the hospital. day trial. LEGAL NOTICES.

Notice of the Cost of Highway Improvements and Assessments Therefor In compliance with Section 4 of Chapter 10145 of the General Acts of the 1925 Session of the Legislature of Florida, notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Florida, has caused to be graded, curbed and paved Empedrado Street from Lisbon Street to Cardenas Avenue at total cost of Thirty-seven Thousand Four Board of County Commissioners will, on the 29th day of April, 1927, isHundred Forty-seven and 68-100 0 ($37447.68) Dollars, and that the said sue certificates of indebtedness in payment of the aforesaid improvements in the amount hereinafter set out against the said lots abutting on said street at the rate of Seven and Eight Thousand Fifteen Ten-thousandths ($7.8015) Dollars per front foot, Lot Blk Subdivision Frontage Assessment Owner 20 53 Palma Ceia Park 50 390.08 J. P. Wentworth 19 53 50 390.08 W. M. Darden 18 53 50 390.08 W.

M. Darden 17 53 50 390,08 Jas. Wed Brown, Trus. tee 16 53 50 390.08 Jas. Wed Brown, Trustee 15 53 50 390.08 W.

J. Youngblood 14 53 50 390.08 Harry Tipton 13 53 50 390.08 Jennie Larrimore 12 53 50 390.08 Maynan Corp. 11 53 50 390.08 Mary Heaton 1 55 50 390.08 Bay View Properties, Inc. 2 55 50 390.08 Bay View Properties, Inc. 3 55 50 390.08 Bay View Properties, Inc.

55 50 390.08 Bay View Properties, Inc. 5 55 50 390.08 Storm Proof Homes, Inc. 55 50 390.08 Flagler Watson Realty Inc. 55 50 390.08 Flagler Watson Realty Inc. 8 55 50 390.08 Bay View Properties, Inc.

9 55 50 390.08 Bay View Properties, Inc. 10 55 50 390.08 E. M. Lambe 56 50 390.08 Jay McMillan 56 50 390.08 Jay McMillan H. 56 50 390.08 Mrs.

Rae Anderson 56 50 390.08 A. H. Smith 56 50 390.08 C. K. Black 56 50 390.08 Katherine Tiefenbrun 56 50 390.08 Walton-Sloan Inc 56 50 390.08 A.

A. Williams, Sr. 56 390.08 Irene Colmar 56 390.08 Irene Colmar 20 52 50 390.08 W. F. Zimmerman 19 52 390.08 Jim Quinn 18 52 390.08 C.

Yanez 17 52 50 390.08 C. R. Yanez 16 52 50 390.08 E. L. Chabot 15 52 50 390.08 F.

Cox, Tampa Bay Land and Smith and wife, Adele F. 14 52 390.08 T. Hayes Hunter 13 52 390.08 Dean N. Post 12 52 390.08 R. Kendrick 11.

52 50 390.08 R. M. Kendrick 20 51 3 50 390.08 Rhodes Curry Limited 19 51 3 390.08 Curry Limited 18 51 3 50 390.08 Rhodes Curry Limited 17 51 50 390.08 Augusta B. Couper 16 51 3 50 390.08 Wm. H.

Maines 15 51 3 50 330.08 E. J. Walton, Ine. 14 51 50 390.08 T. A.

Splan 13 51 50 390.08 R. Denny Cleo Nye 12 51 50 390.08 C. R. 11 51. 50 390.08 C.

R. Denny 57 50 390.08 J. M. Aizpuru 2 57 50 390.08 Frederick Greenslade, and wife, Nita Viona 57 50 390.08 Tampa Land Co. 57 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co.

10 57 50 390.08 C. R. Putnam tO 57 50 390.08 R. Putnam 57 50 390.08 Rita M. Bie 00 57 50 390.08 Rita Bie 57 390.08 Geo.

H. Yates 10 57 50 390.08 Geo. H. Yates 1 58 50 390.08 C. Bondi Eladio Sanchez 69 58 50 390.08 C.

Bondi Eladio Sanchez 3 58 50 330.08 C. Bondi Eladio Sanchez 58 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 58 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 58 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 58 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co.

00 58 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 9 58 50 390.08 R. R. Deaver 10 58 50 390.08 R. R.

Deaver 20 50 50 890.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 19 50 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 18 50 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 17 50 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 16 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co.

15 50 390.08 Tampa Land Co. 14 50 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. 13 50 50 390.08 Mrs. J. Q.

Brown 12 50 50 390.08 Mabel Beyer 11 50 390.08 E. G. Brownsey 16 49 390.08 B. Braver 15 49 390.08 Frederick Dorn 14 49 50 390.08 Mrs. J.

C. Cameron Z. M. Bowden 13 49 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co. W.

R. Caldwell Chas, Bristow 12 49 50 390.08 Chas. E. Filbert 11 49 50 390.08 Palma Ceia Golf Assn. 10 49 50 390.08 Palma Cela Golf Assn.

49 50 390.08 Jane Crilly 59 50 330.08 Nick G. Midulla 13 59 50 390.08 Fownes, Inc. 03 59 50 390.08 Inez Summerall A 59 50 390.08 Dwight E. Schultz 59 50 390.08 Mrs. Mary Brown Es Frank R.

Eversole cO 59 50 390.08 Minnie A. Jones 3 59 50 Mrs. I. A. Roe 00 59 50 390.08 Tampa Bay Land Co.

4800 $37447.68 Any one having an interest in any of the above described property may at any time within thirty days prior to said date appear before the Board of County Commissioners at any 'meeting thereof and make any valid objection to the issuance of such certificates or the amount thereof as he or she may desire. If no such objection shall be made, the certificates in the amount above set out will be issued against the property therein described, on the date set out, and the said certificates shall be conclusive and not subject to attack. Said certificates shall bear interest at the rate of eight per cent (8 per cent) per annum. W. A.

DICKENSON, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Florida. (Seal), By FRANCES WHITNEY, D..

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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